Title: Delhi Land Pooling Policy
- Dwarka L Zone expedite the growing need of
housing in Delhi and is working on Master Plan of
L Zone. It provides you complete information
about the leading builders who come up with their
projects at L Zone. Dwarka L Zone has a team of
professionals who offer to customize services and
takes right decision for Land Pooling Policy.
3Master Plan Delhi (MPD) 2021
- Dwarka L is working on MPD. The principle of
Master Plan Delhi 2021 is to make Delhi a global
metropolis, wherein people have a tending
feasible environment to live a productive life.
Its ambition is to provide reasonable housing to
4Land Pooling Policy (LPP)
- Land pooling is an assembly of small rural
lands being converted into large bundle through
rehabilitation. The Land Pooling Policy allows
reality developers to buy land directly from
owners in partnership. This new policy is
expected to fill the gap in supply and demand of
cognate housing needs.
5Dwarka L Zone Projects
Multi State CGHS Society
- Dwarka Commercial Projects
Delhi Housing Scheme
6Contact Us
Website www.dwarkalzone.com Email
infodwarkalzone_at_gmail.com Address Sector-11,
Dwarka 110075 Phone No 919205268088