Twenty Dirty Tricks to Train Software Engineers - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Twenty Dirty Tricks to Train Software Engineers


... Dirty Tricks to Train Software Engineers. Twenty Dirty Tricks. to Train ... Tricks have been played in industry and/or university courses, and each has been ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Twenty Dirty Tricks to Train Software Engineers

Twenty Dirty Tricks to Train Software Engineers
Twenty Dirty Tricksto Train Software Engineers
  • Originally a paper presented at ICSE2000, held in
    Limerick, Ireland, by one Ray Dawson, of
    Loughborough University, Leicestershire, England
  • Summary (and slight abbreviation) by yours truly
  • Employers always complain that graduate students
    come to them poorly prepared for everyday
    problems encountered at the workplace (takes six
    months at least to train them to become
  • To overcome this, Loughborough U. has teamed up
    with Plessey Telecommunications, to create a
    slightly different software development course

A New Course?
  • Two weeks intensive course, half-a-day lecture at
    the start, half-a-day review session at the end,
    and a team project to simulate realistic working
  • A similar course organized at the University as
  • Main distinctive feature
  • deliberate "action was taken to disrupt the
    students' software development progress
  • The action(s) may appear mean and vindictive, but
    their value was recognized by students and
    employers alike

What's Wrong WithStandard Group Projects?
  • Well, nothing ...
  • Except that they do not give adequate preparation
    for real life situations
  • Nasty surprises abound in your job environment,
    and software development is probably somewhere
    among the worst possible environments
  • Tricks have been played in industry and/or
    university courses, and each has been found to
    offer valuable experience

Trick 1 Give an Inadequate Specification
  • Students should be given a "specification" of no
    more than two or three pages
  • At first, it should appear sufficient for the
    purpose on a more detailed analysis, it should
    be at times vague, inconsistent, and incomplete
  • Why? good specifications rarely (if ever) exist
  • Lessons good communication with customers is the
    only way you can get REAL requirements

Trick 2 Make Sure All Assumptions Are Wrong
  • If the students have not sought clarification
    when the specification is ambiguous, the
    "customer" should make sure that the assumptions
    they have made are all wrong
  • Applies to what's in the specs, as well as what
    the students have added on their own (hoping that
    the customers would like to receive a "superior"
  • Why? It is common to make assumptions, but that's
    not how the world works
  • Lessons (quality) communication with the
    customer is essential in every stage of
  • Never assume anything ask instead

Trick 3 Present an Uncertainand Naive Customer
  • Customer representative should not be too sure
    about what she wants, or she may have little or
    no experience with computers whatsoever
  • Why? students usually assume that the "customer"
    (i.e., the teacher) knows far more than they do,
    and consequently they expect to get help when in
  • Lessons communication with customers requires a
    great deal of tact and patience, and customer
    education and training can be as significant a
    deliverable as the software itself

Trick 4 Change Requirementsand Priorities
  • Once the project is set, it should be changed on
    a regular basis
  • The goal is to change requirements in ways that
    appear perfectly reasonable
  • Why? nothing stands still in the real world, and
    requirements and priorities change all the time
    students must be ready to deal with this
  • Lessons things change, and your design must be
    made flexible enough to survive those changes
    (Univ. version change every week for eight
    successive weeks)

Trick 5 Have Conflicting Requirements and
  • Introduce students to a no-win situation where it
    is impossible to satisfy two conflicting
  • For example, a customer may want a certain
    graphical output while the manager prescribes the
    use of an incompatible software package
  • Why? the nature of education tends to classify
    answers as "right" or "wrong" ... in real life,
    there may be no perfect answer to many problems
  • Lessons compromise is often the only way out,
    and negotiation is the way to attain compromise
    (especially valuable for perfectionists)

Trick 6 Present Customerswith Conflicting Ideas
  • A particular example of conflict can be created
    by introducing more than one customer with more
    than one solution idea
  • Students would be given quite different messages
    from different customer roles, and it may be made
    more difficult by making sure that the two
    personalities are never available at the same
  • Why? students rarely encounter such problems in
    the course of their regular studies, but they are
    quite frequent in real life
  • Lessons satisfying one person does not guarantee
    that the solution offered will be acceptable, and
    politics of dealing with people make requirements
    analysis a rather complex task

Trick 7 Present Customerswith Different
  • It is instructive to provide customers with
    different personalities as well as viewpoints
    for example, one who enthusiastically accepts
    most suggestions put forward, another one who is
    reluctant to deviate from his original ideas
  • The first type gives the most problems, leading
    the students into commitments they could never
    achieve ("Oh yes, that is a very good idea -- we
    could do the same thing with X, Y, and X too,
    couldn't we?)
  • Why? each person is different, and negotiating
    style has to account for different personalities
  • Lessons it is the people that complicate the
    analysis of requirements ... negotiation is a
    necessary skill, and care and caution are just as
    important as your enthusiasm and willingness to
    please the customer

Trick 8 Ban Overtime
  • Students should be restricted to a strict number
    of hours, no extra time overnight or during lunch
  • Why? students regularly take extra time to finish
    their assignments, over nights and weekends,
    ending up putting far too much time into it than
    their original estimates predicted
  • Lessons make your time management and estimation
    more realistic

Trick 9 Give Additional Tasksto Disrupt the
  • In addition to the project, the students should
    be given further activities which are not known
    about in advance
  • The extra assignment could affect the whole team,
    or maybe just the key player
  • Why? in real life, meetings, training,
    administration, even coffee breaks all take time,
    which can rarely be planned ahead
  • Lessons be more realistic in your time
    estimation and planning

Trick 10 Change the Deadlines
  • Students should be told half-way through the
    project that the customer requires the product at
    an earlier date than originally specified
  • There should be room for negotiation with scope
    reduction some of the deliverables are to be
    delivered at the earlier date, while the others
    should be delivered at the original date, or
    dropped altogether
  • However, the students should not be offered any
    compromise in the first instance, all flexibility
    only coming through negotiation
  • Why? in real life deadlines change but the actual
    dates/cost are usually negotiable (role
  • Lessons deadlines are subject to a number of
    influences, learn to negotiate and plan flexibly

Trick 11 IntroduceQuality Inspection
  • Introduce roles other than managers and customers
  • Role of a quality auditor requiring inspections
    at very short notice can be useful, and it is
    particularly effective when team is feeling most
    vulnerable, such as when the project is about two
    thirds complete and the first signs of
    integration problems start to appear
  • Why? many students pride themselves in being able
    to produce "high quality" software" and
    customers wont take your word for it
  • Plus, comments and documentation should not be an
    afterthought produced at the end of the project
  • Lessons real world requires standards that must
    be maintained throughout a project, not handled
    as an afterthought

Trick 12 Presenta "Different Truth
  • The customer should say one thing one day and
    something else the next, and then deny that
    anything different has been said (in other words
  • The different statements should not be obviously
    contradictory, but should be disguised in a
    different emphasis or in a different context
    (e.g., "only manager will use the software" vs.
    "the management team will use the software")
  • Why? students need to appreciate that in the real
    world mistakes are being made, but not everyone
    will own up to them (or indeed even realize that
    they have made a mistake at all)
  • Lessons mistakes can be made, and agreements are
    more valuable when put on paper

Trick 13 Change the Team
  • Team membership should be changed in mid-project
    if at all possible
  • When there are several teams, just swap some
    members (if possible, change one member at a
    time, several times and make sure you change the
    key players)
  • Why? it is unreasonable to assume that the team
    membership will remain stable ... esp. for
    projects that take more than a few weeks
  • Lessons communication among team members can
    alleviate most of the personnel problems know
    what you do and what others do

Trick 14 Changethe Working Procedures
  • The project manager should lay down the working
    practices expected of the student team
  • However, these should be occasionally changed
    (explain that the project manager is not here, or
    has been replaced, and the new one requires
    significant changes in procedure and the product
  • Why? such changes are quite common in real life,
    but not very common in university studies
  • Lessons teams need to be flexible, time must be
    planned to the inevitable disruption caused, and
    the importance of quality in both product and
    development process is emphasized (teams who are
    well organized and actively promote quality can
    adapt better to externally imposed changes)

Trick 15 Upgrade the Software
  • If possible, the software used for the project
    should be upgraded to a later version during the
    project life
  • The upgrade should be claimed to be fully
    backward compatible and the students should be
    told that it should not affect them
  • Why? To dampen the students' enthusiasm and
    desire for all the latest software and gadgetry
    (students tend to believe that being up to date
    with the latest fashion is the only real measure
    of quality)
  • Lessons take the whole picture into account
    every new acquisition has a price in terms of
    time and effort and money, which must be balanced
    against the gains obtained plus, a healthy
    skepticism of manufacturer's claims learn to
    always allow extra contingency time whenever such
    upgrade occurs

Trick 16 Change the Hardware
  • Towards the end of the project, the customer
    should announce that they have just decided to
    standardize on a particular hardware platform
    (which is, of course, different from the one used
    for development)
  • Make the changes possible, though at a price
  • Why? if handled correctly, this will be the
    students' first introduction to legacy systems
    they have to decide whether to make the switch
    and lose some functionality through the time
    lost, or to continue with the current legacy
    platform and make changes later (when it may be
    more expensive)
  • Lessons try to stick with the standard features
    of your development (hardware and software)
    platform learn about the portability issues

Trick 17 Crash the Hardware
  • This trick may be held in reserve in case any
    project team appears to be doing too well
  • The customer should not be too sympathetic about
    the problem and the delays incurred
  • Why? hardware crash is a typical disaster
  • Lessons disasters happen, not everything will go
    smoothly universities tend to encourage students
    to always have an excuse -- but such behavior has
    limits in the real world

Trick 18 Slow the Software
  • When the project is in the late stages of
    development, the demand for resources tends to
    grow, and performance starts to suffer if at all
    possible, try to burden the computers or network
    with unrelated activity such that everything
    slows down
  • Why? the slowing down of a system under load is a
    common event and so it cannot be acceptable as an
  • Lessons be realistic in your planning, little
    thought beforehand can help a lot to minimize the
    effects of disasters

Trick 19 Disrupt the File Store
  • If possible, disrupt the file store the students
    are using (at Plessey, this was done over a lunch
    period by replacing the students file area with a
    copy made on the previous evening)
  • This sort of disruption is relatively common (and
    easy to do as long as the file store area is kept
    on a central machine)
  • Why? such things do happen, and effects may vary
    enormously from one team to another
  • Lessons pay attention to configuration
    management, particularly when the effect on
    competing teams can be demonstrated a well
    organized team with good configuration management
    can recover quickly, while some teams may never

Trick 20 Say "I Told You So!
  • Probably the most infuriating trick of all
  • At the start of the project the students can be
    told many things, yet the project will still
    follow the same pattern
  • The course leader can then give a very snug
    expression and declare "I told you so!
  • Why? the expression is so annoying yet nothing
    works better to drive the point home!
  • Lessons the students learn much about
    themselves, in particular, their own limitations
    they learn to become much more realistic, and
  • above all they learn they still have much to

Student Reactions
  • Whenever the approach has been described, the
    first reaction is surprise that the author has
    ever lived to tell the tale!
  • Reactions have been favorable, provided the
    students were told about the aims and objectives
    at the beginning, and having the lessons reviewed
    at the end
  • Many students have found that they enjoyed the
    challenge, and that the course has proved to give
    one of their most interesting and rewarding
    learning experiences
  • In sixteen years, only two students have declared
    the actions totally unfair and left ... and both
    later proved to be unable to fit in the company's
    software development team and left after only a
    short period

  • A course giving valuable real life experiences
  • Limitation not every trick can be used in the
    university environment (industry-based short
    course is a different beast altogether)
  • As many other things in Software Engineering, the
    approach described cannot be proved to work --
    yet employers praise graduates from Loughborough
    as being particularly well adapted to real life
  • Maybe use some of them in our next Software
    Engineering course?!
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