GPGPU Toolkit SlabOps - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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GPGPU Toolkit SlabOps


Main issue is not with writing the code for the graphics card ... Forget to enable the CG program. Forget to set the viewpoint correctly. GPGPU algorithms are hacks ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: gpgpu | slabops | hacks | toolkit


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: GPGPU Toolkit SlabOps

GPGPU ToolkitSlabOps
  • SlabOps were created by Mark Harris (UNC, NVIDIA)

Main Issue with GPU Programming
  • Main issue is not with writing the code for the
    graphics card
  • The main issue is interfacing with the graphics

Issues with Interfacing with GPUs
  • You forget to do something
  • Forget to initialize FBOs
  • Forget to enable the CG program
  • Forget to set the viewpoint correctly
  • .
  • GPGPU algorithms are hacks
  • Youre rendering a quad to perform an algorithm
    on an array
  • Its not object oriented

Using SlabOps
  • GPGPU methods covered previously are fine for
    performing 1 or 2 programs
  • What about trying to manage ten or twenty
    programs performing hundreds of passes?
  • SlabOps to the rescue!

Using SlabOps
  • SlabOps were created by Mark Harris while getting
    his PHD at the University of North Carolina.
  • Used in his GPU Fluid Simulator to manage the
    large number of fragment programs required for
    each pass.

Using SlabOps
  • 3 Parts
  • Define
  • Define the type of SlabOp that you need (more on
    this later)
  • Initialization
  • Initialize the program to load
  • Initialize the parameters to connect
  • Initialize the output
  • Run
  • Update any parameters that might have changed
  • Call Compute() to run the program

void initSlabOps() // Load the program
"", "main") // Set the texture
parameters g_addMatrixfp.SetTextureParameter("te
x1", inputYTexID) g_addMatrixfp.SetTextureParam
eter("tex2", inputXTexID) // Set the texture
coordinates and output rectangle
g_addMatrixfp.SetTexCoordRect( 0,0, texSizeX,
texSizeY) g_addMatrixfp.SetSlabRect( 0,0,
texSizeX, texSizeY) // Set the output texture
texSizeX, texSizeY, textureParameters.texTarg
  • One line to run the program
  • Sets the variables
  • Enables the program
  • Sets the viewpoint
  • Builds the geometry to perform the processing
  • Perform the computation
  • Get the output into the buffer or texture
  • Disable the program
  • Reset the viewpoint

Comparing Saxpy (SlabOp)
// Do calculations for(int i 0 i numIterations i) g_saxpyfp.SetTexturePara
meter("textureY", yTexIDreadTex)
texSize, texSize, textureParameters.texTarg
et, attachmentpointswriteTex)
g_saxpyfp.Compute() swap()
Comparing Saxpy (Non-SlabOp 1)
  • // attach two textures to FBO
  • glFramebufferTexture2DEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT,
    attachmentpointswriteTex, textureParameters.texT
    arget, yTexIDwriteTex, 0)
  • glFramebufferTexture2DEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT,
    attachmentpointsreadTex, textureParameters.texTa
    rget, yTexIDreadTex, 0)
  • // check if that worked
  • if (!checkFramebufferStatus())
  • printf("glFramebufferTexture2DEXT()\t
  • // PAUSE()
  • else if (mode 0)
  • printf("glFramebufferTexture2DEXT()\t
  • // enable fragment profile
  • cgGLEnableProfile(fragmentProfile)
  • // bind saxpy program
  • cgGLBindProgram(fragmentProgram)
  • // enable texture x (read-only, not changed
    during the iteration)
  • cgGLSetTextureParameter(xParam, xTexID)
  • cgGLEnableTextureParameter(xParam)
  • // enable scalar alpha (same)

Comparing Saxpy (Non-SlabOp 2)
  • for (int i0 i
  • // set render destination
  • glDrawBuffer (attachmentpointswriteTex)
  • // enable texture y_old (read-only)
  • cgGLSetTextureParameter(yParam,
  • cgGLEnableTextureParameter(yParam)
  • // and render multitextured viewport-sized quad
  • // depending on the texture target, switch
  • // normalised (0,12) and unnormalised
  • // texture coordinates
  • // make quad filled to hit every pixel/texel
  • // (should be default but we never know)
  • glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT,GL_FILL)
  • // and render the quad
  • if (textureParameters.texTarget
  • // render with normalized texcoords
  • glBegin(GL_QUADS)

Comparing Saxpy
  • Ok, that looked a little worse than we know it is
  • But using SlabOps did look a little easier
  • Saxpy only had one program being run for multiple
  • What about something more complicated
  • Fluid Flow

  • Follow Stams method
  • Were not going to cover how to do fluids so much
    as the program flow and how SlabOps help contain
    the problem

Fast Fluid Dynamics Simulation on the GPU, Mark
Harris. In GPU Gems.
  • Advection
  • Impulse
  • Vorticity Confinement
  • Viscous Diffusion
  • Project Divergent Velocity
  • Compute Divergence
  • Compute Pressure Disturbances
  • Subtract gradient(p) from u
  • Display

Lets not forget Boundary Conditions
Boundaries and interior are computed in separate
passes and may require separate programs
  • Harris implementation contained 15 GPU programs
    (including 4 for display)
  • The simulation takes about 20 passes for each
  • (not including 2, 50 pass runs for the poisson
  • Switch to code
  • (Note, code can be found in GPU Gems 1)

  • Creating something as complex as a fluid solver
    would be very difficult without some kind of
  • So whats so special about SlabOps
  • Versatility
  • Policy-Based Design

SlabOp Versatility
  • Remember we skipped over how to define a SlabOp.
  • Each SlabOp is actually composed of 6 objects
    working together.
  • Each of the six objects can be replaced according
    to the specific task
  • In other words to alter a SlabOp to display to
    the screen instead of the back buffer, I just
    replace the Update object.

The 6 objects that define a SlabOp
  • Render Target Policy
  • Sets up / shuts down any special render target
    functionality needed by the SlabOp
  • GL State Policy
  • Sets and unsets the GL state needed for the
  • Vertex Pipe Policy
  • Sets up / shuts down vertex programs
  • Fragment Pipe Policy
  • Sets up / shuts down fragment programs
  • Compute Policy
  • Performs the computation (usually via rendering)
  • Update Policy
  • Performs any copies or other update functions
    after the computation has been performed

Defining a SlabOp
  • Luckily you do not need to create each of those
  • You just need to replace one when it doesnt do
    what you want.
  • Harris created 3 predefined SlabOps
  • DefaultSlabOp performs simple fragment program
    rendered to a quad
  • BCSlabOp performs boundary condition fragment
    program rendered as lines
  • DisplayOp displays a texture to the screen

More complex SlabOps
  • Objects defined to perform
  • Flat 3d texture computations- computing for
    voxel grids
  • Flat3DTexComputePolicy
  • Flat3DBoundaryComputePolicy
  • Flat3DVectorizedTexComputePolicy
  • Copy3DTexGLUpdatePolicy
  • Multi-texture output - rendering with multiple
    texture outputs
  • MultiTextureGLComputePolicy
  • Volume computations - rendering with multiple
    texture coordinates
  • VolumeComputePolicy,
  • VolumeGLComputePolicy

Defining a SlabOp
typedef SlabOp NoopGLStatePolicy,
NoopVertexPipePolicy, GenericCgGLFragmentPipePolic
y, SingleTextureGLComputePolic
y, CopyTexGLUpdatePolicy DefaultSlabOp
Include a Noop where a policy is not used,
Include the preferred policy where one is needed
Next Generation SlabOps?
  • Version on course website has been extracted out
    of Harris fluid simulator and updated to use
    frame buffer objects instead of render texture
  • Easy to update SlabOps to use the geometry
    processor also
  • Additional policies could be created to render to
    non-quad surfaces, i.e. an object

How do SlabOps work?
  • The rest of this lecture will explain policy
    based design. There will be no more GPU talk
    during the remainder of the lecture
  • Why?
  • SlabOps were a good implementation of Policy
    Based Design
  • You should have some exposure to design patterns
    and templates
  • Because Im the one holding the chalk.

Where did Policy Based Design Come from?
  • Modern C Design
  • Generic Programming and Design Patterns Applied
  • By Andrei Alexandrescu
  • Excellent Bedtime reading
  • - Asleep within 2 pages
  • Contains unique implementations of
  • design patterns using templates

What is a design pattern?
  • Design Pattern A general repeatable solution to
    a commonly occurring problem in software
    design. - Wikipedia (The irrefutable source on
  • The most commonly known design pattern?

The Singleton
  • One of the simplest and most useful design
  • Goal To only have one instance of an object, no
    matter where it is created in the program

The Singleton
  • class Singleton
  • public
  • static Singleton Instance()
  • Singleton()
  • private
  • static Singleton m_singleton
  • Singleton SingletonInstance()
  • if(m_singleton null)
  • m_singleton new Singleton()
  • return m_singleton
  • // in Cpp file
  • Singletonm_singleton null

C Templates
  • Templates functions that can operate with
    generic types
  • The STL is a library of templates hence its name
    Standard Template Library
  • Example Templates
  • cout, cin
  • vector
  • string

Example Template
Example Template Use
template myType GetMax (myType a,
myType b) return (ab?ab)
int x,y GetMax (x,y)
Modern C Design Book on design patterns using
Policy Based Design
  • Defines a class with a complex behavior out of
    many little classes (called policies), each which
    takes care of one behavioral or structural
  • You can mix and match policies to achieve a
    combinatorial set of behaviors by using a small
    core of elementary components

How it works
  • Multiple Inheritance
  • One class that inherits the properties of
    numerous other classes
  • Templates
  • Systems that operate with generic types
  • Multiple Inheritance Templates Policy Based

  • Each policy is a simple class that implements one
    aspect of the overall goal
  • Policies do not need to be templates (in many
    cases theyre not)
  • Policies do need to have specific known functions
    that they implement

Encapsulation Class
  • One class needs to use multiple inheritance to
    combine all the policies together

template GLStatePolicy, class VertexPipePolicy, class
FragmentPipePolicy, class ComputePolicy,
class UpdatePolicy class SlabOp public
RenderTargetPolicy, public
GLStatePolicy, public
VertexPipePolicy, public
FragmentPipePolicy, public
ComputePolicy, public
UpdatePolicy public SlabOp() SlabOp()
The Compute Method
  • // The only method of the SlabOp host class is
    Compute(), which
  • // uses the inherited policy methods to perform
    the slab computation.
  • // Note that this also defines the interfaces
    that the policy classes
  • // must have.
  • void Compute()
  • // Activate the output slab, if necessary
  • ActivateRenderTarget()
  • // Set the necessary state for the slab
  • GLStatePolicySetState()
  • VertexPipePolicySetState()
  • FragmentPipePolicySetState()
  • SetViewport()
  • // Put the results of the operation into the
    output slab.
  • UpdateOutputSlab()

The Other Methods
  • But wait, what about all the other functions that
    we called inside our GPU program?
  • Those exist in the individual policies
  • Example
  • InitializeFP(CGcontext context, string
    fpFileName, string entryPoint)
  • Exists in the FragmentPipePolicy

  • SlabOps are one of many GPGPU abstractions
  • Happens to be my favorite because they are the
    most versatile and are easy to use
  • Issues
  • Does not include basic GPGPU functions such as
  • There is a learning curve
  • Difficult to find out where things are actually
    going on
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