1County of Los Angeles FIRE DEPARTMENT
Injury to Firefighters
2Wichita - Kansas Fire Department
- Fire Fighter Severely Injured During
Extinguishment Of An Automobile Fire
3Wichita - Kansas Incident
- January 17, 1995
- A Lieutenant was opening the hood of an
automobile fire - On a 1993 Oldsmobile, Achieva
- Major fire involvement in the engine compartment
- Gas spring (Strut) in the hood area exploded
4Wichita - Kansas Incident
- The housing from the gas spring (strut) propelled
the tube out the front headlight - The housing from the gas spring (strut) impaled
into the Lieutenants hand - The second gas spring (strut) located under the
hood exploded - Rocketed out the front headlight
5Investigation Of The Wichita Incident
- National Center for Automobile Safety
- U.S. Department of Transportation Auto Safety Hot
Line - U.S. Department of Transportation National
Highway Traffic Safety Administration - National Consumer Product Safety Commission
6Investigation Of The Wichita Incident
- U.S. Department of Labor (OSHA)
- General Motors Corporation, Consumer Division
- Legal and Liability concerns
- Would not provide any data or make
recommendations - Ford Motors Corporation, Customer Hotline (same
results as G.M.)
7Fire Departments Nation Wide
- Do they recognize that small diameter gas springs
(struts) are an explosion / rocket hazard when
exposed to high temperature conditions during
automotive fires?
8Fire Departments Nation Wide
- Have they experienced fire fighter injuries from
exploding / rocketing small diameter gas springs
(struts) during automobile extinguishment
9Gas Spring Struts
- Gas springs come in a variety of lengths and
diameters - On all 1992 - 1998 G.M. vehicle hoods , lift
gates, etc. - Simple in construction
- Sealed cylinder consisting of only a few basic
components rod, tube, piston, seals and end
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11Gas Spring Struts
- They contain pressurized inert gas (nitrogen) and
a small amount of oil - The increase in force on compression is between
5 and 50 from the point where the rod is almost
fully extended to the point where it is fully
12Gas Spring Struts
- The cylinders are generally constructed of 1040
mild steel and are coated with a baked matte
black epoxy power paint - The rod is also made of 1040 mild steel, and is
chrome plated - Both finishes are resistant to corrosion
13Temperature Affects Performance
- Gas springs (struts) are designed to operate at
temperatures ranging from minus 40 degrees F to
284 degrees F - No manufacturer could provide any evidence that
any testing at temperatures above 284 degrees F
had ever been conducted
14Temperature Affects Performance
- Additionally, no manufacturer could provide any
data on the temperature at which the entire gas
spring or any portion of the unit (cylinder,
seals, or fittings to which it attaches) fails.
15Vehicle Fire Hazards
- Energy Absorbing Bumpers
- Vehicle Suspension Systems
- Safety Restraint System
- Hatchback and Hood Gas Springs (Struts)
- Fuel Systems
16Vehicle Fire Hazards
- Vehicle Drive Shafts
- Split Rims
- Batteries
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33Strut Explosion - 1998 Chevy Blazer
- L.A. County Fire - 8/9/98 - 0052 Hrs.
- Vehicle fire in the passenger area
- Well involved with fire
- Rear glass window hatch open
- Both gas spring (struts) exploded
- One strut traveled at a right angle about 50 to
75 feet from vehicle - No Fire Fighter injuries
34Kansas City, Kansas Incident
- March 1997, gas spring strut
- 1993 Chevrolet Caprice police cruiser
- Exploded during an engine compartment fire
- Launching a metal shard into the right flank of a
fire fighter
35Kansas City, Kansas Incident
- Causing serious soft tissue injury
- The fire fighter was assisting another fire
fighter in opening the hood of the involved
36County of Los Angeles Fire Department
- Fire Fighter Severely Injured During
Extinguishment Of An Automobile Fire
37L.A. County Incident
- July 26, 1998 - 0220 Hours
- Fire Fighter prying open the hood of an
automobile fire - On a 1992 Oldsmobile, Achieva
- Major fire involvement in the engine compartment
area - Gas spring (strut) exploded in the hood area
38Wichita - Kansas Incident
- January 17, 1995
- A Lieutenant was opening the hood of an
automobile fire - On a 1993 Oldsmobile, Achieva
- Major fire involvement in the engine compartment
- Gas spring (Strut) in the hood area exploded
39L.A. County Incident
- The housing from the gas spring (strut) propelled
out of the front part of the vehicle where it
appeared to glance off the asphalt - Impaling into the right lower leg of the Fire
Fighter as he was trying to pry open the hood
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57L.A. County Incident
- The second gas spring (strut) located under the
hood appeared to explode - Propelled forward 56 6 into the front of a gas
58L.A. County Incident
- Striking the gas station at a five foot high
level - Making a 3 indentation into the aluminum fascia
- Then ricocheting another 33 feet where it finally
came to rest on the asphalt
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71Tactics Strategy
- Clear citizens in, near and around the vehicle
- Appropriate hose line, minimum 1 3/4
- Foam capabilities
- Proper positioning of your apparatus
- Approach the vehicle at a 90 angle and never
from the ends
72Tactics Strategy
- Avoid approaching directly in front of or in the
rear of the automobile - Pry open the hood along one of its sides just
enough to direct a fog stream into the engine
compartment - After knock down, personnel should return to a
safe location, allowing gas struts to cool
73Fire Fighter Safety
- High risk / Low frequency
- Can you afford a career ending injury
- The fire damaged vehicle goes to the junk yard
- I did not anticipate or expect that to happen