Title: Guinea Pig Hideout - Createdbylaura
1Welcome To Created by Laura
Created by Laura is based in Rochester, NY. We
specialize in handmade items to promote your
pets comfort. Most items are custom made to
order and can be customized. Contact us today to
find out how Created by Laura can help you!
2Our Services
We have a wide collection of guinea pig tunnels,
hideouts, hay bags, fleece cage liners, bedding,
for your pets. Created By Laura is the easiest
way to shop online for guinea pig items at best
3Hay Bags For Guinea Pigs
- Get custom-made tunnels, couches, hay bags and
fleece beddings for your little Guinea pig. - Shop from the limited edition of Guinea pigs
collection. at www.createdbylaura.com.
4Guinea Pig Accessories
- get the best deal on hay bags, cage liners,
fleece bedding, drip pad, pet pillows, guinea pig
tunnels and other pet accessories, and get a
discount on your overall purchase.
5Contact Created By Laura 59 Cape Henry
TrailWest Henrietta, NY 14586 585-415-1759
laura_at_createdbylaura.com http//createdbylaura