Title: Gas Integrity Management Rule Protocols
1Gas Integrity Management RuleProtocols
- 49 CFR 192
- Pipeline Integrity Management
- January 2005
- Welcome
2Natural Gas Transmission PipelineIntegrity
Management Oversight Program
- Atlanta, Georgia
- January 2005
- Welcome You
3Welcome and Opening Remarks
- Jeff Wiese
- OPS Program Development Director
- Acknowledgements
- Introductions
- Administrative Announcements
- Safety and Comfort Directions
- Web Cast Instruction
- QA
- Agenda Review
- OPS Key Partner in Pipeline Safety
- Major contributors to the shape and direction of
IMP oversight - Our alignment works for everyone concerned
- Industry
- Actively involved and not shy
- BGE, Duke, El Paso, PGE
- Essential reality check
- Standards Committees
- Particularly ASME NACE
7Administrative Announcements
- Slides webcast will be available online
- http//primis.rspa.dot.gov/gasimp
- Attendance lists will NOT be available
- Playing strictly to the agenda
8Safety Comfort
- Emergency Direction
- Restrooms
- Cell Phones Pagers
9Web Cast
- We web casting to allow participation by a larger
audience please register - Causes us to use very plain text for
presentations - For help or to submit questions
10Q A Sessions
- QA Session at End of Each Day
- Via e-mail (GASIMP_at_RSPA.dot.gov)
- 3x5 cards (attendees)
- Questions from the floor (attendees)
- Please identify yourself each time you speak
11Agenda Review
- Starting promptly _at_ 830a ET
- Agenda available online ET
- Ambitious schedule, so well be following the
agenda as closely as possible - Audience door closing is cue
- Introduction of OPS DAA
12Gas Integrity ManagementPublic Workshop
- Relationship of Gas IMP to
- OPS Strategy
- Ted Willke
- Deputy Associate Administrator
- Office of Pipeline Safety
- Atlanta Georgia
- January 19, 2005
13OPS Strategic Focus
- Improve the safety of the nations pipelines
- Provide the basis for increased public confidence
in pipeline safety
14Recent OPS Strategic Activities (1)
- Worked to restore our credibility by
- Addressing Congressional mandates resolving
NTSB issues - Improving the knowledge and skill of our
technical and inspection staff - Strengthening our internal management practices
and data - Strengthened our relationship with the states,
our key safety partners
15Recent OPS Strategic Activities (2)
- Promulgated new regulations to ensure
- The pipeline is in better condition
- The operator implements management practices that
improve safety - The people responsible for safety are better able
to perform their responsibilities
16Three Major Pillars of Our Go-Forward Strategy
- Risk and integrity management
- Shared knowledge and responsibility
- Expanding our role in a changing world
17Key Strategies
- Risk and Integrity Management
- Better problem identification and understanding
- Improved standards and regulations
- More efficient and consistent inspection and
enforcement - More risk-based allocation of resources
- Better performance evaluation
18Key Strategies
- Shared knowledge and responsibility
- Better preparation and training
- Better technologies
- Better informed stakeholders
19Key Strategies
- Expanding our role
- Support for national energy policy
- Protecting national infrastructure
- Expanded support for local officials
20Gas IMP is a Significant Element in Implementing
our Strategy
- Largest OPS regulatory action
- Unprecedented effort by industry
- Cooperation with NAPSR from the outset
- Numerous National Consensus Standards
- Development and demonstration of needed new
technologies processes
21Getting to Where We are has Required Broad
- Industry has stepped forward
- The states have participated to an unprecedented
degree - The OPS staff has grown to meet the challenge
22Welcome and Opening Remarks
- Jeff Wiese
- OPS Program Development Director
23 Integrity Management Goals
- Accelerate assessments of pipelines in High
Consequence Areas (HCAs) - Promote rigorous, systematic management of
pipeline integrity - Enhance governmental oversight of company
integrity plans and programs - Increase confidence in pipeline safety
24Integrity Management Objectives
- IMP oversight objectives
- Clearly communicated regulatory expectations
- Nationally consistent oversight program
- Quality of results through well trained
inspection workforce - Program development process has been, and will
continue to be, extremely transparent - Oversight procedures and support are available
via the internet http//primis.rspa.dot.gov/iim
25Clear Regulatory Expectations
- Communicating requirements
- Operators should use
- http//primis.rspa.dot.gov/gasimp
- FAQs, inspection protocols, flow charts, key
documents, timelines, etc. - Public Meetings 05/2004 today
- Interacting with industry
- Pilot inspections
- Feedback on FAQs and protocols
- Technical studies and research
26Nationally Consistent Oversight
- HQ/Field partnership for program development
- Standardized inspection protocols
- Detailed field guidance for inspectors
- Field testing and reset meetings
- Aggressive training schedule for Federal and
State inspectors - IT solutions team collaboration
27Quality of Results
- National consistent approach
- Federal-State, HQ-field team approach for balance
(11/2003) - Feedback to operator after audit
- Structured, but evolving enforcement
- NOPV for serious issues
- NOA to foster continuous improvement
28What Have We Accomplished?
- Designed systematic approach to oversight
- Designed and developed the Integrity Management
Website and IMP Team collaboration application - Conducted initial public meeting focused on the
rule in May 2004 - Developed FAQs to address public and industry
29What Have We Accomplished?
- Developed inspection protocols and guidance for
inspectors - Pilot tested, adjusted, and publicly disseminated
the inspection protocols - Developed training for our Federal-State team
30Gas IM Inspection Focus
- Organizational commitment
- Quality of management processes
- Personnel qualifications
- Clearly documented implementation basis
- Continual improvement of program
31Gas IM Inspections
- Initial IMP inspections will be focused on IM
Programs - Ultimately IMP inspections may be integrated with
other inspections - Inspection integration
- Spectrum of performance data
- More complete picture of operator performance
32Gas IM Learning Curve
- Goal safer and more efficiently managed
pipeline integrity - Experience collection and analysis
- Lessons learned extracted/shared
- Data collection - significant effort
- Requires regular communication public,
industry, regulators, and vendor communities . . .
33Gas Integrity Management Oversight Program
- Zach Barrett
- Introduction
- January 2005
34Gas Integrity Management
- Public Web Site
- Resource/Communication Tool
- http//primis.rspa.dot.gov/gasimp/
35(No Transcript)
36Operator Resources
- Gas Integrity Management Web Site
- Key Documents
- Performance Reporting
- Fact Sheet
- Flowchart of Rule
- Register and View Meetings
37(No Transcript)
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40Operator Resources
- Gas Integrity Management Web Site
- Key Documents
- Performance Reporting
- Fact Sheet
- Flowchart of Rule
- Register and View Meetings
41(No Transcript)
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43Performance Reporting
- OPS Has Issued an Advisory Bulletin for Reports
Due February 28, 2005 - Gas Transmission Operators were also Mailed a
Copy - Reports are to Cover Period From January 1 to
December 31, 2004
44Operator Resources
- Gas Integrity Management Web Site
- Key Documents
- Performance Reporting
- Fact Sheet
- Flowchart of Rule
- Register and View Meetings
45(No Transcript)
46Operator Resources
- Gas Integrity Management Web Site
- Key Documents
- Performance Reporting
- Fact Sheet
- Flowchart of Rule
- Register and View Meetings
47(No Transcript)
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49Operator Resources
- Gas Integrity Management Web Site
- Key Documents
- Performance Reporting
- Fact Sheet
- Flowchart of Rule
- Register and View Meetings
50(No Transcript)
51Operator Resources
- Gas Integrity Management Web Site
- OPS Communications (Links)
- Notifications
- Question or Comment
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- Inspection Protocols
52(No Transcript)
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55Operator Resources
- Gas Integrity Management Web Site
- OPS Communications (Links)
- Notifications
- Question or Comment
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- Inspection Protocols
- Notifications Are Required For
- Substantial Change to IM Program
- Use of Other Assessment Technology
- Can Not Meet Schedule for Evaluation and
57(No Transcript)
58Operator Resources
- Gas Integrity Management Web Site
- OPS Communications (Links)
- Notifications
- Question or Comment
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- Inspection Protocols
59(No Transcript)
60Operator Resources
- Gas Integrity Management Web Site
- OPS Communications (Links)
- Notifications
- Question or Comment
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- Inspection Protocols
61(No Transcript)
62(No Transcript)
63Operator Resources
- Gas Integrity Management Web Site
- OPS Communications (Links)
- Notifications
- Question or Comment
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- Inspection Protocols
64Inspection Protocol Development
- What are Inspection Protocols?
- The Inspection Protocols are a series of
questions designed to guide pipeline safety
inspectors in an investigative approach toward
assessing pipeline operator compliance with the
Gas Integrity Management Regulations
65Inspection Protocol Development
- OPS Developed an Integrity Management Inspection
Approach Focusing on - Operator Processes for Managing Integrity
- Operator Process Implementation
- This is the Basis of the Inspection Protocols
66Inspection Protocol Development
- Development Team - Established by OPS and the
National Association of Pipeline Safety
Representatives (NAPSR) November 6, 2003
67Inspection Protocol Development
- Eight (8) Senior Federal Inspectors all with
Integrity Management Experience representing the
five (5) OPS Regions - Five (5) Senior State Inspectors two (2) with
Integrity Management Experience - Ohio, New York, Nevada, Alabama, and Louisiana
68Inspection Protocol Development
- Goals Inspection Protocol Development
- Protocol questions must be tightly aligned with
the gas integrity regulations and referenced
industry standards - Clearly state compliance goal in each protocol
69Inspection Protocol Development
- Protocol Goals Cont
- Do not repeat protocols
- Support Primary Protocols with supplemental
questions - Protocol order should facilitate efficient
completion of inspection
70Inspection Protocol Development
- Draft Protocols Developed through Team Meetings
and Posted on Gas Integrity Management Public Web
Site - End of March 2004
71Inspection Protocol Development
- Pilot Testing of Draft Protocols with volunteer
pipeline operators July and August 2004 - Duke,
El Paso, Pacific Gas Electric and Baltimore Gas
72Pilot Issues
- Consequence Factors in Risk Assessment (Protocol
C.3.c) - Risk includes consequence factors
- Required by B31.8S
- HCA Identification process is a simple
consequence screen - Consequence factors needed to discriminate the
relative risk between covered segments
73Pilot Issues
- Pressure Reduction for Immediate Repair
Conditions (FAQ-229) - Safety Margin is Required
- 0.72 x Predicted Failure Pressure
- Account for defect growth until repair made (up
to one year) - Operators may justify less safety margin Based on
Corrosion Growth Rate
74Pilot Issues
- New Threats (e.g., Near-Neutral SCC) (Protocol
C.1) - Rule Requires ALL Threats be Identified
- B31.8S, 2.2 Requires that all threats shall be
75Pilot Issues
- Tolerance for PICs (FAQ-174)
- Following factors must be accounted for
- P/L Location Data Accuracy
- Building/Identified Site Location Accuracy
- GIS Accuracy
76Pilot Issues
- Multiple BAPs for Each Business Entity (FAQ-38)
- Multiple BAPs are allowed, based on legal
business entities - Operators may aggregate all businesses into a
single BAP at their discretion
77Pilot Issues
- 5-Year Operating Pressure Benchmark for Stable
MC Defects (FAQ-231) - 5-Year benchmark determined based on 5 years
preceding HCA Identification - NOT a rolling 5-year
78Pilot Issues
- Required Digs for ICDA (Protocol D.08.b.iii)
- Changed Protocol to Clarify the 2 Minimum
Required Digs - One in HCA at low point near beginning of ICDA
Region - Second in HCA near the end of the ICDA Region
(defined as the liquid hold-up point predicted by
the ICDA Model)
79Pilot Issues
- Detailed Processes Required for Integrity
Management Activities in which Operators are
Actively Engaged (FAQ 140) - Rule allows process development to begin with a
Framework - Detailed Procedures Necessary for Successful
80Protocol Development
- Final Protocols
- Made Publicly Available Oct. 04
- Result of Extensive, Detailed Reviews
- Incorporate Lessons Learned from Pilot Visits
- Very Tightly Tied to Rule Requirements
81(No Transcript)
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83(No Transcript)
84Protocol Presentations
- Presented by members of the Gas IM Development
Team - Footer in each slide
- References to source of requirements
- FAQs
- Federal and State Training
- Inspection Format
- Enforcement Process
86Gas Integrity Management Rule Protocols
- Jeff Gilliam
- 49 CFR 192.903 and 905
- High Consequence Area Identification
- Protocol A
- January 2005
87Key Elements High Consequence Area
- A.1 Program Requirements
- A.2 Potential Impact Radius (PIR)
- A.3 Identified Sites
- A.4 Identify HCAs/Class Location
- (Method 1)
- A.5 Identify HCAs/PIR (Method 2)
- A.6 Newly Identified HCAs
88A.1 Program Requirements
- A.1 Program Requirements Processes in Place to
Identify HCAs Using Methods 1 and/or 2 - a. Documented Processes
- b. Document the Method Used
- c. Document Covered Segment Locations
- d. HCAs identified by 12/17/2004
89A.1.a Documentation of Methods
- 2 Methods for HCA Identification
- Operator May Use Either, or Both
- Documented Descriptions of How HCA Identification
is Implemented - Roles and Responsibilities
- Assurance that All of the Pipeline Has Been
Evaluated for HCAs.
90A.1.b Methods Used
- Documentation Specifies
- Which Methods (or Combination of Methods) Are
Used - Which Pipeline Segments Were Evaluated by Which
Method - OPS Has No Preference
91A.1.c System Maps Segment Documentation
- Maps or Other Suitably Detailed Documentation
- Use of GIS or Similar Mapping Software
- Demonstrate System
- Overlay of HCAs With Pipeline System
- If Mapping Software is Not Used
- Describe and Demonstrate Process
- Inaccuracies
92A.1.d Completion of HCA Identification
- Completion of HCA Identification by December
17, 2004
93A.2 - Potential Impact Radius
- A.2 Potential Impact Radius - Meets Requirements
of 192.903 - a. Verify the Correct Formula is Used
- b. Axial Extension of PIC
94A.2.a Use of Potential Impact Radius Formula
- Use Most Limiting MAOP in the Segment
- Flammable Gases Other Than Natural Gas
- Use B31.8S to Derive the PIR Equation
- For Nonflammable Gases, the Entire Pipeline May
be Treated as an HCA - OPS Has Further Studies Underway
95A.2.b Axial Extension of Potential Impact Radius
HCA Includes the Area Extending Axially Along the
Length of the Pipeline - Outermost Edge of 1st
PIC to the Outermost Edge of the Last PIC.
96A.3 - Identified Sites
- A.3 Identified Sites - Verify Program Includes
Sources Listed in 905(b) - a. Identified Sites Must Include
- i. Outside Areas or Open Structures occupied
by 20 People - ii. Buildings Occupied by 20 People
- iii. Facilities With People of Limited
97A.3 - Identified Sites
- A.3.b. Use the Following Sources
- Routine OM Activities, AND
- Input from Public Officials
- In the Absence of Public Official Input, the
Operator Must Use 1 of the Following - 1. Visible Markings Such as Signs, or
- 2. Facility Licensing or Registration Data, or
- 3. Official Lists or Maps
98A.3.b Sources of information for Identified
- Reasonable or Good Faith Effort
- Guidance in 7/17/2003 Advisory Bulletin
99A.4 - Identification Using Class Locations
(Method 1)
- A.4.a Class Locations (Method 1)
- Class 3 and 4 Piping Locations
- Use of Existing Class Location Data and
Identified Sites - Operators of Pipelines Operating Below 30 SMYS -
192.935(d) Applies
100A.4 - Identification Using Class Locations
(Method 1)
101A.4 - Identification Using Class Locations
(Method 1)
- A.4 Using Class Locations (Method 1) Class 1
2 Locations With PIR gt 660 Feet - b. PIC Contains 20 Buildings
- i. May Prorate for PIRs gt 660 Feet
- Until 12/17/2006
- c. PIC Contains Identified Site
102A.5.a - Identification Using Potential Impact
Radius (Method 2)
- A.5 Identification Using PIR (Method 2)
- a. PIC Contains 20 Buildings
- i. For PIRs gt 660 Feet, May Prorate Building
Count - 1. Until 12/17/06
- b. PIC Contains Identified Site
103A.6 - Identification and Assessment of Newly
Identified HCAs
- A.6 Identification and Assessment of Newly
Identified HCAs - New or Revised HCA Segments Due to Changing
Pipeline Conditions - Operators are Expected to Remain Cognizant of
Changes - Newly-Identified HCA Incorporated into the IMP
Within 1 Year
104A.6.a - Identification and Assessment of Newly
Identified HCAs
A.6 Identification and Assessment of Newly
Identified HCAs a. Operators Program Includes
Processes for New Information 1. Changes in
Pipeline MAOP, 2. Pipeline Modifications, 3.
Changes in the Commodity Transported in the
Pipeline, - continued on next slide
105A.6.a - Identification and Assessment of Newly
Identified HCAs
4. Identification of New Construction, 5. Change
in the Use of Existing Buildings, 6. Installation
of New Pipeline, 7. Change in Class
Location, 8. Pipeline Reroutes 9. Corrections
to Location Data, 10. Field Design Changes -
continued on next slide
106A.6.a - Identification and Assessment of Newly
Identified HCAs
- New and Changing HCAs Should be Identified by the
Operator - Operators are Responsible for Monitoring
Conditions Near Their Pipelines - Operator Should Capture Changes in its HCA
Identification Maps or System - Changing Conditions Should be Evaluated At Least
107Protocol Area A Identification of HCAs
Conclusion Thank you for your attention
108Gas Integrity Management Rule Protocols
- Don Moore
- Threat IdentificationData Gathering and
Integration and Risk Assessment - Inspection
Protocol C - 49 CFR 192.917
- January 2005
109Protocol C Structure
- C.1 - Threat Identification
- C.2 - Data Collection Integration
- C.3 - Risk Assessment
- C.4 - Risk Assessment Validation
- C.5 - Plastic Pipe
110C.1 Threat Identification
- Consider and Evaluate
- Nine Major Threat Categories
- Cyclic Fatigue
- All Other Potential Threats
- Interactive Threats
- Justify Elimination of Threats from Consideration
111C.1.a - Threat Categories
- 9 Categories
- 1. Internal Corrosion
- 2. External Corrosion
- 3. Stress Corrosion Cracking
- 4. Manufacturing-Related
- 5. Welding/Fabrication-Related
112C.1.a - Threat Categories
- 9 Categories (Contd)
- 6. Equipment
- 7. Third Party/Mechanical Damage
- 8. Incorrect Operations
- 9. Weather-Related and Outside Force
113C.1.a Guidance for Evaluation of Specific
- Third Party Damage
- Manufacturing Construction Defects (Including
Seam Defects)
114C.1.a - Specific Threats Third Party Damage
- Two Evaluations
- Segment Susceptible to Immediate Failure Due to
TPD? - Does Segment Have Residual Damage?
115C.1.a - Specific ThreatsThird Party Damage
- If Segment Susceptible to Future Damage
- Comprehensive Additional Damage Prevention
Measures (192.935) - Virtually All Pipelines Are Susceptible
116C.1.a - Specific Threats Third Party Damage
- Integrate Data to Determine if Segment Shows
Evidence of Residual TPD Defects - Excavate Locations With Dent indications from ILI
or - Conduct Integrity Assessment
- Repair Conditions per 192.933
117C.1.a - Specific ThreatsManufacturing/Constructi
on Defects
- Pipe Tested to Subpart J
- Stable if
- Pressure Tested per Subpart J, AND
- Not Subject to Interacting Threats
- Considered Susceptible if Failure Has Been
118C.1.a - Specific Threats Manufacturing/Constructi
on Defects
- Pipe NOT Tested to Subpart J
- Defects Stable if
- Operating Pressure ? Benchmark (5-Year Max
Preceding HCA Identification) AND - MAOP Not Increased AND
- Cyclic Fatigue Stresses Not Increased AND
- Not Susceptible to Interacting Threats
119C.1.b Threat Identification
- Applies to Performance Based Programs Only
120C.2.a Data Gathering Integration
- Gather / Evaluate Data from Entire Pipeline
Relevant to Covered Segments - Comprehensive Data Plan
121C.2.b C.2.c - Required Data
- Gather and Evaluate Data for Entire Pipeline
- Must Follow B31.8S, Section 4
- Min. Data Set (B31.8S, App. A)
- Data Sources (B31.8S, Table 2)
- Additional Data Required for Performance-Based
122C.2.b - Required Data Sources
- Minimum Data Per B31.8S, App A
- Past Incident History
- Corrosion Control Records
- Continuing Surveillance Records
- Patrolling Records
- Maintenance History
- Internal Inspection Records
- All Other Conditions Specific to Each Pipeline
123C.2.d - Treatment of Missing or Suspect Data
- No exclusion of a Threat Because of Lack of Data
- Conservative Assumptions
- Impact of Uncertain Data
- If Significant, Obtain Additional Data
124C.2.e - New Information Incorporated
- Measures to Incorporate New Information
- Timely
- Effective
- Protocol K
125C.2.f - Data Integration
- Data Elements Analyzed
- Common Spatial Reference System
- Integration of ILI or ECDA Results
126C.3 - Risk Assessment
- Follow B31.8S, Section 5
- Consider All Identified Threats
- C.3.a - Use Risk Assessment To
- Prioritize Baseline Assessments
- Prioritize Reassessments
- Evaluate Additional Preventive and Mitigative
127C.3.b - Risk Assessment Approaches
- 4 Options
- Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)
- Relative Risk Ranking Models
- Scenario-Based Models
- Probabilistic Models
128C.3.c - Risk Assessment Required Characteristics
- All Approaches Require
- Identification of Relevant Threats
- Likelihood
- Consequences
- Likelihood and Consequences Combined to Calculate
Overall Risk
129C.3.c Risk Assessment Required Characteristics
- Logical Structure
- Incorporates Failure Experience
- Integrates Inspection Results
- Appropriate Weighting of Risk Factors
- Pipeline Subdivisions Sufficient to Represent
Risk Appropriately
130C.3.d Risk Assessment Revisions
- Risk Updated to Account for
- Integrity Assessments
- Preventive and Mitigative Measures
- Inaccuracies Identified by Maintenance or Other
Activities - Integrate w/ Day-to-Day Processes
- Continuous Improvement of Risk Model
131C.4 Risk Assessment Validation
- Validation Process to Ensure Risk Assessment
Results Are - Logical
- Consistent
132C.5 - Plastic Pipelines
- Assess Threats per B31.8S, Sections 4 5
- Consider Threats Unique to the Integrity of
Plastic Pipe
133Protocol Area C - Threat Identification Data
Gathering and Integration and Risk Assessment
Conclusion Thank you for your attention
134Gas Integrity Management Rule Protocols
- Allan Beshore
- 49 CFR 192.919 and 921
- Baseline Assessment Plan
- Protocol B
- January 2005
135Key Elements Baseline Assessment Plan
- Identify Potential Threats
- Specify Assessment Methods
- Risk-Prioritized Schedule
- DA Plans (If Applicable)
- Procedure to Minimize Environmental and Safety
136Key Elements Baseline Assessment Plan
- Operators With Multiple Operating Entities May
Either - Have Separate Baseline Assessment Plans for Each
Entity, OR - Combine All Assets into a Single Baseline
Assessment Plan
137Protocols for Baseline Assessment Plans
- B.1 Assessment Methods
- B.2 Prioritized Schedule
- B.3 Use of Prior Assessments
- B.4 Newly Identified HCAs / Newly Installed
Pipe - B.5 Consideration of Environmental and
Safety Risks, and - B.6 Changes
138B.1 Assessment Methods
- Baseline Assessment Plan Includes All Covered
Segments - Assessment Method(s) for Each Covered Segment
- May Need More Than One
- Assessment Method that is Best Suited for the
Specified Threats
139B.1 Assessment Methods
- Actual Pipeline Defects (e.g., Corrosion)
- Threats From Future Event
- Addressed Using PM Measures
- Assess for Damage from Previous Events
- As Needed Based on Threat Identification Data
140B.1 Assessment Methods
- Operators Must Assess for TPD
- If a Threat from Residual TPD has Been Identified
- Treatment of TPD Threats is Also Addressed in
Protocol C.
141B.1 Assessment Methods
- DA is Acceptable Method for EC, IC, and SCC
Threats Only - ECDA - Be Vigilant to Identify / Investigate
Potential TPD - DA Plans Cover Data Integration
- DA Plan Specifics Addressed in Protocol D
142B.1.a - Assessment Method Inline Inspection
- Internal Inspection Tools Selection Per ASME
B31.8S, Section 6.2 - Include Evaluation of Reliability of ILI Method
143B.1.b Assessment Method Pressure Test
- Pressure Test Per Subpart J
- Use of a Spike Test, Alone, is "Other Technology
- Spike Test Can be Very Effective to Assess
Certain Threats - (e.g., Seam Defects or SCC)
144B.1.c Assessment Method Other Technology
- IMP Must Require Notification to OPS and
Applicable State and Local Officials to Use
Other Technology - Notify 180 Days Before Conducting the Assessment
- Pressure Reduction is Not an Acceptable
Assessment Method
145B.1.d Assessment Method ERW Pipe
- If Susceptible to Seam Failure (LF ERW or Lap
Welded Pipe) - Method(s) Able to Find Seam Anomalies
- Must Prioritize as High Risk
- Seam Defects May be Stable (i.e., Not
Susceptible) Seam Assessment Not Required (See
Protocol C)
146B.1.e Assessment Method Plastic Pipe
- If Plastic Pipe is Susceptible to Failure from
Causes Other Than Third-Party Damage - Use Alternate Assessment Method to Address the
Identified Threats
147B.2 Assessment Schedule
- Baseline Assessment Plan by December 17, 2004
- Include Risk Based Schedule
- Considers Applicable Risk Factors
148B.2.a Assessment Schedule All Segments
- Baseline Assessment Plan Schedule Includes All
Covered Segments Not Already Assessed
149B.2.b Assessment Schedule Risk Prioritized
- Prioritize Covered Segments Based on
- Potential Threats
- Applicable Risk Analysis
- Utilize Risk Ranking
150B.2.c Assessment Schedule High Risk Segments
- High-Risk Segments Means Overall High-Risk
Prioritized in Top 50 - Manufacturing/Construction Defects
- LF ERW or Lap Welded Pipe
- Only If They Are Not Stable
151B.2.d Assessment Schedule Deadlines
- 50 Complete 12/17/2007
- Begin w/ Highest Risk Segments
- Priority May Consider Practical Scheduling
Operational Issues - Count Cumulative Miles of Covered Segments (Not
Total Miles Assessed) - 100 Complete 12/17/2012
- - continued on next slide
152B.2.d Assessment Schedule Deadlines -
- 50 Complete 12/17/2007 (cont.)
- States May Have State-Specific 50 Progress
153B.2.e Assessment Schedule Implementation
- Review the Operators Implementation to Date
- Schedule Performance
- Assessment Method Actually Used
- Completion Date of Assessment is Recorded
- Discovery Clock Starts
154B.3 Prior Assessments
- Prior Assessments Are Those that Were Completed
Prior to December 17, 2002 - B.3.a - Threats Identified per 192.919(a)
- B.3.b - Assessment Methods Used Meet 192.921(a)
- B.3.c - Remedial Actions Have Been Carried Out to
Address Conditions Listed in Section 192.933 - - continued on next slide
155B.3 Prior Assessments - continuation
- Operators Can Count Prior Assessments Toward the
50 Progress Milestone - Prior Assessment May be Credited Even if it Did
Not Assess All Threats - Perform a New Assessment for Other Threat(s)
156B.4 New HCAs/Pipe
- Operator Updates the Baseline Assessment Plan
for - Newly Identified HCAs
- Newly Installed Pipe
157B.4.a New HCAs/Pipe One Year Requirement
- Incorporate Into the Baseline Assessment Plan
Within 1 Year AND - Assessments Have Been Appropriately Scheduled
and/or Completed
158B.4.b B.4.c Assessments for New HCAs / Piping
- Baseline Assessments Completed Within 10 Years of
Identification - For Newly Identified HCAs,
- For Newly Installed Pipe Determined to be a
Covered Segment
159B.4.d New HCAs/Pipe Threats to New Sections
- Threats to These Pipeline Sections Must be
160B.4.e New HCAs/Pipe Assessment Methods for New
or Idled Sections
- Assessment Methods Must be Appropriate for the
Threats - Operators May Defer Activities Required by the
Rule for Out-of-Service Pipe - Deferred Activities Must be Completed When that
Pipeline is Returned to Service
161B.5 Environmental and Safety Risks
- Address Requirements for Conducting the Baseline
Assessments in a Manner that Minimizes
Environmental and Safety Risks - Existing Procedures May be Referenced if Adequate
162B.5.a Environmental and Safety Risks
- Implement Precautions to -
- Protect Workers and Members of the Public
- Environment
163B.6 Updating the Baseline Assessment Plan
- Verify that the Operator Keeps the Baseline
Assessment Plan Up-to-Date With Respect to New
Information - Also Refer to Protocol K
164B.6.a Updating the Baseline Assessment Plan
- Requirements to Keep the Baseline Assessment Plan
Up-to-date - Address Newly Arising Information, Applicable
Threats, and Risks - Address Changes to the Segment Prioritization or
Assessment Method as Applicable
165B.6.b Updating the BAP Implementation
- For Changes to BAP, document
- Reason for Change
- Authority for Approving Change
- Analysis of Implications
- Communication of Changes to Affected Parties
- ASME B31.8S, Section 11(a)
166B.6.b Updating the Baseline Assessment Plan
OPS Positions
- Notify OPS Only for Changes that
- Substantially Affect the Programs
Implementation, OR - Significantly Modify the Program or
Implementation Schedule - Keep Copies of the Revisions of the Baseline
Assessment Plan
167Protocol Area B Baseline Assessment Plan
Conclusion Thank you for your attention
168Gas Integrity Management Rule Protocols
- Clyde Myers
- 49 CFR 192.923, 925, 927, 929 931
- Direct Assessment Plan
- Protocols D.1 through D.5
- January 2005
169Direct Assessment
- DA Plan
- DA Applies to EC, IC, and SCC Threats Only
- Standards Incorporated By Reference
- ASME B31.8S 6.4, A-3, B-1, B-2
- NACE RP-0502-2002
- If conflict, the More Stringent Requirement
170External Corrosion Direct Assessment
- D.1 ECDA Programmatic Requirements
- ECDA Must Apply 4-Step Process
- D.2 - Pre-Assessment
- D.3 - Indirect Examination
- D.4 - Direct Examinations
- D.5 - Post Assessment
171D.1.a - ECDA Programmatic Requirements
- ECDA Plan must describe its process
- Objectives
- Implementation
- Decisions
- Timeline
- Data Integration and Analysis
- Continual Improvement
172D.1.b - Restrictive Criteria For 1st ECDA on
- Pre-Assessment
- Collect More Critical Data,
- More ECDA Regions
- Use More Than Two Tools
- Indirect Examination
- More Stringent Criteria for Categorizing
Indications - Direct Examination
- Additional Excavations Data
173D.1.c - ECDA Third Party Damage
- Process to Address Coating Indications
- Integrate Data to Identify Potential TPD, Such
as - One-Call
- ROW Data
- Third Party Encroachments
- Foreign Lines
174D.1.c - ECDA Residual Third Party Damage
- Matches of ECDA Coating Faults With Suspected
Third Party Activity - Basis for Decisions and Actions Taken
175D.2 - ECDA Preassessment
- Comply With NACE RP-0502, 3
- ECDA Feasibility
- ID ECDA Regions
- Select Indirect Tools
- Complementary
176D.2.a Identify Data Needs
- Pre-Assessment Data Intensive
- Historical, Current, Physical
- Must Consider Following Data
- Pipe-Related
- Construction Related
- Soils/Environmental
- Corrosion Control
- Operational
177D.2.b Feasibility Assessment
- ECDA Feasibility Assessment
- Integrate Analyze Data to Determine
- 2 Indirect Tools
- ECDA Regions
- Locations Where Tool Use Not Feasible
- Disbonded Coating
- Rock Backfill
- Rebar in Pavement
178D.2.c - Indirect Tool Selection
- Indirect Tool Selection
- Minimum of 2 Tools for Each Region Basis
- Detect Corrosion or Coating Holidays
- NACE RP-0502 Table 2 Appendix A
- Reliable for Expected Conditions
179D.2.d Identify ECDA Regions
- Identify Regions
- Physical Characteristics
- Corrosion History
- Expected Future Corrosion
- Same Indirect Inspection Tools
- A Region Need Not Be Contiguous
180D.2.d - ECDA Regions
Sandy-Loam Med Resist No History
Sandy Well Drained Low Resist No History
Sandy Well Drained Med. Resist. Some Problems
Loam Poor Drainage High Resist Many Problems
181D.2.d - ECDA Region Changes
- Regions May be Modified Consistent With Region
Criteria - Based on Indirect Inspection
- e.g., Tools Not Performing Consistently
Throughout Region - Based on Direct Examination
- e.g., Improved Knowledge of Soil Conditions
182 D.3 - ECDAIndirect Examination
- Locate Indications of Coating Faults Corrosion
Activity - Identify Severity of Indications
- Identify Excavation Priorities
183D.3.a Conduct Indirect Examinations
- 2 Indirect Examination Tools
- Over Each ECDA Region
- Follow Industry Tool SOPs
- Establish Spacing of Readings
- Reduced Spacing in Suspect Areas
- Document Data from Indirect Examinations
184D.3.b Identify Indications
- Align and Compare Data
- Consider Spatial Errors
- Compare Results of Tools for Consistency
- Unresolved Discrepancies Classified as More
Severe - Identify Indications
185D.3.b Classify Indication Severity
- Establish Classification Criteria
- Capabilities of Tools
- Unique Conditions of Region
- Presence of Active Corrosion
- Expertise Level of Analysts
186D.3.b Classify Indication Severity
- Table 3 of NACE 0502
- Severe Moderate Minor
- Active Corrosion is Severe
- If Indeterminate, Indications Must be Classified
as Severe
187D.3.b ECDA Process Pre-Assessment Check
- Compare Indirect Results With
- Pre-assessment Results
- Prior History
- If Inconsistent, Re-evaluate
- ECDA Feasibility
- ECDA Region criteria
- Tool Selection
188D.3.b Establish Excavation Priorities
- Prioritize Direct Exam of Each Indication
- Example Criteria RP-0502 Table 4
- Urgency of Excavation
- Immediate Action Required
- Scheduled Action Required
- Suitable for Monitoring
189D.3.b - Clarification Regarding Immediate
Indication Terminology
- Immediate Indication Terminology
- Compared to 192.933
190D.4 - ECDADirect Examinations
- Required Excavations Data Collection
- Assess Corrosion Activity
- Measure Pipe Surface Conditions
- Measure Immediate Surrounding Environment Data
- Defect Size and Growth Rate
- Remediate Defects Determine Root Cause
- Verify Classifications Excavation Priorities
191Minimum Excavations
- NACE RP-0502-2002, 5.10
- No. of Regions in the Segment
- No. of Immediate Indications
- Scheduled Indications
- Defect Found at Scheduled Indication More Severe
Than Defect at Immediate - Monitored Indications
- First Application of ECDA
192D.4.a - ECDADirect Examinations
- Minimum Requirements For
- Consistent Data Collection
- Recordkeeping in Each Region
- Types of Data
- Conditions Encountered
- Corrosion Activity Expected
- Availability Quality of Prior Data
193D.4.a - ECDADirect Examinations (cont.)
- Remove Coating, Clean Pipe
- Identify/Map Corrosion
- Measure Document All Significant Defects
- Depth and Morphology Measurements
- Magnetic Particle for Cracks
- UT for Internal Defects
194D.4.b - ECDADirect Examinations
- Remaining Strength Evaluation
- SOPs Must Include Criteria
- Defects Exceed Allowable Limits
- Similar Defects May Exist in the Region
- Suitability of ECDA Process Based on Root Cause
195D.4.b - ECDADirect Examinations
- If Remaining Strength or Pf is less than (MAOP)
X (SF) - Repair or Replace or Lower MAOP
- Consider Alternative Method for Assessing Region
With Remaining Strength Concerns
196D.4.c, d - ECDADirect Examinations
- Root Cause Analysis
- Identify Underlying Root Cause for Each
Significant Corrosion Area - Formal Root Cause Analysis
- Remediation Activities
- Mitigate or Preclude Future Corrosion
197D.4.e - ECDADirect Examinations
- Perform an In-process Evaluation
- Evaluate Criteria Used to
- Classify Severity of Indications
- Establish Priorities of Excavations
- On 1st Use, Classification and Prioritization
Criteria May Not Be Relaxed
198D.4.f, g Changes in Plan Time Frames
- Establish Basis for Changing
- Classifications of Severity
- Priorities for Excavation Required
- Establish Implement
- Internal Notifications of Changes
- Time Frame for Direct Examinations
199 D.4.h Process for Defects other than EC
- Process for Defects Discovered Other Than
External Corrosion - i.e., ILI or Subpart J Test Methods for
- Mechanical Damage
- Stress Corrosion Cracking
- Seam Weld Issues
200D.5 - Post Assessment Objectives
- Determine Reassessment Intervals
- Assess Overall Effectiveness of the ECDA Process
201D.5.a - Reassessment Intervals
- Based on Worst Defect Found at a Scheduled
Indication - Half of Calculated Remaining Life
- Corrosion Growth Rates
- Measured Data, OR
- Default Rate of 16 mil/yr (App D)
202D.5.b Reassessment Interval Limits
- Intervals Must Not Exceed 192.939
- 10 Years if Above 50 SMYS
- 15 Years if Between 30 50 SMYS,
- 20 Years if Below 30 SMYS
- Direct Examination Results May Affect
Re-Assessment Interval
203D.5.c Assessment of ECDA Effectiveness
- Process Validation Dig(s)
- One Additional Direct Exam to Validate ECDA
Process (2 If 1st Use of DA) - 1 At a Scheduled Indication,
- 1 Where No Indication Was Found
- Re-Evaluate if Defects More Severe Than Expected
204D.5.c Assessment of ECDA Effectiveness
- Performance Measures
- Long Term Effectiveness of ECDA
- Controlling External Corrosion
- RP-0502 Suggests Measures
- Number of Reclassifications
- Trend the Number of Immediate and Scheduled
205D.5.d ECDA Post Assessment
- Improve ECDA by Incorporating Feedback Throughout
206Protocol Area D.1 through D.5 External Corrosion
Direct Assessment
Conclusion Thank you for your attention
207 Gas Integrity Management Rule Protocols
- Clyde Myers
- 49 CFR 192.927
- Internal Corrosion Direct Assessment
- Protocols D.6 through D.10
- January 2005
208Internal Corrosion Direct Assessment (ICDA)
- 49 CFR 192.927
- ASME B31.8S
209 Internal Corrosion Direct Assessment
- D.6 Dry Gas ICDA Programmatic Requirements
- D.7 Dry Gas ICDA Pre-Assessment
- D.8 Dry Gas ICDA Direct Examination
- D.9 Dry Gas ICDA Post-Assessment
- D.10 Wet Gas ICDA Programmatic Requirements
210D.6.a - Dry Gas (DG) ICDAPlan
- DG ICDA Plan per 192.927(c)
- Pre-Assessment
- ICDA Region Identification
- Identification of Locations for Excavation and
Direct Examination - Post Assessment
211D.6.b - DG ICDAPlan Requirements
- DG ICDA Plan Requirements
- Criteria for Key Decisions
- DG ICDA Feasibility
- DG ICDA Region Identification
- Conditions Requiring Excavation
- Implementing Each DG ICDA Step
212D.6.c d - DG ICDA
- DG ICDA Plan Requirements
- More Restrictive Criteria 1st Use
- DG ICDA Analysis Applied to Entire Pipeline
- If Corrosion is Found
- Remediate Per 933, and
- Evaluate All Segments (Covered and Non-Covered
Segments) With Similar Characteristics
213D.7.a - DG ICDA Pre-Assessment
- Gather and Integrate Data
- Facility Historical Data
- Information to Support Flow Model
- Gas Input and Withdrawal Points
- Low Points (Drips, Traps, etc.)
- Elevation Inclines
- Flow Rates
- Cleaning Pig Data
214D.7.b - DG ICDA Pre-Assessment Data Analysis
- Integrated Data Analysis
- Determine DG ICDA Feasibility
- Identify DG ICDA Regions
- Support Use of a Flow Model
- Identify Where Liquids Are Entrained and
215D.7.c - DG ICDA - Identify Excavation Locations
- Flow Model GRI 02-0057 Must Consider Changes In
- Diameter, Gas Inputs and Withdrawals, Gas
Velocity, Pressure and Temperature - Identify Points of Water Accumulation
- Use of Other Flow Models
- Flow Model Not Needed if 100 of Region is
216D.8.a - DG ICDA Identify Excavation Locations
- Site Selection and Direct Exam
- Integrate Critical Inclination Angle With
Pipeline Inclination Profile - Locate Likely IC Sites, Electrolyte Predicted
217D.8.b - DG ICDADirect Examination
- Direct Examination Using UT, Radiography, or
Other Techniques - A Min. 2 Locations/DG ICDA Region
- 1st at Low Point Nearest Beginning
- 2nd Downstream Near End
218DG ICDA - Identify Excavation Locations
DG ICDA Region
Critical Angle of Inclination
First Low Point In ICDA Region
219D.8.c - DG ICDADirect Examination
- If Corrosion Exists
- Evaluate Severity Remediate
- Perform Additional Excavations or Use Alternative
Assessment for Internal Corrosion - Evaluate Similar Pipe (Both Covered and
220D.9.a - DG ICDA Post Assessment
- Post Assessment Evaluation and Monitoring-
Objectives - Evaluate Effectiveness of DG ICDA
- Reassessment Intervals
221DG ICDA Post Assessment
Direct Exam Location
Location of Additional Dig For Post Assessment
Critical Angle of Inclination
222D.9.b - DG ICDA Post Assessment
- Post Assessment Monitoring Where IC Has Been
Identified - Continual Monitoring Required
- Frequency of Monitoring Based on Results of All
Integrity Assessments - Risk Factors of Segment
223D.10 - ICDA for Wet Gas
- If Operator Elects ICDA for Wet Gas the Operator
Must - Develop a Plan to Effectively Address Internal
Corrosion - Provide Notifications to OPS 180 Days Prior
224Protocol Area D.6 D.10 Internal Corrosion
Direct Assessment
Conclusion Thank you for your attention
225Gas Integrity Management Rule Protocols
- Clyde Myers
- 49 CFR 192.929
- Stress Corrosion Cracking Direct Assessment
- Protocols D.11 and D.12
- January 2005
- High pH SCC
- SCCDA Plan Must Meet B31.8S Appendix A3
- D.11 SCCDA Data Gathering Evaluation
- D.12 SCCDA Assessment, Examination, Threat
- Near-Neutral pH SCC
- Plans Reviewed on a Case-by-Case Basis
228SCCDA Plan (High pH)
- SCCDA Plan Must Address
- Data Gathering, Integration (D.11)
- Data Collected at All Excavations Meeting SCC
Likelihood Criteria - Including Non-Covered Segments
- Assessment, Examination, Threat Remediation
229D.11.a - SCCDA Data Gathering Integration
- Systematic Process to Collect, Integrate, and
Evaluate Data - Evaluate Identify SCC Segments
- Prioritize Assessments
230D.11.a - SCCDA Data Gathering Integration
- Minimum Data Set (Appendix A3)
- Age of Pipe,
- Operating Temperature,
- Distance From Compressor Station,
- Coating Type,
- Past Hydro Information,
- If Data is Missing
- Use Conservative Assumptions
231Screening Criteria for High-pH SCC
- Segment Experienced in Service or Hydro Test SCC
Leak or Rupture, OR - Susceptible to High pH SCC if Segment Meets All
Criteria - Stress gt 60 SMYS
- Historic Temp gt 100F
- lt 20 Miles Downstream of Compressor
- gt 10 Years Old
- Coating Other Than Fusion Bonded Epoxy
232D.12.a - SCCDA Assessment Method
- Assessment Method Required
- Bell Hole, or
- Hydro Test Program
- Written Inspection, Examination, and Evaluation
233D.12.b Factors in Selecting Dig Sites
- Bell Hole Examination Evaluation
- Identify Criteria for Dig Site Selection
- History of SCC in Area
- Mechanical Damage, Dents, Soils/Moisture, Steep
Slopes - Coating Anomalies
- General Corrosion
- Other Integrity Threats Present in Segment
- Greatest Stress, Pressure Fluctuations, and
Highest Temperatures
234D.12.b - Bell Hole Assessment Method
- Direct Examination for SCC
- Including Areas of Coating Disbondment
- Magnetic Particle Inspection
235D.12.b - Bell Hole Assessment Method
- If No SCC Indication
- Define Re-Evaluation Interval
- Mitigate SCC Indications
- Hydro Test Valve Section for SCC
- E