Title: On demand | best live streaming apps for iPhone
2Best live streaming apps for iPhone
3Live streaming app steps.....!!!!!!!
- Splash Screen
- This screen will be seen while the app is
- Login Screen
- User can login or Signup through either face book
or Google - Bottom Terms of use text navigate to
description how user should use this app. This
text can manageable by admin.
4- Home Page
- This page shows list of live and record videos
which user have publish their streamings from
recent order. - Live video should always shows first, after that
recorded video will list.
5Live Streaming Page Video Details
- Watching Live video streaming in a background
with comment, like and live viewers are showing
over the video to get the excellent UI
experience. - Any user who view the video can comment their
thoughts, that comment will get hide after 5
seconds. Also anyone once join the video, the
live viewers and publisher get notified.
- Viewers can see the details of live video
broadcasting like showing title, total number of
viewers and publisher details. - Report broadcast will getting know the admin to
find the video as inappropriate or not.
6Create Streaming Users List
- This screen will list all the users of livza from
the recent order. So it will easily to find the
new users and follow them.
- This screen will allow user to publish the own
video streaming and by giving the appropriate
title for the video. - Publisher can stop the broadcast and hide viewers
- My video page list the recorded video of user
which he already published. - Followers and followings page will show the user
who follow and following his friends.
- This page will list the notification when user
will follow and push notification will show when
the follower publish a live video.
8Other profile
- This page shows list of help option that fully
manageable by admin.
- Users can see anyones profile and can see their
recent videos, follower and followings. Also have
a option to follow and unfollow them. - User Block option allow to hide the videos and
notification from blocked one.
9- For More - https//appkodes.com/instalive/
- Product Link- https//appkodes.com/product/livza-
10THANK YOU....!!!!