Title: Certified Portuguese to English Translator
1Certified Portuguese to English Translator
If you live in a Portuguese speaking country like
Brazil or Portugal and you are intending on
setting up a business in an English speaking
country, or you may even have products you want
to offer for sale in English speaking countries,
you will need to get all your marketing materials
for the product translated into English to ensure
the product reaches your potential customers.
Also, if you have been offered a job working in
an English speaking country and your language is
Portuguese you will be asked to get certain
documents translated into English before you are
able to move to the country. Getting the best
translator There are a number of countries that
offer certification for translators so that they
can prove their ability to undertake a good
translation. In Australia, for example, the
National Association of Australian Translators
and Interpreters is well known for its stringent
certification process so if you choose a
certified Portuguese to english translator with a
certification from NAATI you can expect a good
translation. In fact, if you come to live or work
in Australia and you are not from an English
speaking country government authorities require
all documents to be translated by a NAATI
translator before they are accepted. The United
States doesnt require any particular
qualifications for a translator to do a
translation but it does have a professional body
called the American Translation Association
(ATA). American translators can become a
certified Portuguese to english translator by
sitting an examination set by ATA. You wouldnt
normally expect new translators to sit this exam
as it is designed for translators who have had
some experience working in the translation
industry. However if you are looking for a
translator who cares about quality then you
should look for the ATA symbol on their
2Marketing products overseas The sorts of
documents you may need translated could be
website information if you are intending on
marketing your Brazilian or Portuguese products
to an English speaking market. Also if there are
special instructions for the use of your product
you will need to translate the user manual from
Portuguese to English so the purchaser will know
how to use your product in a safe manner.
Additionally, warranty information and conditions
for returning the product if its found to be
faulty need to be explained in English if English
speakers are the likely purchasers of your
product. Migrating to another country If you are
intending on migrating to another country you
will need to get all your key documents
translated by a certified Portuguese to english
translator. Most countries will require
translations of birth certificates, a marriage
certificate (if applicable), police clearance
certificates and medical reports. There will be
other documents that may need translating like
degree and diploma certificates and job
references depending on the reason for migrating
to the country. Most immigration departments
wont accept poor translations so seeking a
certified portuguese to english translator will
ensure your application goes smoothly.
Contact Cinchtranslations 3101 SW 34th
Avenue STE905-453, Ocala FLORIDA
34474 Telephone (1) 855-938-7267 Web adress
Source https//cinchtranslations.blogspot.com/201