The chesterfield sofa is known for its quilted or tufted style. Some have the tufted design on only the back and arms while others include it on the seating bench section as well. It continues to be a popular style with current sofa trends.
Mid-century Modern
This style of sofa is all about minimalist design and clean lines. There are many varieties of this style of sofa. Its designed to look good and be comfortable the result is its not the most comfortable furniture, but in coupled with the right home design, it can look fabulous.
While the bridgewater design fits in most room designs, its seldom going to be the standout feature of the room.
If you want traditional and reasonably comfortable in a sofa, consider the bridgewater style. Its still a staple sofa style today but its not nearly as popular as it once was.
Camel back
This type of sofa is also recognized for exposed wood legs as well as frequently exposed wood on top of the back and arms (although not always).
While a classic design, you can buy contemporary camel back sofa designs (that are a more comfortable than the antique featured here).
Some designs include ornate elements to them such as the sofa featured here however, more often (and especially contemporary cabriole sofas) substitute ornate for more comfortable features such as more cushion throughout (especially the seated portion of the sofa).