Title: Pocket Queries, GSAK, Delorme Street Atlas,
1Pocket Queries, GSAK, Delorme Street Atlas,
CacheMate 102
- Richard Thompson
- GlonchsPride
2Pocket Queries, GSAK, Street Atlas, CacheMate
- Welcome to all!
- While I have attempted to cover most of the
material as much as possible, so please use at
your own risk. Your mileage will vary.
- I am not affiliated with any of the companies
represented in this presentation.
- I know that I havent covered everything in this
training so please feel free to contact me after
the presentation and well talk about the next
event! - Rules
- 1. Have fun
- 3. Dont hesitate to contact me via my email,
glonch2001_at_yahoo.com with any follow up questions
that you may have after the event.
3Pocket Queries, GSAK, Street Atlas, CacheMate
- Review of GSAK 101 Event some updates to pass
- CacheMate for Palm
- GSAK Tips Tricks
- QA
4Quick review of the 101 Event
- The creation of pocket queries in geocaching.com
- The goal was to extract as much out of
geocaching.com so that you can organize it in
- Delorme Street Atlas
- Making radii for geocaching.com
- Making polygons (and other shapes) to filter
caches in GSAK
- Initial setup
- Basic features
- Intro to filtering
- Polygon filtering
- A very powerful way of searching and narrowing
down caches to export them to your GPSr
5GSAK Update Importing Polygons
3. Select the Arc/Poly Tab and Click Polygon
1. Open GSAK
2. Ensure the correct database is selected - Sel
ect Search ? Filter
or Click the icon
4. Click Select File Browse to the file and click
Thanks to wemedge for this hint!!!!
6GSAK Update Importing Polygons
You will have to delete BEGIN POLY And END if
the polygon file was created with Street Atlas
So it looks like this prior to running the filter
Note No clean up needed if importing from
Google Earth
7GSAK Update Using Google Earth for polygons
Download Google Earth from http//earth.google.com
Move and zoom the map to the area you want,
then select the Add Polygon tool
8GSAK Update Using Google Earth for polygons
This window will appear and the cursor will chan
ge to a crosshair when over the map area (not in
9GSAK Update Using Google Earth for polygons
Draw your polygon by clicking each point
Yours can have any number of points
10GSAK Update Using Google Earth for polygons
Right Click the polygon
Then select Save As
11GSAK Update Using Google Earth for polygons
1. Browse to your save location
3. Click Save
2. Ensure .kml is selected Change file name if ne
Go back to importing the file into the polygon
filter in GSAK section
12CacheMate 4
- Overview
- CacheMate 4 is a Palm/Pocket PC based caching
- Portable database of caches
- GSAK can create the database (.pdb) files for
export to the Palm version or GPX files for the
Pocket PC version.
- Shareware only 8!
- Palm - http//www.smittyware.com/palm/cachemate/
- PPC - http//www.smittyware.com/ppc/cachemate/
13CacheMate 4
- A great database application for the Palm (and
- The memory capacity and speed of the Palm will
dictate what you should transfer to it
- Ive used Palm M125, Palm Z22, Palm E2 All work
- CacheMate is capable of multiple databases just
like GSAK
- This will allows for a working database for
your day-to-day caching
- Another database for your own caches with the
corrected coordinates in them (Great for those
phone the owner situations)
- And many others
- More info
- Icenrye Videozine Episode 24 -
- Side note - A great video podcast on caching (no
iPod needed!)
- GSAK Macros for CacheMate
- http//gsak.net/board/index.php?showforum27
14CacheMate 4 Initial Database and Setup
In GSAK you will have to create a CacheMate
Palm export database file (.pdb)
This can be done in two ways
1. File ? Export ? CacheMate PDB File
Or 2. Add an icon to the tool bar for CacheMate
15CacheMate 4 Initial Database and Setup
Pocket PC users take note!!!
1. Check for correct location for PDB file
2. Select options to suit your needs
FYI - drop2 removes the GC from the waypoint n
3. Click Generate
16CacheMate 4 Initial Database and Setup
Since this section can vary from one Palm type to
another, follow the syncing instructions that
came with your Palm. It is also assumed that yo
u have already installed CacheMate on your Palm.
17CacheMate 4 Initial Database and Setup
In your Palm, Tap CacheMate
When CacheMate sees a new database this screen
will show
18CacheMate 4 Initial Database and Setup
The name of the PDB file is here
Categories are
If you want caches in a different database, Tap
the pulldown with Default and select a new or
current database
Tap OK when you are ready
When import is finished this will display Tap OK
19CacheMate 4 Initial Database and Setup
This is the main screen of CacheMate
CacheMate Title Tap here for pulldown menus
Cache list
Scroll Bar
Enter a new cache (Rarely used)
Sort by Cache Name or Waypoint (GCxxxxx)
20CacheMate 4 Initial Database and Setup
1. Tap on the CacheMate title
2. Then Tap Option
3. Tap Preferences
21CacheMate 4 Initial Database and Setup
Change distance units to s. miles
Set other setting to suit your needs.
When you are finished, Tap OK
22CacheMate 4 Initial Database and Setup
1. Tap on the CacheMate title
2. Tap Option
3. Tap List Options
4. Extra Info options are
I use the Waypoint option
5. Tap OK
23CacheMate 4 Initial Database and Setup
This is the screen status pulldown
It shows what screen you are on and you can
select other
screens by Tapping on it
On the main list, Tap a cache to view it
At any time you can Tap Done to get back to the
main list
24CacheMate 4 Initial Database and Setup
The Description page Note the scroll bars on th
e right
The Hints page
You can set the hints to decode automatically or
Tap Decode
25CacheMate 4 Initial Database and Setup
It is possible to log your finds/DNFs etc via Cac
hemate. There is more information on how to do th
is at http//boulter.com/geocaching/logger/ Cli
ck on the help link for full directions
Log page You can log finds via this page.
The Past Logs page
Any encoded logs can be decoded by Tapping Decode
26CacheMate 4 Initial Database and Setup
To change the way the main cache page is
displayed, Tap the Title Bar, Tap Options, and
then Tap View Options
Overview With the default settings, this page w
ill show the main cache information and the Hints
27CacheMate 4 Initial Database and Setup
Record View Options Page
These are the options that I use
Once you set the options you want Tap OK and then
Tap OK
28CacheMate 4 Initial Database and Setup
Notice the pushbuttons at the top
Overview This is the original page
Overview, Info, Details, Hints, Log, Previous Logs
This Overview page now has the main cache
information, hints, past 5 logs
29CacheMate 4 Initial Database and Setup
Assigning the Palm buttons to CacheMate Functions
1. Under the Option Menu Tap Buttons
2. Select the button
3. Select the function
30GSAK Tips and Tricks
- Your Finds
- Managing your finds in GSAK and running
statistics on them
- Well Rounded Caches
- To find all Terrain/Difficulty combinations
- Challenge Caches
- Find caches based upon location, date placed,
- Caching in a Group
- Go for caches that none in the group have found
- Google Maps in GSAK
- Local cacher, String Theory (aka Markp99),
developed a great Macro for GSAK to show your
filtered caches in Google Maps
31GSAK Tips and Tricks
- Your Finds
- Managing your finds in GSAK and running
statistics on them
- You will need to download your My Finds Pocket
Query first
- Go to http//www.geocaching.com/pocket/
- Scroll to the bottom of the page, under My Finds,
Click Add to Queue
- You will get this file in email
- Download it and open GSAK
32GSAK Tips and Tricks
- Your Finds
- In GSAK, select Database ? New
Title the database ex - MyFinds
Click Create
33GSAK Tips and Tricks
1. Select File ? Load GPX/LOC/ZIP
2. Browse to the My Finds PQ file
3. Uncheck Clear Database
4. Click OK
34GSAK Tips and Tricks
- Your Finds
- Running Statistics on them with All Purpose
Statistics Generator in GSAK
- Go to
- http//gsak.net/board/index.php?showtopic4623
Click on the most recent version
Click Open
35GSAK Tips and Tricks
- Your Finds
- Runing Statistics on them with All Purpose
Statistics Generator in GSAK
1. Click Install the macro
3. Select ? Macro ? Run/Manage
2. Click Go
36GSAK Tips and Tricks
- Your Finds
- Runing Statistics on them with All Purpose
Statistics Generator in GSAK
1. Select FindStatGen3.gsk
2. Click Run
37GSAK Tips and Tricks
- Your Finds
- Runing Statistics on them with All Purpose
Statistics Generator in GSAK
1. Select OK (This might not show up on first run
of the macro)
38GSAK Tips and Tricks
- Your Finds
- Runing Statistics on them with All Purpose
Statistics Generator in GSAK
Important Select your My Finds database here
Important Your EXACT geocaching.com user name
There are a ton of options here
Try different combinations These are the sett
ings that I use
When you are done with your settings, Click OK
39GSAK Tips and Tricks
- Your Finds
- Runing Statistics on them with All Purpose
Statistics Generator in GSAK
The results will be shown in your internet browse
r There is much more info as you scroll down i
n your browser Check the link for the macro
It is updated often and many new features are
added all the time
40GSAK Tips and Tricks
- Well Rounded Caches
- To find all Difficulty/Terrain combinations (81
in total)
- e.g. 1/1, 1/1.5. 5/5
- GC15E8N is the NE Well Rounded Challenge Cache
- http//tinyurl.com/56xjdt
- In GSAK, there are many tools to assist you with
- Sorting by the Terrain and Difficulty columns and
comparing them with your finds
- Macros
- Fizzy Challenge Macro
- Great macro note you will need to used the
Stats Macro for your finds prior to running this
- http//tinyurl.com/4vjxqo
- Well Rounded Nearest
- Finds nearest terr/diff caches
- http//tinyurl.com/62aoge
41GSAK Tips and Tricks
- Challenge Caches
- Delorme Challenge
- Challenge Marco
- Unbelievable marco incorporates many of the US
Delorme Challenges into one Marco! None of the
NE Delorme Caches have been added yet.
- http//tinyurl.com/5rb7g6
- Using GSAK to export your found caches to Street
Atlas to verify grids that are complete and
needed to be done.
- NH Delorme Grids for Street Atlas are at
- http//home.comcast.net/glonchspride/NHDelorme.zi
- http//home.comcast.net/glonchspride/NHDelormeTur
- n Degrees Challenges
- NH 9 Degrees of NH GC17YQH
- Grid for Street Atlas
- http//home.comcast.net/glonchspride/9DegreesofNH
42GSAK Tips and Tricks
- Challenge Caches
- Delorme Challenge
- Using GSAK to export your found caches to Street
Atlas to verify grids that are complete and need
to be done.
1. Set your filter on your Found cache database
2. File ? Export ? Street Atlas TXT File
43GSAK Tips and Tricks
- Challenge Caches
- Delorme Challenge
1. Ensure your path and filename are correct
2. Change name if you want code is GCxxxxxx dr
op2 is drops the GC
3. Click Generate
44GSAK Tips and Tricks
- Challenge Caches
- Delorme Challenge
- To Import the Challenge grids in to Street Atlas
1. In Street Atlas Select File ? Transfer ? Impo
2. Select the Delorme .dmt file that you want
3. Click Import
45GSAK Tips and Tricks
- Challenge Caches
- Delorme Challenge
- To import your found caches in to Street Atlas
1. Click Draw then File
2. Click Import
46GSAK Tips and Tricks
- Challenge Caches
- Delorme Challenge
- To import your found caches in to Street Atlas
1. Select the file with the exported found caches
2. Click Open
47GSAK Tips and Tricks
- Street Atlas Delorme Challenges
- Examples
NH Delorme Challenge
NH Delorme Challenge Leave No Page Unturned
48GSAK Tips and Tricks
- Caching in a Group
- Go for caches that none in the group have found
- Two ways to do this
- Its Not About The Numbers website and GSAK
- http//www.itsnotaboutthenumbers.com/compare_gsak.
- Macro in GSAK
- Group Caching macro
- http//tinyurl.com/4u6y4r
49GSAK Tips and Tricks
- Google Maps in GSAK
- Local cacher, String Theory (aka Markp99),
developed a great Macro for GSAK to show your
filtered caches in Google Maps
- MyGME v3 - http//tinyurl.com/67qu7s
- Install the macro as explained in the Statistics
- Filter your caches
- Draw a polygon around the area you want to map
- In this example, a caching run is planned around
the Pawtuckaway State Park
- Import this polygon in to GSAK to filter your
- Use the new tip at the beginning of this document
to import!
50GSAK Tips and Tricks
3. Select Marco ? Run/Manage
1. The imported polygon
4. Select myGMEv03 macro
2. Run your filter with other options
if you like e.g. Traditional only,
less than 3/3 terr/diff etc.
5. Click Run
51GSAK Tips and Tricks
1. Try different options These are the settings
I usually use
2. Ensure Last active filter is set
3. Click Run
52GSAK Tips and Tricks
Map Type
Zoom functions
Display functions
Cache list
Map can be printed for quick reference in the
Especially if zoomed in
53Pocket Queries, GSAK, Street Atlas, CacheMate
- QA
- Thanks again to Sean Vaillancourt (vlncrt) for
the great venue!