Title: chit fund software (2)
191 91 1027 9334
Admin Console
91 98 4561 4710
91 80 4120 4452
2Chit Connect Login
Powered by bvbi infotech
3The admin can view entire collection in a single
4Separate chart appearance for each branch
5Admin can assign the work to the selected
6Admin can edit the employees role
7Admin can add the Branch
8Admin can add the branch details
9Admin can add the device info to sales person app
10Admin can edit the device details to the
particular branch
11Admin can add the Chit schemes
12Admin can add the details of the chit schemes
13List of Chit Schemes can be viewed in a single
14Admin can edit the chit scheme details
15Admin can view the employee list and to which
branch they are working
16Admin can add the employee details to the
particular branch
17Admin can view the list of customers and their
18List of auction details can be viewed in a single
19Admin can add the upcoming promotions through the
App itself
20Promotions can be sent through push notifications
21Admin can view the list of receipt generated
22Admin can view the entire reports of the customers
23Admin can view the reports generated
24Admin can also view the sales person reports
25Admin can add the sales person device details
26Contact Us
91 91 1027 9334
33 (Old 543), Durga Cascade ,3rd Floor, 42nd
Cross, 1st MainJayanagar 8th Block , Bangalore
560 082
91 98 4561 4710
91 80 4120 4452