Title: Designing for the Web
1Designing for the Web
- Presentation for
- Master Internet VolunteerSM Program
North Dakota State University Extension Service
2Creating a Successful Site
- Determine your audience
- Design for your audience
- their equipment
- special interest areas
- customer service
3How to Start
- Define the goal of your Web site
- Create a home page plan
- Diagram the site
- Diagram the page
4Define the Goal
- Gather information
- Write a simple statement about the function of
your site - Expand the statement to include info on
- client
- site
- page
- interactivity
5Simple Statement Example
This site will provide the means to create
dynamic special interest groups.
6Expanded Example
This site will be aimed at 30- to 40-year-old
mid-level executives with limited computer
background who are interested in building
professional networks. Clients will have
entry-level browsing capabilities and access to
few helper applications.
7Create a Home Page Plan
- List the required items (name, function,
contents, contact info) - List available graphic elements (logos, photos)
- Create several quick sketches
- Review the sketches with HTML in mind. Select the
one that works.
8Diagram the Site
- A rough sketch showing pages and relationships
9Example Site Diagram
10Diagram the Page
Navigation bar
11General Design Tips
- Keep home pages short--aim for one screen
- Pages below gradually get longer
- Home pages introduce site
- Level one pages major topics
- Level two pages more detail
12General Design Tips
- Design for lowest technology denominator
- Start with text
- Optional additions (in order)
- images
- advanced layouts (tables)
- animation, sound, multimedia
- frames
13General Design Tips
- Be fast keep it simple
- Be consistent
- Have content on every page
- Focus on readability
- Limit use of lines ltHRgt instead make white space
with line breaks ltBRgtltBRgt
14Home Page Design
- Limit to one screen
- Design for quick loading
- Identify yourself, company, or organization
- Describe the site function
- Provide contact information
- Link to content
- Be consistent
- page design
- navigation elements
- placement
- Make info accessible within two clicks of the
home page - Dont link to pages that dont contain content
16Type Tips
- Keep text readable
- use mixed case, not all caps
- avoid tiny type
- make sure text and background contrast
- limit the amount of text on a page
- avoid tiled backgrounds behind text
- Always use ALT tags if you use a graphic to
replace text
17More Type Tips
- Use text to help design your page
- Use different sizes of text
- Use bold and italic to differentiate text
- Change the alignment (left, center, or right)
18Color Tips
- White backgrounds load fastest
- Black text is highest contrast to white
- Red is a good accent
- Use color in meaningful ways
- Background colors dont print
- white text on a black background prints nothing
19More Color Tips
- Choose colors with audience appeal the rules
might change - Youth appeal
- Serious audiences
20Tips for Web Graphics
- Use HEIGHT and WIDTH tags
- text will load while image loads
- Use the ALT tag. Write short, clear descriptions
- Keep graphics small
- Use thumbnails and link to larger image
21More Tips for Web Graphics
- Use GIF format for artwork and line drawings
- Use JPEG format for photographic images
22New Web Technology
- Most users value content over whiz-bang
technology - Know your audience and their capabilities
23HTML Tips
- Use simple codes to enhance design
- headings ltH1gtlt/H1gt to ltH6gtlt/H6gt
- bold ltBgtlt/Bgt
- breaks for vertical space ltBRgt
24HTML Tips
- Use tables to format information and graphics
- set width to 560 pixels or less
- experiment with borders on and off
- can place tables within tables to enhance
25HTML Tips
- Borrow code
- View page source code in the browser when you see
a layout you like to learn how it was created.
26Web work is never done...
- Constantly update
- Work with small teams
- Weed out old information and links
- Test! Test! And Test!
- Make sure your site is accessible to your
27Use Web Review Software
- Website Garage
- www.websitegarage.com
- Bobby
- www.cast.org/bobby/
28Master Internet VolunteerSM Programwww.ext.nodak
This slide set was prepared by the University of
Minnesota Master Internet Volunteer program
leaders and is being used with their permission.