Title: Buy Designer Therapist Uniforms from Spring Spa Wear
1Elegant scrubs and uniforms for the nursing,
medical, dental, spa, beauty and massage
2Tunic Work Uniform
At Spring Spa Wear we provide the new stylish
tunic uniforms in Australia. We use exclusive
fabric and Our evry product is professional. We
know that our uniforms will fit you and look
beautiful on you.
3Spa Capri Pants and Trousers
These pants have been designed for comfort as our
number 1 priority. As a therapist you need
comfort first and foremost. Pants you can bend
down in, sit in all day or do massage in. Pants
that feel comfortable all day long. The pants
have a nice stretch and easy to wash and wear
with no ironing.
Love the Spa apron in black or white. Bleach
resistant light weight fabric that is cool to
Work in. These apron wash well and so comfotable
to wear. Available in White and Black colour.
5Contact Us
ADDRESS PO BOX 1139 Ashmore City, QLD
4214 Australia / International Phone 61 7
5661 4541 Email info_at_springspawear.com.au https
//www.instagram.com/springspawear/ https//www.p