Title: Tata Noida Destination 150 An Affordable Housing Option
1Tata Housing Value Home
2About Us
TATA Value Homes is the best designers and
engineers form the world to work on this project.
The highly much-admired project is earthquake
safe and has 24 hour power back up. It is the
best option of investment.
3Tata Noida Destination 150
Tata Noida Destination 150 are constructed with
all luxury facilities. TATA Homes has made this
project with modification of 2 and 3 BHK
apartments at sector 150 Noida expressway.
4Floor Plan
5Price List
6TATA Value HomesA-202 Prateek FedoraSector 61
Noida, Uttar Pradesh (201301)
Call us _at_ 9015-706-706
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