Title: English Speaking Classes In Noida-Bels English
1English Speaking Classes In Noida
2English Speaking Classes In Noida
About Bels English
BELS has developed specialised training modules
for over -all development of the trainees at an
affordable cost. Our experience and understanding
of the social, cultural, and professional
requirements of the trainees reflect in our
unique methods of imparting training. This has
helped the learner to understand the language in
a fun, creative and practical way.
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Soft Skills Training Provide Belsenglish
4English Speaking Classes In Noida
Spoken English
Key Features
Level Assessment test to ensure an appropriate
level to commence the training process Periodic
assessment of progress achieved Tutorials with
the trainer as per requirement End of course
certificate with hours of study and final level
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GROUP DISCUSSION (1 Months or 22
sessions of 1 hr each)
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Will delve into various aspects of personality
traits, such as, attitude, perceptions, self
motivation, values beliefs etc. SWOT analysis
of your own personality and how one can use that
information for self development and for career
choices. It also includes use of body language,
grooming and personal appearance
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22 sessions of 1 hr. Each)
Our Interview Training Module is designed to help
you overcome nerves, build your confidence and
increase your success rate at job interviews
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contact us
2 floor, chahat Complex, sector15, (opposite
Pirya gold building ) Noida Phone .01204579395,
9English Speaking Classes In Noida
British English Language School- India