Title: Excellent Information For Nicotine Test
1Nicotine Test Information For Healthy Life
- Nicotine is a colorless and poisonous substance
extracted from the tobacco plant often used as an
effective insecticide. Nicotine is the main
psychoactive ingredient in tobacco products
responsible for causing addiction.
2Types of Nicotine Test
- Blood test
- Urine nicotine test
- Saliva nicotine test
3Blood Test
- Cotinine is detectable in blood for at least
several days after exposure to tobacco smoke.
Depending on how much you smoke, the level of
cotinine in your blood will reflect a nonsmoker
level in 7 to 10 days.
4Urine Nicotine Test
- This urine test measures nicotine and its
metabolites to help monitor success of tobacco
smoking cessation programs, detect passive
exposure, and evaluate non-tobacco nicotine
5Saliva Nicotine Test
- Nicotine saliva test is a self-contained,
ready to use, point of contact drug testing
device that detects the presence of cotinine.
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