Title: Know The Coolest Website Designs
1Know The Coolest Website Designs
Published By Web Design Expert
2Type 1 Sony Ericson
Sony Ericson tested a new design called the
Xperia Social Experiment, which was designed to
appeal to socially connected audiences. Rather
than following traditional design parameters they
experimented with a "lab" feel.
3Type 2 Pole Cat
Pole Cat is an iPhone and iPad application
development company based in the Ukraine and they
threw out all traditional design concepts.
Placing a large headline in the middle of the
page and creating a map guiding you through the
sites navigation were quite unique.
4Type 3 Nike Better World
Nike is known for very simple web designs in both
their online and offline advertising and they
took this to the next level with their better
world campaign. With a video taking up 90 of the
web design the rest of the space was filled with
Nike Branding.
5Type 4 We Are Cup Cup
We are Cup Cup is a website which sells cup cakes
and their unique web designs makes you feel like
you are at their cup cake stand. The site is also
socially connected to Facebook and twitter and
allows customers to share the site.
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