Title: BlockChain Online Training with Course Certification - TekSlate.com
1Blockchain Training Online with Live Projects
and Job Assistance
tekslate.com (https/ tekslate.com/blockchain-trai
ning/) by VibeThemes
Course Details Blockchain Overview Blockchain
is the leading digital assets platform which
records and controls the monetary information.
It is considered as the revolutionary shared
ledger technology that help businesses solve
complex problems. Why to attend TekSlate Online
Training? At TekSlate, Blockchain training is
delivered by certi?ed Blockchain working
professionals. Whether a participant is an
end-user, partner or an employee working on the
tool, our training and assessments will sculpt
you to be
2successful in using functions by employing
Blockchain tool. Tekslate online training o?ers
you a comprehensive way of learning Blockchain
and equips you in building a better
career. Blockchain Training Course
Objectives After the completion of Blockchain
training, a participant will be able to Invest
in Cryptocurrency Make transactions easier Better
explore the radical ?nancial system Allows huge
exchange of values. Who should attend
Blockchain training course? Prerequisites There
are no speci?c prerequisites in attending
Blockchain training, however, the following
candidates will gain the maximum advantage IT
Personnel Product team Asset Managers Internal
Auditors Any graduate interested in pursuing the
?eld. Blockchain Training Curriculum Fundamenta
ls of Blockchain
3What Bitcoin is and why should you care, Key
properties, Securing your bitcoins, Where can I
spend bitcoins?, Merchant Resources, Bitcoin
Units, Bitcoin Projects Introduction to
Cryptocurrency and Networking Concepts Transforma
tion in trading units, Cryptography and
Crypto-currency, Anonymity and Pseudonymity in
cryptocurrencies, Digital Signatures,
Cryptocurrency Hash codes, Peer to peer networks
(structured and unstructured) Bitcoin and
Blockchain Bitcoin and its History, Why use
Bitcoins?, Where and how to buy bitcoins, How to
store bitcoins?, How and where to spend
bitcoins?, Selling bitcoins, Bitcoin
transactions, How bitcoin transactions work, What
happens in case of invalid transactions,
Parameters that invalidate the transactions,
Scripting language in bitcoin, Applications of
bitcoin script, Nodes and network of bitcoin,
Various roles you can play in Bitcoin
Ecosystem The Bitcoin / Blockchain
Protocol Blockchain, Transactions Overview, The
5 Standard Transaction Scripts, Generation
transaction aka Coinbase transaction Bitcoin
Mining Forks, Nodes, Hash Functions and Hashing,
Advanced Bitcoin use cases, Purpose of Mining,
Algorithm used in mining, Mining hardware, How
bitcoin mining works?, Bitcoin mining pools, How
cloud mining of bitcoin works?, Mining
Incentives, Security and Centralizations Ethereum
4What is Ethereum?, What is Ether?, How to use
Ethereum?, The Ethereum ecosystem, DApps and
DAOs, How Ethereum mining works, Learning
Solidity, Contract classes, Functions and
conditionals, Inheritance abstract contracts,
Libraries, Types Optimization, Global
Variables, Debugging, Future of
Ethereum Setting up Private Blockchain
Environment using Ethereum Platform Private and
public blockchain, Various blockchain setup
platforms, Using Ethereum to setup private
blockchain, Steps to build a blockchain solution,
Smart contract on Ethereum, Compile, deploy and
instantiate contracts, Con?guring, running and
working with the go-Ethereum client, Account
management and mining, Understand the di?erent
stages of a contract deployment, How to interact
with a contract once deployed? Prospects of the
Blockchain Blockchain prospering our world,
Blockchain transforming business and
professionalism, Discussing practical use-cases
of blockchain, How can we take Aadhaar Card on
Blockchain, How Blockchain can be used to remove
corruption, Real case scenarios of Blockchain,
Blockchain in Banking system, Blockchain in Land
Registry, Blockchain in Capital
Market. Blockchain Certi?cation After the
completion of Blockchain training, it would be a
priority point for a participant to achieve
Blockchain Certi?cation as the corporate world
accepts pro?le that is arrayed with technology
certi?cations. Bene?ts of being certi?ed in
Blockchain application would be Distinguished
as an expert in the IT market. Racing in low
competition area in Digital asset platform
5Remunerated with an uncommon package. For more
information on Certi?cation, you can visit the
following Blockchain Certi?cation (https/
cryptoconsortium.org/certi?cations/CBP). Bene?ts
to our Global Learners Tekslate is
trainee-focussed Quality training delivered with
comparatively low fee structure across the
globe Lifetime Access to recorded video sessions
of the Murex training Exposure on real-time
scenarios in varied domains by industry
experts Blockchain Trends Blockchain provides
opportunity for radical trade. IBM, Walmart,
Tyson Forge are collaborating on Blockchain
adoption. What Are The Modes Of
Training? Tekslate basically o?ers the online
instructor-led training. Apart from that we also
provide corporate training for enterprises. Who
Are The Trainers? Our trainers have relevant
experience in implementing real-time solutions on
di?erent queries related to di?erent topics.
Tekslate also veri?es their technical background
and expertise. What If I Miss A Class?
6We record each LIVE class session you undergo
through and we will share the recordings of each
session/class. Can I Request For A Support
Session If I Find Di?culty In Grasping
Topics? If you have any queries you can contact
our 24/7 dedicated support to raise a ticket. We
provide you email support and solution to your
queries. If the query is not resolved by email
we can arrange for a one-on-one session with our
trainers. What Kind Of Projects Will I Be
Working On As Part Of The Training? You will
work on real world projects wherein you can apply
your knowledge and skills that you acquired
through our training. We have multiple projects
that thoroughly test your skills and knowledge
of various aspect and components making you
perfectly industry-ready. How Will I Execute The
Practical? Our Trainers will provide the
Environment/Server Access to the students and we
ensure practical real-time experience and
training by providing all the utilities required
for the in-depth understanding of the course. If
I Cancel My Enrollment, Will I Get The
Refund? If you are enrolled in classes and/or
have paid fees, but want to cancel the
registration for certain reason, it can be
attained within 48 hours of initial
registration. Please make a note that refunds
will be processed within 30 days of prior
request. Will I Be Working On A Project? The
Training itself is Real-time Project Oriented.
7Are These Classes Conducted Via Live Online
Streaming? Yes. All the training sessions are
LIVE Online Streaming using either through WebEx
or GoToMeeting, thus promoting one-on-one trainer
student Interaction. Is There Any O?er /
Discount I Can Avail? There are some Group
discounts available if the participants are more
than 2. Who Are Our Customers Our Location
? As we are one of the leading providers of
Online training, We have customers from USA, UK,
Canada, Australia, India and other parts of the
tekslate.com (https/ tekslate.com/blockchain-trai
ning/) by VibeThemes