G4Atlas a brief introduction - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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G4Atlas a brief introduction


Check out AtlasG4Sim from Simulation ... in use, we provide a special procedure to add it on top of the ... the track stacking procedure. TrackingAction ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: G4Atlas a brief introduction

G4Atlas a brief introduction
  • Andrea DellAcqua
  • dellacqu_at_mail.cern.ch

this slides are available at http//home.cern.c
What is this?
  • I cant teach you in 15mins how to use a
    simulation infrastructure which took years of my
    and other peoples life
  • We can try and give you a feeling of how to run
    it and what should you expect if you decide you
    want to get your hands dirty with it
  • Let my try to explain what this thing is, first
    of all

  • This is NOT a simulation program
  • This is a simulation infrastructure, aimed at
    permitting you to develop your favourite
    application without writing too much code and by
    making good use of possibilities offered by
    Geant4 and by the ATLAS SW environment
  • The underlying idea is that people develop their
    own detector code separately and we provide the
    facilities for getting everything together in a
    consistent application
  • Users must not be forced to know anything about
    G4 or athena, if they dont want to
  • Now, on with the pictures, let me show we can we
    do with G4Atlas today

What do you need to know
  • If you are a user who just wants to run a G4
    application (e.g. Armin Nairz in production mode)
  • Basically nothing
  • If you are a developer who wants to implement a
    G4 based application (e.g. Manuel Gallas for the
  • Application basics, some G4 (macro language)
  • If you are a developer who wants to implement
    some detector simulation (e.g. Davide Costanzo
    for the IDET)
  • Application basics, Geant4, very little athena
  • If you are a simulation core developer
  • Probably you should be working in you office,
    instead of being listening to my rants

Some design principles caveats
  • G4Atlas was designed to be capable of describing
    different experimental situations, hence the
    somewhat weird lookout
  • G4Atlas runs empty by default (no geometry, no
    physics), hence some configuration work is
  • athena and Geant4 are concurrent applications.
    Using G4 from athena requires some compromise
    (although better integration would be possible)
  • The whole application is based on the use of
    plug-in components at run time, and as such
    contradicts the basic athena phylosophy (which is
    rather static)
  • Dynamic linking in G4Atlas (DLL if you want) is
    completely different from the athenas one and
    used for different purposes
  • The KISS rule

  • One service G4Svc
  • Provides the link between G4 and the athena world
    and implements basic functionality such as
  • G4 initialization
  • Event handling
  • Link to kinematics
  • It can in principle steer the simulation by
  • One algorithm G4SimAlg
  • Takes care (by internally using the G4Svc
    facilities) of initializing G4 properly and to
    simulate events
  • Any additional component is flavourless (any
    dependence from athena via services, as for
    instance StoreGate)
  • 30 packages detector specific code

How to run it
  • In principle, it is just matter of adding
    G4SimAlg in the DLLs and as TopAlg (G4Svc is used
  • ApplicationMgr.DLLs G4SimAlg
  • ApplicationMgr.TopAlg G4SimAlg
  • this is enough for setting up a G4 environment
    in e.g. the TestRelease
  • A special pseudo-package, AtlasG4Sim is provided
    for setting up the whole ATLAS detector
  • Check out AtlasG4Sim from Simulation/G4Sim/AtlasG4
  • Build it like you would for the TestRelease
  • cmt config
  • cmt broadcast cmt config
  • cmt broadcast gmake
  • source setup.sh
  • Run athena jobOptions.AtlasG4Sim.txt (2 muon
    events through the ATLAS detector)

Some jargon, to start with
  • Physics list
  • A menu of physics processes, which will be
    activated in the detector simulation
  • DetectorFacility
  • A class which represents the entry point for a
    sub-detectors geometry. Sets up the geometry of
    the sub-detector envelope and its contents
  • Hit
  • A snapshot/record of a physical interaction in a
  • SensitiveDetector
  • A class which is supposed to utilize
    geometrical/physical information to create
    simulation hits. A SensitiveDetector object, when
    assigned to a volume, makes it sensitive
    (call-back mech.)
  • UserAction
  • User defined class, utilized for interacting with
    the program at various levels (to add, for
    instance, analysis code)

Setting up a G4Atlas application
  • As it would be too complicated to set up a
    (possibly generic) application from job options,
    G4 macro commands are used for undertaking all
    necessary steps in initializing an application
  • Geometry creation the experimental layout is
    built by combining DetectorFacilities together,
    as you would do with big LEGO blocks
  • Physics initialization a user can decide which
    physics menus will be run from a list of possible
    choices, or define his/her own
  • Detector sensitivity selected volumes are made
    sensitive by assigning to them a
    SensitiveDetector object
  • Magnetic field field maps can be defined for
    the whole detector/selected regions
  • User actions users decide how to interact with
    the program, at the level of run/event/step/track/
  • Detector/event visualization
  • Macro commands are grouped into macro files
    (extension .mac) which are typically run in

A couple of job options
  • G4Svc.FADSMacro
  • As the program must work out of a (list of) G4
    macro(s), this option is used for choosing which
    macro(s) must be run at initialization time
  • From jobOptions.AtlasG4Sim.txt
  • G4Svc.FADSMacro env.macAtlas.macPhysicsList.m
  • If no macro is specified and the program is run
    in batch mode, the job will run uninitialized
    and will most likely crash
  • G4Svc.InteractiveG4
  • As the application consists mostly of G4 code, it
    is still possible to run an interactive G4 shell
    for setting up geometry, physics
  • G4Svc.InteractiveG4 true
  • ?the program will start and stop soon in an
    interactive shell ( PreInitgt prompt)
  • G4Svc.InteractiveG4 false
  • ?the program will start and go to a hopefully
    happy end
  • Other options are implemented for G4Svc/G4SimAlg
    which are not relevant to this discussion

Setting up the detector geometry
  • Detector geometry is set up by combining
    DetectorFacilities like big LEGO blocks
  • DetectorFacilities become available by loading
    the appropriate library at run time
  • /load PixelG4Geometry
  • the DetectorFacility plug-in registers itself in
    a catalog from where it can be retrieved
  • /Geometry/GetFacility TRTEndCap TRTForwardEndCap
  • /Geometry/GetFacility TRTEndCap TRTBackwardEndCap
  • Facilities can be positioned within other
    facilities, moved, rotated
  • /IDET/AddDetector TRTForwardEndCap
  • /IDET/AddDetector TRTBackwardEndCap
  • /TRTBackwardEndCap/RotateX 180 deg

(from pixelgeometry.mac)
(from trtgeometry.mac)
(from trtgeometry.mac)
Geometry organisation in AtlasG4Sim
  • Sub-detector geometries are built in macro files
    which are then called in cascade

GeoModel interface
  • An ad-hoc interface has been envisaged to build
    detectors out of a GeoModel description in memory
  • Geo2G4
  • GeoModel has to be initialised and the various
    detector managers built (cfr. jobOptions.AtlasGeoG
  • Geo2G4Svc must be declared as an ExtSvc
  • ApplicationMgr.ExtSvc Geo2G4Svc
  • Detectors can be built out of a special
    DetectorFacility provided on purpose, in a
    generic fashion (cfr. InnerDetectorGeoGeometry.mac
  • /Geometry/GetFacility GeoDetector SCTSCT
  • Detectors built in this way can be used in place
    of hand-coded ones
  • Customization of Geo2G4/VolumeBuilders well
    beyond the scope of this talk

Envelopes and resizeable volumes
  • Envelopes for the ATLAS detector units are
    provided as DetectorFacilities (see
  • Dimensions from the NOVA DB
  • Dimensions can be changed by reading in an XML
    file (datacards)
  • This is unfortunately the MAJOR source of
    problems we have
  • Generic (resizable) envelopes of various shapes
    provided for the implementation of the CTB
  • Size, material, sometimes the basic shape can be
    changed interactively
  • Beyond the scope of this tutorial, see the CTB
    simulation package if you are interested
  • Basically, the functionality for an interactive
    geometry editor is in place (although Im
    reluctant to make it available)

Physics lists
  • First thing you learn when you deal with G4
    never get too acquainted with physics list
  • Let someone else do the work for you
  • Fine, we let you choose from a menu of PLs
  • /load G4PhysicsLists
  • /Physics/PrintLists
  • Please refer to G4 doc for details of the
    various PLs
  • When youre happy with a choice, just get a PL by
    name, the program will do the rest
  • /Physics/GetPhysicsList QGSP_GN
  • we suggest anyway that you explicitly construct
    the PL you chose
  • /Physics/ConstructPhysicsList
  • You can also set the general cut for the whole
  • /Physics/SetGeneralCut 1 mm

(from PhysicsList.mac)
More on physics
  • We try as much as we can to provide PLs as they
    come out of the box
  • If a special process is needed that is not in the
    PL in use, we provide a special procedure to add
    it on top of the physics menu, without modifying
    any piece of code
  • If a special value of the cut in range is
    needed for a particular sub-detector/region, we
    provide the possibility of interactively defining
    region/cut associations interactively
  • We also provide the possibility of setting cuts
    in energy on a volume base, interactively
  • All this is, of course, out of the scope of this

  • G4Atlas expects an HepMC event on input. This
    means that
  • ATLAS event generators can be run on-line
  • As in AtlasG4Sim proper
  • Events can be read back from Root/Pool files
  • As Wim will demonstrate later on
  • G4 specific event generators can still be used
  • But I cant talk about them
  • The original HepMC event is translated into
    another HepMC event (truth event). Special filter
    mechanisms are applied at this point (e.g. vertex
  • /Filters/Vertex/toggle ON
  • /Filters/Vertex/Spread 0.01 0.01 50 mm
  • /Filters/EtaPhiFilter/toggle ON
  • /Filters/EtaPhiFilter/EtaInterval -7. 7.

(from Filters.mac)
Advanced kinematics
  • The original G4 event loop is still available
  • But Im sworn to silence
  • The information about primary particles/vertices
    is propagated forward and it is accessible at any
    moment during tracking (hit-truth association)
  • User intervention is still possible at the single
    track level (see UserActions)
  • Customized track stacking is possible, but this
    must happen at application level (as a normal
    user you cant do it)

Magnetic field
  • As for Physics Lists, magnetic field maps are
    provided in a catalog, where an user can get them
  • /load G4Field
  • /MagneticField/Select AtlasField
  • An additional initialization step may be
  • /MagneticField/Initialize
  • With the latest versions of G4Atlas (7.7.0 and
    later), field maps can be assigned to single
    volume hierarchies and different field maps can
    co-exist in different regions of the exp. Setup
  • CTB requirement

(from AtlasField.mac)
A bit more on volumes
  • In G4Atlas, all volumes (G4 Logical volumes for
    those who know..) are accessible at run time
  • Volumes are identified by
  • Their sub-detector name (scope)
  • Their proper name
  • A volume name will then look something like
  • PixelSensitiveWafer
  • As an example, you can obtain a list of all
    defined volumes (categorized by detector) with
    the command
  • Geometry/ListAllVolumes
  • It goes without saying that, if volumes can be
    accessed, they can also be modified

Sensitive Detectors and hits
  • A SensitiveDetector is a class whose aim is to
    produce hits, when a particle goes through a
  • SensitiveDetectors in G4Atlas are plug-ins
  • A volume becomes sensitive when a SD is
    associated to it
  • Volume-SD associations are established at run
  • /load PixelG4_SD
  • /SenDetector/UseSensitiveDetector PixelSensorSD
  • /Geometry/AssignSD Pixel PixelsiBLayLog PSD
  • With this mechanism in place, volumes can become
    sensitive at any moment (even at run time)
  • SDs are (normally) a detector business, its up
    to them to produce hits containing the correct

(from pixelgeosensitive.mac)
Hits and persistency
  • Hit definition is purely a detector business
  • Not entirely true though. We use hits to store
    some other information at tracking time, as (for
    instance) records of particles crossing a certain
    surface in the detector
  • So is their persistification
  • Hits persistified by means of the AthenaPool
  • Completely transparent to the occasional user
  • All you have to do is to include the appropriate
    job option fragment
  • include "HitAthenaRootWriteOptions.txt"
  • (and naturally hope that someone did his/her work

User Actions
  • Provide the user with a mechanism to interact
    with the simulation program at various levels
    (track, stack, run, event, step)
  • Provide the possibility of implementing
    occasional actions that one may wish to have but
    which arent necessarily part of the application
    (e.g. an event timer)
  • ApplicationActions provide the possibility of
    interfacing to a piece of code which isnt
    exactly kosher
  • UserActions are, once more, plug-ins
  • Some UserActions must be explicitely activated

User Actions (contd)
  • Three different types of actions
  • StackingAction
  • Allows to customize the track stacking procedure
  • TrackingAction
  • Run at the beginning and the end of each track
  • UserAction
  • Give the user the possibility of interacting with
    the program at the beginning and the end of a
    run, at the beginning and the end of each event,
    at every step
  • Sum up the functionality of G4UserRunAction,
    G4UserEventAction, G4UserSteppingAction (for YOUR
  • You can have as many of these as you want!
  • UserActions MUST be activated
  • /Actions/RegisterForAction MyAction BeginOfEvent
  • /Actions/RegisterForAction MyAction Step

User Actions (contd)
  • A package called G4UserActions has been set up
    (Simulation/G4Utilities/G4UserActions) which
    contains a few examples and a couple of actions
    of common use
  • /load G4UserActions
  • TestAction1 and TestAction2 are there for you to
    play and figure out how to use actions, as well
    as for providing a template for any action you
    may wish to implement
  • The G4SimTimer is the most commonly used action
  • /Actions/RegisterForAction G4SimTimer BeginOfRun
  • /Actions/RegisterForAction G4SimTimer
  • /Actions/RegisterForAction G4SimTimer EndOfEvent
  • /Actions/RegisterForAction G4SimTimer EndOfRun

Some words about graphics
  • You probably guessed it by now, the standard G4
    visualization machinery is available from an
    interactive session
  • Some additional possibilities, which are NOT
    offered by vanilla G4
  • Colors are normally defined in XML format
  • ltColor name"FloralWhite" red"255" green"250"
    blue"240" /gt
  • Volume vis. attributes CAN be changed
    interactively in G4Atlas
  • /Geometry/Volumes/SetInvisible
  • /Geometry/Volumes/SetVisible Pixel
  • /Geometry/Volumes/SetColor PixelSensitiveWafer
  • Detector visualization is possible while you are
    building it, bit by bit
  • Event graphics is implemented and working, but
    there is a grand total of 1.5 people who know how
    to use it
  • Far beyond the scope of this tutorial, please
    refer to the documentation if interested

  • Well, this is all I wanted to say for the moment
  • This is certainly not enough for you to embark
    onto a full-speed application implementation, but
    I hope I managed to give you a feeling of what
    you should expect from it if you try
  • Experience with new users has demonstrated that
    the learning curve is very steep, sometimes
    exceedingly so for me to keep up
  • We are now seeing people sticking to the G4Atlas
    environment for running generators,
    reconstruction and what else, some time I wonder
    if we did not do a too good job
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