Title: The Solar System
1The Solar System
- Paul J. Thomas
- Department of Physics and Astronomy
- University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire
- Sun is 99 of mass of the solar system planets
are 1. - Small, rocky, inner planets.
- Large, gaseous, outer planets.
- Asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.
- Comets beyond the orbit of Uranus.
12How does a star shine?
- Stars are balls of hot gas. They support
themselves against gravity by the expansion of
gas in their interiors.
13How does a star shine?
- The centers of stars must very hot. (The center
of the Sun is about 15,000,000 K). - At these temperatures, hydrogen can be converted
to helium by nuclear fusion.
14Nuclear Fusion
- Mass of 4 protons 2 electrons
- 6.694 10-24 g
- Mass of 4He nucleus
- 6.644 10-24 g
- Difference 0.050 10-24 g
- Energy released (E mc2) 4.4 10-12 J
- 6 1014 g of H ? He per second!
15Energy from Nuclear Fusion
- 4.4 ? 10-12 J for each He nucleus produced
- (there are 1.5 ? 1023 He nuclei per g)
- 6.62 ? 1011 J for each g of He produced
- (6 ? 1014 g of He is produced every second)
- 3.97 ? 1026 W of power
16The Solar Wind and the Aurora
17The Solar Wind and the Aurora
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21Inner vs. Outer Solar System
- Inner Solar System
- Silicate mantles, iron cores
- CO2 atmospheres
- Very few rocky satellites
- Outer Solar System
- Gas atmospheres, silicate cores
- H2/He atmospheres
- Many icy satellites
- Rings
22Nebular Hypothesis
Immanuel Kant (1724-1804)
Pierre-Simon Laplace (1749-1827)
23Artists conception of Primitive Solar Nebula
24Planetesimal Accretion
25Volatile-rich accretion in outer solar system
26Capture of H-rich atmospheres by Giant Planets
27Planetary Formation ElsewherePSNs in the Orion
28Planetary Formation ElsewhereBeta Pictoris
29The Age of the Solar System
- Radioactive dating techniques provide us with
ways to measure the ages of rocks - Generally, the age is the time since the rock
was last melted - The age of the solar system can be measured by
analyzing chondrite meteorites
30Radioactive Dating
- Measures naturally occurring radioactive isotopes
in rock - 14C ? 14N t1/25730 years
- 238U ? 208Pb t1/2 4.47 billion years
- 40K ? 40Ar t1/2 1.3 billion years
- 87Rb ? 87Sr t1/2 47 billion years
- After N halflives, (1/2)N of the original isotope
31The Age of the Solar System
- Oldest Rocks on Earth
- 4.03 billion years
- Oldest Rocks on Moon (Maria)
- 3.5 billion years
- Oldest Rocks on Moon (Highlands)
- 4.48 billion years
- Oldest Chondrite Meteorites
- (4.566 0.001) billion years
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33Types of Rocks
- Igneous
- solidified molten rock
- Sedimentary
- rock altered by wind or water
- Metamorphic
- rock altered by pressure or temperature
- Primitive (Chondritic)
- unaltered by geological activity since the solar
system formed
34Apollo 11 Mare Tranquillitatis Apollo 12 Oceanus
Procellarum (Surveyor 3) Apollo 14 Fra Mauro
(Mare Imbrium) Apollo 15 Hadley Rille (Mare
Imbrium) Apollo 16 Descartes Highlands Apollo
17 Taurus Littrow (Mare Serenitatis)
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