A 2018 Outlook - iOS vs. Android App Development

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A 2018 Outlook - iOS vs. Android App Development


The smartphone landscape is dominated by two major players in the mobile OS domain: Android and iOS. Here is how the two can be compared. To know more click here – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: A 2018 Outlook - iOS vs. Android App Development

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Android or iOS App What do You Build?
  • Companies no longer ask the question Do we make
    an app?
  • The new question is What kind of app do we make?
  • The major app platforms dominating the market are
    Apples iOS and Googles Android. Most companies
    must choose one or the other to host their app.
  • While it is possible to have an app on both, the
    costs involved can be intimidating for small and
    medium sized companies.
  • Often, a look at the advantages offered by both
    platforms can help with making a choice.

Android App Development Pros
  • Android has the largest user base in the world.
    Android apps run on more devices globally than
    any other app on any other platform.
  • The Android Software Development Kit (SDK) is
    free of charge and can be used by anyone without
    payment. This makes it a more democratic, free
  • Android apps can run on a number of operating
    systems including Windows, Linux and Mac.
  • It is much easier to design an Android app, as it
    uses Java, a programming language that most
    programmers are intimately familiar with.
  • To develop on Android, one simply has to pay a
    one-time fee of 25. It is the cheaper option by

Android App Development Cons
  • Despite the large number of users, people tend to
    spend less on Android apps. They usually download
    free apps, which makes generating revenue
  • Androids non-uniform standards for apps may
    cause lack of compatibility between the apps and
    the wide variety of Android devices. (However,
    Google is updating its app submission guidelines
    and making it stricter for quality control)
  • Not every Android user upgrades to every new
    version of the operating system (OS). This means
    that an app will not work on every Android device
    unless it has been optimized for all versions of
    the OS.
  • Similarly, an Android app has to be optimized for
    thousands of devices, which means thousands of
    screen sizes, button placements, unique features,
    etc. Obviously, this is cost-intensive.

iOS App Development Pros
  • iOS users usually have higher incomes and tend to
    spend more on apps. This facilitates higher
  • The iOS SDK is considered largely to be more
    mature and sophisticated, and the API is believed
    to be far more stable. This makes more better
    structuring of the software.
  • Since iOS apps have to optimized for a finite
    number of devices (only Apple devices), user
    interface (UI) standardization is accomplished
    with far greater ease.
  • Apples tough-as-nails quality control mechanism
    ensures that only the most well-developed apps
    are made available on the store.

iOS App Development Cons
  • Apples stringent approval methodology delays the
    release of most apps by week, sometimes months.
  • The same standards can restrict innovation. Your
    definition of innovation must match that as
    specified by Apple.
  • The App Store is designed to display a small
    number of search results on each screen. This
    means that unless your app has received thousands
    and millions of downloads, it might not show high
    up in the results. This might lead to your app
    not being viewed.
  • To develop on iOS, one has to pay 99 per year
    for a subscription. With all the other factors,
    this can eat significantly into possible profits.
  • iOS apps only run on Apple devices. Naturally,
    the customer pool is much smaller, as is the
    earning potential.

Which is Better? iOS or Android?
  • The question to decide upon is not whether one
    platform is better than the other, but which
    platform suits your needs better.
  • This will depend on your resources, your target
    customers, what devices they use, their income
    levels and what kind of user experience they are
    looking for.
  • Investment in research to gain this information
    is crucial to settling the question of iOS vs
    Android App development.


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