Title: 96th AAFT Festival of Short Digital Films Inaugurated
196th AAFT Festival of Short Digital Films
2Noida AAFT has done it! AAFT has proved to the
World. It is a World Record When we talk about
96th edition of a festival. No festival could
touch this number so far, said Prof. V.S.Kanan
Dean of Asian Academy of Film And Television on
the inauguration of 96th Festival of Short
Digital Films. Sandeep Marwah welcomed all the
guest and read the international record made on
AAFT Festival of Short Digital Films. This is
the only festival to touch 96th edition, only
festival happens four times a year, only festival
where 2300 directors have been given chance to
showcase their debut film, said Marwah. I am
feeling elevated and proud to share the same
platform with my teachers who all have taught me
here many batches earlier. I am at the right
occasion when AAFT festival is creating a World
Record, said Sundeep Koucher alumnus of AAFT now
Limca Book of Record Holder who has performed in
largest number of episodes of Zee TV. I have
upgraded my knowledge on Cinema. This is probably
the biggest festival of Noida too. The city is
lucky to host such kind of festival. It is a
Ganga of film information for film lovers and
film makers, added Anu Sinha renowned Dance
Exponent.Prof. Satish Anand Dean Acting AAFT,
Donald Green Artist from Australia and Vikram
Sethi Art Curater also spoke on the occasion.