Title: BuySellAds Banner Advertising Review
1 BuySellAds Banner Advertising Review
2- BuySellAds advertisement plugin is a marketplace
where publisher and advertisers meet. Publisher
list their available inventory for each ad zone,
and in return, receive requests from interested
advertisers. ADVERTISING TOOL After approval,
the advertisements begin to run immediately. If
you want to make money online, direct advertising
plays a great role. WordPress advertising plugins
pay more than AdSense or other ads. Finding
direct advertisers is hard, that is why you need
assistance from BuySellAds plugin BuySellAds to
get connected. The service has a nice concept for
bloggers and marketers to find the marketplace
for buying adverts. Direct advertisement is
acquired by sending personal advertisement email
or by using any third-party advertisement program
to sell advertisement. Getting approval from
BuySellAds account is not easy. Your website has
to be of standard quality with a nice design.
Missing out of any of these qualities means
rejection. BuySellAds is a middleman to process
ad buying and selling ADVERTISING TOOL and they
therefore charge 25 of the transaction.
3Getting Ads
- Getting approval from BuySellAds account is not
easy. Your website has to be of standard quality
with a nice design. Missing any of these
qualities means rejection. BuySellAds is a
middleman for processing ad buying and selling,
and so, therefore charge 25 of the transaction.
This is fair compared to other ads networks which
charge a 30-40 on the transaction. This service
does not cost anything, but when an advertiser
buys an ad from your site, BuySellAds will take
25 as a commission. This means that if you are
setting up your ad at 100/30 days, you will be
getting 75 to your account. You have to start
with the minimum limit and once you are
established you can increase lit by 10. The
network has numerous customers spread all around
the globe. That is why they offer affordable
prices. BuySellAds advertising plugin keeps a
percentage you made from selling ads this is good
for you instead of keeping your ad spots empty
you can keep making money.
4How to Use BuySellAds
- Start by visiting the BuySellAds and sign in
for an account. Add your website and proper tags
details and submit. Your application usually
takes 4-5 days to be replied. After getting the
approval message, you can log into the BuySellAds
account. Lastly, add a zone, which is the ad slot
you are offering.
5How to add BuySellAds Code to Your Website
- After creating a Zone, click on Actiongt Install
codes. Two different codes are here. The Header
code should go into the header of your website.
You have to add this code only once. The Zone
code is added to the sidebar using your WordPress
text-widget. You can always use CSS to style your
ad zone. You can access stats for BuySellAds to
track your ad spots. It will give you an idea of
how well or bad your ads spots are doing and you
can play with the placement to increase the CTR,
therefore, increasing the price of your ads. Note
that ads above the fold perform better than those
below it.
- More information visit our website