Title: Chapter 2: Java and Object Orientiation
1Chapter 2 Java and Object Orientiation
- Motivation
- Abstraction.
- Code as a black box that you have the means to
externally control. Use something without
knowing how it works. - Procedural Abstraction
- You dont need to worry about the details of how
some operation is performed, just what the inputs
and outputs are - Data Abstraction
- Grouping together (modeling) data that represents
some entity so you can programmatically treat it
as a single unit. - Effectively you are building and using black
box models to be able to handle increasingly
complex operations with increasingly complex
data. -
2Lesson Object-Oriented Programming Concepts
- What is an Object?
- An object has state and behavior.
- What is a Class
- A class is a blueprint from which objects are
created. - What is Inheritance?
- Inheritance provides a powerful and natural
mechanism for organizing and structuring your
software. - What is an Interface?
- An interface is a contract between a class and
the outside world. - What is a Package?
- A package is a namespace for organizing classes
and interfaces in a logical manner.
3What Is an Object? Real-World Objects
- Object Oriented Technology views software in the
same way we view real-world objects. - Real-world objects share two characteristics
- They all have state and behavior.
- Examples of real-world objects
- Dogs have state (name, color, breed, hungry) and
behavior (barking, fetching, wagging tail). - Bicycles have state (current gear, current pedal
cadence, current speed) and behavior (changing
gear, changing pedal cadence, applying brakes). - Desktop radio has states (on, off, current
volume, current station) and behavior (turn on,
turn off, increase volume, decrease volume, seek,
scan, and tune). - You may also notice that some objects, in turn,
will also contain other objects
4What Is an Object? Software Objects
- Software objects consist of state and related
behavior. - An object stores its state in fields (variables).
- exposes its behavior through methods (functions).
- Methods
- operate on an objects internal state.
- serve as the primary mechanism for
object-to-object communication.
- Data Encapsulation
- Hiding internal state and requiring all
interaction to be performed through an objects
methods is known as data encapsulation a
fundamental principle of object-oriented
5What Is an Object? A Software Object
Representation of a Bicycle
- Software objects consist of state and related
behavior. - An object stores its state in fields (variables).
- Shows its behavior through methods (functions).
- Methods
- Operate on an objects internal state.
- Serve as the primary mechanism for
object-to-object communication.
By attributing state (current speed, current
pedal cadence, and current gear) and providing
methods for changing that state, the object
remains in control of how the outside world is
allowed to use it. For example, if the bicycle
only has 6 gears, a method to change gears could
reject any value that is less than 1 or greater
than 6.
6Benefits of Object Orientation
- Modularity
- The source code for an object can be written and
maintained independently of the source code for
other objects. - Once written, the source code for an object can
be easily passed around inside the system. - Information-hiding
- By interacting only with an objects methods, the
details of its internal implementation remain
hidden from the outside world. - Reduces complexity.
- The details of its internal implementation can be
changed without affecting other objects that use
7Benefits of Object Orientation
- Code re-use
- A fundamental principle of software engineering
is basing software development of re-usable
technology. - Reusing already tested/debugged objects leads to
higher quality software. - Pluggability and debugging ease
- If a particular object turns out to be
problematic, you can simply remove it from your
application and plug in a different object as its
replacement. - EXIf a bolt breaks, you replace it, not the
entire machine.
8What is a Class?
- In the real world, youll often find many
individual objects all of the same kind. - There may be thousands of other bicycles in
existence, all of the same make and model. - Each bicycle was built from the same set of
blueprints and therefore contains the same
components. - In object-oriented terms, we say that your
bicycle is an instance of the class of objects
known as bicycles. - A class is the blueprint from which individual
objects are created.
9What is a Class? E.g. Bicycle Class
- class Bicycle
- int cadence 0
- int speed 0
- int gear 1
- void changeCadence(int newValue)
- cadence newValue
- void changeGear(int newValue)
- gear newValue
- void speedUp(int increment)
- speed speed increment
10Bicycle Class Declaration
- class Bicycle
- int cadence 0
- int speed 0
- int gear 1
- void changeCadence(int newValue)
- cadence newValue
- void changeGear(int newValue)
- gear newValue
- void speedUp(int increment)
- speed speed increment
11Bicycle Class Fields State
- class Bicycle
- int cadence 0
- int speed 0
- int gear 1
- void changeCadence(int newValue)
- cadence newValue
- void changeGear(int newValue)
- gear newValue
- void speedUp(int increment)
- speed speed increment
12Bicycle Class Methods Behavior
- class Bicycle
- int cadence 0
- int speed 0
- int gear 1
- void changeCadence(int newValue)
- cadence newValue
- void changeGear(int newValue)
- gear newValue
- void speedUp(int increment)
- speed speed increment
13Bicycle Demo Class
- class BicycleDemo
- public static void main(String args)
- // Create two different Bicycle objects
- Bicycle bike1 new Bicycle()
- Bicycle bike2 new Bicycle()
- // Invoke methods on those objects
- bike1.changeCadence(50)
- bike1.speedUp(10)
- bike2.changeCadence(50)
14UML Representation of Class
Name of class
List of Fields
gear speed
changeGear speedUp
List of Methods
15UML Classes and Association
BicycleDemo has a reference to Bicycle (indicated
by the arrow).
gear speed
changeGear speedUp
Bicycle does NOT have a reference to BicycleDemo
(indicated by the lack of an arrow)
16UML Sequence Diagram Example Objective to show
how BicycleDemo creates and sends messages to
Bicycle objects.
17Creating Objects
- A class provides the blueprint for objects.
- You create an object from a class. For example,
the following statement consists of three parts -
- Point myPoint new Point(23, 94)
- Declaration of the reference variable. myPoint is
declared as a Point.
- Initialization of the object. Points constructor
is called to initialize the object.
- Instantiation of the class. Javas new operator
creates the object.
18Declaration of the Reference Variable
- Usually, the reference variable is declared in
the same statement with the new operator, e.g - Point myPoint new Point(23, 94)
- Sometimes, declaration of a reference variable is
required without intializing it, i.e., without
assigning an object to it., e.g - Point myPoint
- For example, later on in a program
- myPoint aPoint //aPoint refers to a
previously created object.
19Declaring a Variable to Refer to an Objecttype
- A variable declaration (type name) notifies the
compiler that you will use name to refer to data
whose type is type. - A reference variable declaration does not reserve
memory for the object to which the reference
refers. - A reference variable declaration does not create
an object.
20Declaring a Variable to Refer to an Objecttype
- For example, when originOne is declared
- Point originOne
- Memory for the pointer (originOne) is reserved,
but - No memory for an object of type Point is
reserved. - The pointers memory is initialized to null,
i.e., originOne points to nothing initially.
21Note Declaring a Primitive Variable(difference
between object and primitive variable
- A primitive variable declaration reserves memory
for the variable. For example, consider byte,
short, and int
byte x
short x
int x
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
22Instantiating a Class
- The new operator instantiates a class by
allocating memory for a new object and returning
a reference to that memory. - The new operator also invokes the object
constructor. - Note The phrase instantiating a class means
the same thing as creating an object. When you
create an object, you are creating an instance
of a class, therefore instantiating a class. - The new operator requires a single, postfix
argument a call to a constructor. The name of
the constructor provides the name of the class to
23Instantiating a Class
- The new operator returns a reference to the
object it created. This reference is usually
assigned to a variable of the appropriate type,
like - Point originOne new Point(23, 94)
- The reference returned by the new operator does
not have to be assigned to a variable. It can
also be used directly in an expression. For
example - int height new Rectangle().height
24Initializing an Object Single Constructor
- public class Point
- public int x 0
- public int y 0
- //constructor
- public Point(int a, int b)
- x a
- y b
- This class contains a single constructor. You can
recognize a constructor because its declaration
uses the same name as the class and it has no
return type. The constructor in the Point class
takes two integer arguments, as declared by the
code (int a, int b).
25Constructing and Initializing an Object
- Point originOne new Point(23, 94)
26Multiple Constructors
- A class can have multiple constructors.
- Each constructor lets you provide different type
or number of arguments, as required by the class.
- If a class has multiple constructors, they must
have different signatures. - The Java compiler differentiates the constructors
based on the number and the type of the arguments.
27Multiple Constructors
- public class Rectangle
- private int width 0
- private int height 0
- private Point origin
- // two constructors
- public Rectangle()
- origin new Point(0, 0)
- public Rectangle(Point p, int w, int h)
- origin p
- width w
- height h
28Example Multiple ReferencesAn Object Within an
Creates a Point Object.
- Point originOne new Point(23, 94)
- Rectangle rectOne new Rectangle(originOne, 100,
Rectangle has multiple constructors. This one
requires specification of the origin, width, and
- originOne refers to the point Object.
- originOne is used as an argument in the Rectangle
constructor to initialize the origin of the newly
created Rectangle Object. - The constructor also initializes width and height.
29No-Argument Constructor
- The Rectangle constructor used in the following
statement doesnt take any arguments, so its
called a no-argument constructor - Rectangle rect new Rectangle()
- All classes have at least one constructor.
30No Constructor
- If a class does not explicitly declare a
constructor, the Java compiler automatically
provides a no-argument constructor, called the
default constructor. - This default constructor calls the class parents
no-argument constructor, or the Object
constructor if the class has no other parent. - If the parent has no constructor (Object does
have one), the compiler will reject the program.
31Referencing an Objects Fields Simple Names
- Consider an object created from a given class
- This object can use simple names to refer to its
own instance fields. - For example, consider the following print
statement executed from within an instance method
of an object of type Rectangle (width and height
are instance variables.) - System.out.println("Width and height are
- " width ", " height)
- In this case, the width and height are referred
to by their simple names, width and height.
32Referencing an Objects Fields dot (.) operator
- Code that is outside the objects class must use
an (1) object reference or (2) expression,
followed by the dot (.) operator, followed by a
simple field name. - An object reference
- aVariable objectReference.fieldName
- Eg myWidth someRectangle.width
- An expression
- int height new Rectangle().height
- Note no reference for the object is stored, and
as such, the new object is subject to javas
33Referencing an Objects Field Incorrectly
- public class CreateObjectDemo
- public static void main(String args)
- System.out.println("Width of rectOne "
width) -
- public class Rectangle
- public int width 0
- public int height 0
- Using the simple name width here doesnt make
sense. - The instance field width exists only within an
object. - results in a compiler error.
34Referencing an Objects Fields Proper Usage of
the dot (.) operator Name
- public class CreateObjectDemo
- public static void main(String args)
- Rectangle rectOne new Rectangle(originOne,
100, 200) - System.out.println("Width of rectOne "
rectOne.width) -
- public class Rectangle
- public int width 0
- public int height 0
- public Rectangle()
- origin new Point(0, 0)
- a Rectangle object is created.
- The .dot operator name is used to reference the
Objects instance field.
35Invoking an Objects Own Methods Simple Names
- Consider an object created from a given class
- This object can use simple names to invoke its
own methods. - For example, consider a Rectangle class, (next
slide) - Since setHeight()sets the height of the
rectangle, it should also update the area
instance variable. - setHeight()updates the area variable by calling
the getArea() method using the simple name
36Invoking an Objects Own Methods Simple Names
Assume the myRectangle object exists. Then assume
some code calls the setHeight() and setWidth()
(not shown) methods of the myRectangle object.
- public class Rectangle
- private int width, height, area
- //put constructor here.
- public void setHeight(int h)
- height h
- area getArea()
- public int getArea()
- return heightwidth
setHeight()updates the area field by calling the
getArea()method using the simple name getArea().
37Invoking an External-Objects Methods
- An object reference is used to invoke (call) an
external-objects method. - Append the methods simple name to the object
reference, with an intervening dot operator (.). - Provide, within enclosing parentheses, any
arguments to the method. - If the method does not require any arguments, use
empty parentheses. - objectReference.methodName(argumentList)
- or
- objectReference.methodName()
38Invoking an External-Objects Methods
- objectReference.methodName(argumentList)
- The objectReference must be a reference to an
object. - You can use a variable name that has been
previously assigned to the target object. - You also can use any expression that returns an
object reference.
39Invoking an External-Objects Objects
- new Rectangle(100, 50).getArea()
- int areaOfRectangle new Rectangle(100,
getArea() of the created object returns a
variable of type int, which is assigned to
40The Garbage Collector
- Some object-oriented languages require that you
keep track of all the objects you create and that
you explicitly destroy them when they are no
longer needed. Managing memory explicitly is
tedious and error-prone. - The Java platform allows you to create as many
objects as you want (limited, of course, by what
your system can handle), and you dont have to
worry about destroying them. - The Java runtime environment deletes objects when
it determines that they are no longer being used.
This process is called garbage collection. - An object is eligible for garbage collection when
there are no more references to that object. - Dropped when a reference goes out of scope.
- Dropped when a reference is set to null.
- The Java runtime environment has a garbage
collector that periodically frees the memory used
by objects that are no longer referenced. The
garbage collector does its job automatically when
it determines that the time is right.
41Notes on Overloaded Methods
- When there are two or more methods (including
constructors) with the same name declared in a
class the methods are said to be overloaded. - Overloaded methods are differentiated by the
number and the type of the arguments passed into
the method. - You cannot declare more than one method with the
same name and the same number and type of
arguments, because the compiler cannot tell them
apart. - The compiler does not consider return type when
differentiating methods, so you cannot declare
two methods with the same signature even if they
have a different return type.
42What Is Inheritance?
- Different kinds of objects often have a certain
amount in common with each other. - Mountain bikes, road bikes, and tandem bikes, for
example, all share the characteristics of
bicycles (current speed, current pedal cadence,
current gear). - Yet each also defines additional features that
make them different - tandem bicycles have two seats and two sets of
handlebars - road bikes have drop handlebars
- some mountain bikes have an additional chain
ring, giving them a lower gear ratio.
43What Is Inheritance?
- Object-oriented programming allows classes to
inherit commonly used state and behavior from
other classes. - For example, Bicycle now becomes the superclass
of MountainBike, RoadBike, and TandemBike.
- A class that is derived from another class is
called a subclass (also a derived class, extended
class, or child class). - The class from which the subclass is derived is
called a superclass (also a base class or a
parent class). - Excepting Object, which has no superclass, every
class has one and only one direct superclass
(single inheritance).
45What You Can Do in a Subclass
- A subclass inherits all of the public and
protected members of its parent, no matter what
package the subclass is in. - If the subclass is in the same package as its
parent, it also inherits the package-private
members of the parent. - You can use the inherited members as is, replace
them, hide them, or supplement them with new
46Inheritance Syntax
- At the beginning of your class declaration, use
the extends keyword, followed by the name of the
class to inherit from -
- class MountainBike extends Bicycle
- // new fields and methods defining a
- // mountain bike would go here, e.g.
- This gives MountainBike all the same fields and
methods as Bicycle, yet allows its code to focus
exclusively on the features that make
MountainBike unique.
47Inheritance Example
- class MountainBike extends Bicycle
- int seatHeight
- public void setHeight(int newValue)
- seatHeight newValue
- MountainBike inherits all the fields and methods
of Bicycle and adds the field seatHeight and a
method to set it (mountain bikes have seats that
can be moved up and down as the terrain demands).
48UML Representation of Inheritance
Closed, non-filled, solid line triangle points to
the superclass
49Inheritance Rules
- Java programming language specific rules
- each class is allowed to have a maximum of one
direct superclass. - each superclass has the potential for an
unlimited number of subclasses. - Good Object Oriented practise rules
- Ensure each subclass obeys the ISA rule
- Distinctiveness rule
- Make sure all inherited features make sense in
each sublcass
50Inheritance Rules ISA Rule
- Ensure each subclass obeys the ISA rule
- A chequing account is an account.
- A village is a municipality.
- A mountain bike is a bike.
- Should Province be a subclass of Country?
- No, a Province is not a Country.
- Modeling a Province as a Country violates the ISA
rule. - Modeling a Province as Country would artificially
introduce complexity into the source code, making
the source code more difficult to understand,
maintain, and use.
51Inheritance Rules Distinctiveness Rule
- A subclass must retain its distinctiveness
throughout its life. - Consider a bike with training wheels, for
teaching kids to ride. - You might consider creating a class called
TrainingBicycle, and making this a subclass of
Bicycle. - However, a training wheel bicycle will not be a
training bike once the training wheels are
removed. - Therefore, TrainingBicycle is not a subclass of
Bicycle. - Modeling a TrainingBicycle as a Bicycle would
artificially introduce complexity into the source
code, making the source code more difficult to
understand, maintain, and use. - Actually, TrainingBicycle should not even be a
class. - Its better to have a field that indicates if a
Bicycle has training wheels.
52Inheritance Rules MSFMS
- Make sure that each feature of a superclass makes
sense in each subclass. - Each subclass inherits the features of a
superclass. - Modeling a class as a subclass of some superclass
with one or more features that do not make sense
in the subclass would artificially introduce
complexity into the source code, making the
source code more difficult to understand,
maintain, and use.
53What Is a Package?
- A package is a container in which related classes
and interfaces are grouped together. - Conceptually you can think of packages as being
similar to different folders on your computer. - You might keep HTML pages in one folder, images
in another, and scripts or applications in yet
another. - For large programs which are composed of hundreds
or thousands of individual classes, it makes
sense to keep things organized by placing related
classes and interfaces into packages.
54Reasons for Using Packages
- You and other programmers can easily determine
that these types are related. - You and other programmers know where to find
types that can provide related functions. - The names of your types wont conflict with the
type names in other packages because the package
creates a new namespace. - You can allow types within the package to have
unrestricted access to one another yet still
restrict access for types outside the package.
55Creating a Package
- To create a package
- Choose a name for the package.
- Put a package statement at the top of every
source file that you want to include in the
package. - A source file may contain one of the types
- classes, interfaces, enumerations, and annotation
- The package statement must be the first line in
the source file. For example, - package graphics
- There can be only one package statement in each
source file, and it applies to all types in the
56Storing Types in Source Files
- Usually, you will store one type per source file,
and you will name the file generally
NameOfType.java, for instance - public class Circle in the file Circle.java
- public interface Draggable in the file
Draggable.java - If you put multiple types in a single source
file, only one can be public, and it must have
the same name as the source file. - You can include non-public types in the same file
that contains a public type. - This is strongly discouraged, unless the
non-public types are small and closely related to
the public type.
57Using Package Members
- The types that comprise a package are known as
the package members. - To use a public package member from outside its
package, either - Refer to the member by its fully qualified name.
- Import the package member.
- Import the member's entire package.
- Each is appropriate for different situations.
58Referring to a Package Member by Its Qualified
- You can use a package members simple name if the
code you are writing is in the same package as
that member or if that member has been imported. - Rectangle myRect new Rectangle()
- However, if you are trying to use a member from a
different package and that package has not been
imported - you must use the members fully qualified name,
which includes the package name. For example, - graphics.Rectangle myRect new
59Referring to a Package Member by Its Qualified
- Using qualified names are okay for infrequent
use. - When a name is used repetitively, however, typing
the name repeatedly becomes tedious and the code
becomes difficult to read. - As an alternative, you can import the member or
its package and then use its simple name.
60Importing a Package Member
- To import a specific (i.e., one) member into the
current file - Put an import statement at the beginning of the
file - Before any type definitions
- But after the package statement, if there is one.
- Example Conisder a Circle class that is a member
of the graphics.ellipse package. The Circle class
needs access to the Rectangle class, which is
located in the graphics.polygon package - package graphics.ellipse
- import graphics.polygon.Rectangle
The first two lines the file Circle.java
61Importing a Package Member
- Now, the class Circle, you can refer to the
Rectangle class by its simple name. - Rectangle myRectangle new Rectangle()
- This approach works well if you use just a few
members from the graphics package. - But if you want to use many members from a
package, you should import the entire package.
62Importing an Entire Package
- To import all the types contained in a particular
package, use the import statement with the
asterisk () wildcard character. - import graphics.polygon.
- Now you can refer to any class or interface in
the graphics.polygon package by its simple name. - RegularPolygon regPolygon new RegularPolygon()
- Rectangle myRectangle new Rectangle()
63Importing an Entire Package
- The asterisk in the import statement can be used
only to specify all the classes within a package. - It cannot be used to match a subset of the
classes in a package. - For example, the following does not match all the
classes in the graphics package that begin with
A. - import graphics.A //does not work
- Generates a compiler error.
- With the import statement, you generally import
only a single package member or an entire
64Importing an Entire Package
- For convenience, the Java compiler automatically
imports three entire packages for each source
file - the package with no name,
- the java.lang package, and
- the current package (the package for the current
Files in a folder (directory) that do not have a
package statement belong to the no-name package.
All of those files are imported.
If you compile a file that has a package
statement, then all of the members of the package
are imported.
65Apparent Hierarchies of Packages
- Importing packages is not hierarchical
- import java.awt. does not include
- java.awt.color
- java.awt.font
- If you plan to use the classes and other types in
java.awt.color as well as those in java.awt, you
must import both packages with all their files - import java.awt.
- import java.awt.color.
66Name Ambiguities
- If a member in one package shares its name with a
member in another package and both packages are
imported, - Simple names cannot be used.
- You must refer to each member by its qualified
name. - graphics.Rectangle rect1
- java.awt.Rectangle rect2
67Using the this Keyword
- Within an Object, sometimes using a simple name
is not possible (see next slide). - In this case an object reference is required in
order to use the .dot operator. - Within an instance method or a constructor, the
keyword this is a reference to the current
object. - The keyword this refers to the object whose
method or constructor is being executed. - You can refer to any member of the current object
from within an instance method or a constructor
by using this .
68Using this To Un-Shadow a Field
- The most common reason for using the this keyword
is because a field is shadowed by a method or
constructor parameter.
Not Shadowing
public class Point public int x 0 public
int y 0 public Point(int a, int b) x
a y b
- Each argument in the constructor shadows one of
the objects fields. - Inside the constructor, x is a local copy of the
constructors first argument. - To refer to the Point field x, the constructor
must use this.x
69Using this with a Constructor
- From within a constructor, you can also use the
this keyword to call another constructor in the
same class. This is called an explicit
constructor invocation. - public class Rectangle
- private int x, y
- private int width, height
- public Rectangle()
- this(0, 0, 0, 0)
- public Rectangle(int x, int y, int width, int
height) - this.x x
- this.y y
- this.width width
- this.height height
70Controlling Access to Members of a Class
- Access level modifiers determine whether other
classes can use a particular field or invoke a
particular method. There are two levels - Class level (top level)
- public, or package-private (no explicit
modifier). - Member of a class level
- public, private, protected, or package-private
(no explicit modifier).
71Controlling Access to Members of a Class
- If you declare a class with the modifier public
- That class is visible to all classes everywhere
in the application (World). - If you declare a class with no modifier
- This is the default, also known as
package-private - If a class is declared with the modifier
package-private - Then it is visible only within its own package.
72Controlling Access to Members of a Class
- If you declare a member of a class with the
modifier private - That member can only be accessed in its own
class. - A subclass does not inherit the private members
of its parent class. - However, if the superclass has public or
protected methods for accessing its private
fields, these can also be used by the subclass. - If you declare a member of a class with the
modifier protected - That member can only be accessed within its own
package (as with package-private) and, in
addition, by a subclass of its class in another
73Controlling Access to Members of a Class
- Modifier Class Package Subclass World
- public Y Y Y Y
- protected Y Y Y N
- no modifier Y Y N N
- private Y N N N
- The Class column indicates whether the class
itself has access to its own members, which have
the indicated modifier (access level). - The Package column indicates whether classes in
the same package as the class (regardless of
their parentage) have access to the member. - The Subclass column indicates whether
subclasses of the class declared outside this
package have access to the member. - The World column indicates whether all classes
have access to the member.
74Tips on Choosing an Access Level
- If other programmers use your class, you want to
ensure that errors from misuse cannot happen.
Access levels can help you do this. - Use the most restrictive access level that makes
sense for a particular member. - Use private unless you have a good reason not to.
- Avoid public fields except for constants.
- Many of the examples in the tutorial use public
fields. This may help to illustrate some points
concisely, but is not recommended for production
code. - Public fields tend to make your code
75Understanding Instance and Class Members
- In this section, we discuss the use of the static
keyword to create fields and methods that belong
to the class, rather than to an instance of the
76Recall Instance Variables
- When a number of objects are created from the
same class blueprint, they each have their own
distinct copies of instance variables. - In the case of the Bicycle class, the instance
variables are cadence, gear, and speed. Each
Bicycle object has its own values for these
variables, stored in different memory locations.
77Class Variables
- Sometimes, you want to have variables that are
common to all objects. This is accomplished with
the static modifier. - Fields that have the static modifier in their
declaration are called static fields or class
variables. - Class variables are associated with the class,
rather than with any object.
78Class Variables
- Every instance of the class shares a class
variable. - A class variable is stored in one fixed location
in memory. - Any object can change the value of a class
variable, but class variables can also be
manipulated without creating an instance of the
class. - Class variables are referenced by the class name
itself, as in - Bicycle.numberOfBicycles
- This makes it clear that they are class
79Invoking Class Methods
- The Java programming language supports static
methods as well as static variables. - Static methods, which have the static modifier in
their declarations, are invoked with the class
name, without the need for creating an instance
of the class, as in - ClassName.methodName(args)
80Creating Class Methods
- A common use for static methods is to access
static fields. - For example, we could add a static method to the
Bicycle class to access the numberOfBicycles
static field - public static int getNumberOfBicycles()
- return numberOfBicycles
- Code might call this static method as follows
- numBikes Bicycle.getNumberOfBicycles()
81Comprehension Exercise
- Instance methods can access instance variables
and instance methods by using either - simpleName or objectReference.simpleName.
- Instance methods can access class variables and
class methods by using - ClassName.simpleName.
- Class methods can access class variables and
class methods by using - ClassName.simpleName.
- Class methods cannot access instance variables or
instance methods directlythey must use an object
reference. Also, class methods cannot use the
this keyword as there is no instance for this to
refer to.
- The static modifier, in combination with the
final modifier, is also used to define constants.
- The final modifier indicates that the value of
this field cannot change. - For example, static final double PI
3.1415926535 - Constants defined in this way cannot be
reassigned, and it is a compile-time error if
your program tries to do so. - By convention, the name of constant values are
spelled in uppercase letters. - If the name is composed of more than one word,
the words are separated by an underscore (_).
83Initializing A Static Field
- In its declaration.
- public static int capacity 10
- This works well when the initialization value is
available and the initialization can be put on
one line. - In a static initialization block.
- static
- // Whatever code is needed for
initialization - // goes here.
- A class can have any number of static
initialization blocks, and they can appear
anywhere in the class body. The runtime system
guarantees that static initialization blocks are
called in the order that they appear in the
source code.
84Initializing A Static Field
- In a private static method.
- class Whatever
- public static varType myVar
initializeClassVariable() -
- private static varType initializeClassVariable()
- //initialization code goes here
- The advantage of private static methods is that
they can be reused later if you need to
reinitialize the class variable.
85Initializing Instance Fields
- In its declaration.
- private boolean full false
- It makes more sense to initialize an instance
field in a constructor. - However, more complex initialization may be
required. - In this case, use an an initialization block
- //Whatever code is needed for
- //initialization goes here.
- The Java compiler copies initializer blocks into
every constructor. - This is useful particularly if every constructor
requires the same initialization block.
86Overriding Instance Methods
- Sometimes, when you need certain behavior in your
application, instead of developing a new class,
you might be able to find (re-use) another class
whose behavior is close enough to the desired
behavior. - In this case, you can get the behavior of the
other class by declaring one of your classes to
be a subclass, thus inheriting the behavior. - But, you might need to modify the behavior
slightly. - You can modify the behavior of an inherited
instance method by - Declaring an instance method in a subclass with
the same signature (name, plus the number and the
type of its parameters) and return type as an
instance method in the superclass. - You define the modified behavior in the instance
method in the subclass. - The instance method in the subclass overrides the
superclasss method.
87Inheritance Example with No-Overriding
- public class Animal
- public void testInstanceMethod()
- System.out.println("The instance method in
Animal.") -
- public class Cat extends Animal
- public static void main(String args)
- Cat myCat new Cat()
- myCat.testInstanceMethod()
The myCat object inherits the instance method,
The testInstanceMethod() defined in Animal is
88Inheritance Example with Overriding
The overriden testInstanceMethod().
- public class Animal
- public void testInstanceMethod()
- System.out.println("The instance method in
Animal.") -
- public class Cat extends Animal
- public void testInstanceMethod()
- System.out.println("The instance method in
Cat.") -
- public static void main(String args)
- Cat myCat new Cat()
- myCat.testInstanceMethod()
This method (called the overriding method)
overrides the superclass version.
The testInstanceMethod() defined in Cat is
89Overriding Rules
- For restriction
- E.g. a general scale(x,y) method for graphical
objects would not work in Circle - The overriding method would need to restrict x
y. - For extension
- E.g. SavingsAccount might charge an extra fee
following every debit. - For optimization
- E.g. The getBoundingRect method in Rectangle is
much simpler than the one in Polygon.
90Hiding Class Methods
- Normally, a subclass inherits the class methods
of the superclass. - If a subclass defines a class method with the
same signature as a class method in the
superclass, the method in the subclass is said to
hide the one in the superclass. - The version of the hidden method that gets
invoked depends on whether it is invoked from the
superclass or the subclass.
91Inheritance Example with Hidding
The hidden testClassMethod().
- public class Animal
- public static void testClassMethod()
- System.out.println("The class method in
Animal.") -
- public class Cat extends Animal
- public static void testClassMethod()
- System.out.println("The class method in
Cat.") -
- public static void main(String args)
- Animal.testClassMethod()
- Cat.testClassMethod()
This method hides the superclass version.
The testClassMethod() defined in Animal is
The testClassMethod() defined in Cat is invoked.
92The Distinction Between Hiding And Overriding
- A subclass overrides a method in a superclass
- Normally, a subclass object will not need to
access the overriden method, because there was a
need to override it in the first place. - Subclass objects cannot simply access the
overridden method in the superclass. - In cases where access is required, the subclass
object can use the super keyword to access the
overridden method in the superclass. - A subclass hides a method in a superclass
- Subclass objects can access either the superclass
method or the subclass method depending on the
reference used.
93Using the Keyword super
- Accessing Superclass Members
- If your method overrides one of its superclasss
methods, you can still invoke the overridden
method through the use of the keyword super. - super.overRiddenMethod()
- Subclass Constructors
- The super keyword can be used to invoke a
superclasss constructor. - The syntax for calling a superclass constructor
is - super() --or-- super(parameter list)
94Object as a Superclass
- The Object class, in the java.lang package, sits
at the top of the class hierarchy tree. - Every class is a descendant, direct or indirect,
of the Object class. - Every class you use or write inherits the
instance methods of Object. - For example, the Objects toString() method
returns a string that textually represents this
object. - String myObjectString myObject.toString()
95What Is an Interface?
- Objects define their interaction with the outside
world through the methods that they expose. - Methods form the objects interface with the
outside world. - For example,
- the buttons on the front of your television set
are the interface between you and the electrical
wiring on the other side of its plastic casing. - You press the power button to turn the
television on and off.
96Motivation for Having an Interface
- One of the main reasons for having an interface
- Suppose you have written a group of re-usable
classes and you wanted to give other Software
Engineers easier access to the methods your group
of classes provide. - If there existed a mechanism through which a
class (or a group of classes) could somehow
advertise or show what methods it provides, then
this would make using the class (or group of
classes) easier, since the users would not be
exposed to, and, therefore, not have to be
concerned about the internal or un-required
features of the class.
97What Is an Interface? Motivation
- Java provides such a mechanism, called an
interface. - An interface is a formal specification of the
methods that a class (or a group of classes)
implements. - In Java, an interface is a group of related
methods with empty bodies. - A class (or group of classes) provides the
implementation of the methods specified in the
98Interface Bicycle Example
- To specify (or advertise) the methods that the
Bicycle hierarchy provides, consider creating an
interface called Bicycle. - interface Bicycle
- void changeCadence(int newValue)
- void changeGear(int newValue)
- void speedUp(int increment)
- void applyBrakes(int decrement)
- Note the name of your Bicycle class would have
to change. Using the name Bicycle for the
interface is more appropriate than using it for
the class. You might change the name to
ACMEBicycle, and have the subclasses called
ACMEMoutainBike, etc.)
99Interface Bicycle Example
- To implement this interface, use the implements
keyword in the class declaration. - class ACMEBicycle implements Bicycle
- void changeCadence(int newValue)
- //implementation of changing the cadence.
- void changeGear(int newValue)
- //implementation of changing the gear.
- interface Bicycle
- void changeCadence(int newValue)
- void changeGear(int newValue)
Note the Empty body for each method in the
100UML Representation of Interface
Dashed line connects the class with the interface.
This class hierarchy implements the interface
speedUp changeGear
Closed, non-filled, dashed line triangle points
to the interface
101Interface Rules (Java Specific)
- Each class is allowed to implement any number of
interfaces. - Each method specified in an interface cannot have
any implementation. - Each method in an interface must have an empty
body. - Each method specified in an interface must be
implemented by some class in the source code. - If a class claims to implement an interface, all
methods defined by that interface must appear in
the classs source code. - Otherwise the class will not successfully compile.
102Abstract Classes Possible Shape2D Hierarchy
Italics indicates Abstract Item (class or method).
103Abstract Classes and Methods(Motivation)
- Suppose you are trying to design a Shape2D class
that practices and promotes reuse. - public class Shape2D
- public double getArea()
- // do nothing since insufficient information //
regarding how to calculate the area. -
- public class Circle extends EllipticalShape
- //user of Shape2D forgets to further define
getArea() -
- Compiler does not force user to further define
getArea(). Thus, this would be prone to error.
104Abstract Classes and Methods
- A better way,
- public abstract class Shape2D
- public abstract double getArea()
- //separate file
- public class Circle extends EllipticalShape
- //user of Shape2D must provide a concrete
//implementation of getArea() -
- Compiler forces user to define (implement)
getArea(). A concrete implementation of getArea()
must be defined by a subclass.
105Abstract Classes and Methods
- A method should be declared to exist at the
highest class in the hierarchy where it makes
sense. - The method may need to be declared abstract
- i.e., lacking implementation at that level.
- An abstract method is declared without an
implementation (without curly braces, and
followed by a semicolon). - public abstract double getArea()
106Abstract Classes and Methods
- If a method is abstract, the class must also be
declared abstract - public abstract class Shape2D
- No instances can be created.
- The opposite of an abstract class is a concrete
class. - If a superclass has an abstract method then its
subclasses at some level must have a concrete
method. - Leaf classes must have or inherit concrete
methods. - Leaf classes must be concrete.
107Abstract Class Members
- Abstract classes can contain instance fields and
implemented (concrete) instance methods. - An abstract class may have static fields and
static methods. - You can use these static members with a class
reference. - for example, AbstractClass.staticMethod()