Title: Buy Medical Marijuana, Weed Online | Phenix Cannabis
2What is Medical Marijuana ?
- Marijuana is used as a medicine
- and prescribed by the doctors
- to their patients.
- THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol)
- is the main ingredient present
- in the marijuana.
3How it is Used?
4Meet the Marijuana Family
Sativa Marijuana
Indica Marijuana
Hybrid Marijuana
- Lose Weight and Prevent Diabetes
- Fight With Cancer
- Control Muscle Spasms
- Treats Arthritis
- Alternative Treatment for Headache
- Treats Glaucoma
- Decreases anxiety
- Reduces severe pain and Nausea
6Short-term Effects
- Memory Problems
- Severe pain
- Lowered Reaction time
- Increased heart rate
- Panic
- Lack of co-ordination
7Long-term Effects
- Breathing Problems
- Mental health issues such as depression, anxiety
etc. - Increased risk of cancer
- Reproductive and Immune system damage
- Psychological addiction
8About Us
Phenix Cannabis is an online store delivering
cannabis sugar, popcorn buds and many more
products. We also offer overnight delivery to our
marijuana patients.