Title: The digital house hunt remarketingexpert
1By Remarketingexpert.com
2What Study Say about DHH
The National Association of Realtors (NAR) just
released a study that focuses on a very
interesting subject. The title is The digital
house hunt Consumer and market trends in real
estate. What makes this study even more
interesting is that its conducted in association
with Google, the supreme source of information
when it comes to Internet.
3Home Buying Process
- There may be hundreds of suitable homes in the
market but the average home buyer will see no
more than 12 before making a decision. - It is notable that this is down from 15 in 2007
and it decreases steadily every year.
4Role of Internet in Home Buying Process
- As internet increases its utility as a primary
source of real estate information and more and
more visual information such as quality
photography and high definition video is readily
available, the home buyers will rely on the
online material to rule out homes with less
online appeal.
5Digital House Hunt
According to the Digital House Hunt report we
discussed in our previous posts, 57 of the home
buyers will search online for 60 to 120 days
before going out to view homes. There is no
doubt that the short list of the 12 homes they
will view before making an offer will contain
only the homes that really impressed them and
stood out from the competition.
6Before the Internet Revolution
- Before the internet revolution a listings
marketing budget would be hardly enough to allow
for a few Xerox flyers and, in the best case, a
couple of newspaper ads.
7Home Buying Process Today
- The Internet revolution changed the home
buying process fundamentally. -
- Real estate related searches on Google.com
have grown 253 over the past 4 years. That is
impressive. - And experts expect the number to explode
even further in the next 4 years.
8Fact Digital House Hunt
- Real Estate relates Mobile Searches
- At work 31,
- Waiting in line 28,
- At restaurant 27
- and
- At other peoples homes 26.
- One of the interesting points this report
makes is how many people use their mobile devices
to search for homes 89 of new home shoppers
use a mobile search engine at the onset and
throughout their research. - Local search terms and websites are important
for buyers.
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- http//www.remarketingexpert.com
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