Title: How to use misoprostol vaginally
1How to Use Misoprostol VaginaLLY
2Medical Abortion Consist of 2 Pills
Mifepristone Misoprostol
3A single pill of Mifepristone (200 mg) is taken
orally with water
Insert the second pill of Misoprostol inside
your Vagina with the help of Stick
4Preparation Insertion
Be ready with the napkins or tampons
Its going to be bleed more
5You can observe clots and other side
effects Like nausea, diarrhea
Drink sufficient volumes of beverages like fruit
6The most painful symptoms of an abortion occur
after Misoprostol
It is advisable to begin the regimen when you
have no scheduled appointments or
responsibilities for the week ahead
7Before inserting the pills into the vagina,
empty your bladder
Wash your hands to prevent infections
8Insert the four pills one by one and go as deep
as you can
It is better to avoid movement and simply lie
down during this course of time.
9The After-Effects
Medical abortion only temporarily alters the
functions of the hormones. So, there exist
chances of pregnancy right after an abortion.
Refrain from sexual intercourse until a
complete recovery or wait till you get a formal
clinical assessment done.
10The nutrient levels in the body receive a plummet
and a nutritious diet is essential to replenish
11Visit the clinic if
- You experience prolonged bleeding
- You soak more than two sanitary pads
- in an hour or two
- You observe high fever with chills
- Size of the clots in your blood is larger
- than that of lemons
- Symptoms of pregnancy do not subside
- Abdominal pain continues
12Thank You for Watching
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