Title: Inherited Metabolic
1Aga Khan University Hospital Clinical
Laboratories Packages
Avail 20 Discount on Packages for Inherited
Metabolic Disorders (IMDs)
2Who Should Be Tested?
- Neonates with risk factors e.g.
- previous sibling death.
- Unusual sepsis
- Born healthy, but deteriorates
- after first feed.
- Failure to thrive
- Neonate or child with following
- Hyperammonemia
- Encephalopathy
- Metabolic acidosis
- Metabolic alkalosis
- Urinary ketones positive
- Peculiar urine odor
- Suspicion of Non-Ketotic
- Hyperglycinemia (NKH) or serine
- deficiency disorders
- Onset of life threatening illness
- between 12 to 72 hours of age
- Patients with drowsiness or hypotonia
- Neonatal seizures
3Metabolic Screening Panel
Inherited Metabolic Test Panel
Paired CSF / Plasma Amino Acids Test Panel
Package A
Package B
Package C
- Rupees
- Complete Blood Count 700
- Urine Detail Report 380
- Blood Glucose 370
- Plasma Ammonia 1,750
- Plasma Lactic Acid 2,000
- Arterial Blood Gases 1,290
- Electrolyte 1,450
- Total 7,940
- 20 discount total (1,590)
- 6,350
- Rupees
- CSF Amino Acid 5,700
- Plasma Amino Acid 6,150
- Total 11,850
- 20 Discount (2,370)
- Total 9,480
- Rupees
- Urine Organic Acid 3,350
- Plasma Amino Acid 6,150
- Total 9,500
- 20 Discount (1,900)
- Total 7,600
4Aga Khan University Hospital INHERITED METABOLIC