Title: dedicated server hosting (1)
1Dedicated Server Hosting
- Dedicated Server hosting is one of the type of
Internet/website hosting in which the client
leases the entire server instead of sharing it
with anyone else. This hosting service is more
flexible than shared hosting, as organizations
have full control over the server on which they
are working including choice of operating system,
hardware, etc. - Dedicated server hosting is the best choice for
every businesses that are having high traffic
volume, Dedicated space offers high performance
and growth to business development.
324x7 Server Support
- With 24x7serversupport.com Dedicated Server
Hosting, you can customize the configuration of
your server to meet your specific needs,
including RAM, SSD hard drives, bandwidth options
and more. - 24x7serversupport.com specializes in offering
budget friendly, highly reliable solutions for
your mission critical hosting needs.
- High Speed as no other machine shares the server
or the components with your machine this will
provide a remarkable increase in the speed - vast flexibility offered using for one domain or
websites to another. - Offers flexibility of hardware/software
configuration - Provide full usage of dedicated IP server
- Complete control is allowed over
Software/hardware of your system - Good Security as only your machine is connected
- to the server
5Dedicated Server Provides
- 99.95 to your network uptime for all
applications - Complete Root access to client
- Robust Management of handled web sites.
- Less Expensive Budget
6Type of Dedicated Server Hosting
- Dedicated server Hosting is mainly of two types
- Unmanaged Dedicated Hosting
- Managed Dedicated Hosting
7Unmanaged Dedicated Hosting
- A dedicated server used by small business with no
external source is available for maintaining and
monitoring the data then this type of hosting is
called unmanaged dedicated server hosting. - In this hosting client itself is responsible for
the all the backups occupied. - This hosting is beneficial for low cost
8Managed Dedicated Hosting
- Managed dedicated hosting is the type where
servers are controlled by the server provider. - Any business using managed dedicated servers then
all tasks taken by it such as monitoring, back
ups, accounts are handled by the service
providers directly. - These servers are more popular and reliable for
work in the internet users because people feel
totally free when they use managed dedicate
servers. Such Hosting is dedicated to both Small
as well as - Large business organizations.
9Contact Us
- Visit
- https//www.24x7serversupport.com/contact-us/
- Mobile .No. 9730564123