Royal Power - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Royal Power


government based on the king having unlimited power ... Baroque Period. Found in buildings. Very emotional. Bernini * did St. Peter's Basilica ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Royal Power

Chapter 14 Royal Power Conflict
Europe In Crisis Calvinists and Catholics
militant Religion was the center of war in this
period Huguenots followers of Calvin found
only in France Opposed by Catholics Fighting for
30 years Edict of Nantes 1. Catholic official
religion of France 2. Huguenots given religious
Section 1 Spain
Absolutism government based on the king having
unlimited power based on the theory of Divine
Right Power to Rule came from GOD Royal Family
Hapsburgs Philip II The Prudent most powerful
ruler in Spanish History very religious
Catholic fought a lot of wars El Escorial his
great palace in Madrid the capital
Religious Problems minority religions
Protestants Marranos ( Jews), Moriscos
(Muslims) supported the Inquisitions autos a fe
(executions) tried to make Netherlands
Catholic led to a war Dutch independence Spanish
Armada 1588 plan to invade England 130 ships
33,000 men Armada a fleet of warships organized
to carry out a mission Spanish defeat because
of 1. Bad weather 2. English ships smaller
Last of the Hapsburgs (Spain) 1. Wars drained
the economy 2. Inflation (too much money) 3.
Industry agriculture declined 4. Poor
leadership 5. Corruption in the government 6.
Over taxing 7. Portugal broke away from
Spain Charles II last king of Spain
Economic social crisis inflation higher
prices caused by gold from new world Spain most
seriously hurt 1. Lose of Moslems 2.
Pirates 3. Mines in new world used up 4.
Decline in population 5. Plagues, warfare and
Witch Trials part of traditional village
culture More than 100,000 charged common people
charged at first By 1650 decreased with 1
increased power of govt 2. People didnt
believe in haunted world any more
  • Thirty Years War
  • began in Germany
  • Reason Calvinism not recognized
  • last of the religious wars
  • Began in Holy Roman Empire
  • Calvinism v. Catholic
  • France and Spain enter war
  • most destructive war so far
  • Peace of Westphalia ended war
  • France winner land from Holy Roman Empire
  • ended Holy Roman Empire as a power

Section 2 ENGLAND
Family of England Tudor 1. Henry VII first
Tudor encouraged trade 2. Henry VIII most
powerful of all Tudors made England
Protestant gave power to Parliament 3. Edward VI
Mary I Edward died young Mary Catholic
Bloody Mary 4. Elizabeth I Virgin
Queen greatest cultural period refused to
married supported William Shakespeare
  • Govt Court
  • Parliament couldnt start laws
  • Justices of the Peace enforced Queens laws
  • key to Queens success
  • Social Economic Policy
  • gentry strength of society
  • lowest class Yeomen (farmers)
  • Work was a social duty city provided work
  • for vagabonds
  • 2. Had to live work where they were born
  • 3. Poor Laws local community responsible for

Called Elizabeth a Penny pincher costs of war
left her in debt Foreign Policy 1.English
Channel protection 2.strong navy 3. biggest
enemiesSpain France 4. tried to Balance
Power 5.helped Dutch revolt against Spain
6. Scotland Catholic hostile killed Mary
Queen of Scots Elizabeths cousin 7. Military
used to control Ireland Elizabeth died 1603 new
King James I,Marys son,
Revolution in England Cause struggle between
Parliament King Stuarts Rule, after
Elizabeths death they are Catholic James I
believed in Divine Right god gives power to
kings before this King and Parliament
ruled Puritans english calvinists disliked
this they made up parliament
Charles I tried to get Purtians to be more
Catholic. They left for America 1642 Civil
War Cavaliers (Royalists) supported
King Roundheads (short heads) for
Parliament leader Oliver Cromwell doing battle
in Gods war Rump Parliament executed Charles
I set up a commonwealth Charles II restored
monarchy Parliament made Church of England
James II strong Catholic named Catholics to
govt jobs Glorious Revolution William (Dutch)
and Mary given throne bloodless Bill of Rights
1.Parliament can make laws levy taxes 2.
citizens can have arms and a jury trial Act of
Tolerations Puritans, nor Catholics, freedom of
Section 3 France
Henry IV Bourbon King Edict of Nantes religious
freedom to Huguenots Louis 13th gave power to
Cardinal Richelieu 1. Took power from
nobility 2. Intendants agents of King 3.
Weakened the Hugenots 4. Strengthened the
army 5. Made French the language of nobility all
over Europe
Louis XIV the sun king most powerful French
king ruled for 73 yrs. Longest in European
history letat,cest moi! 1. Believed in divine
right 2. Built Versailles 3. Nobles didnt have
to pay taxes 4 Government Policy taxes on goods
from one state to the other Others Jean-Baptist
Colbert economic advisor
Life at Versailles king had little
privacy daily ceremonies were staged strict
rules to follow for nobles Where you sat was
important Hunting, boating parties, plays,
ballets common gambling lost enormous amounts
5. Economic Policy poor paid most of taxes tax
farming used people moved from one place to
another to pay less tax 6. Religious Policy
wanted Huguenots to be catholic did away with
Edict many moved to America
7. Expansion Spanish succession King Philip V
get throne causes War of Spanish
Succession Grand Alliance England, Dutch,
Austria vs. France Spain Treaty of Utrecht /
Philip king Spain France never unite
Results for France 1. Lost land in America 2.
Drained treasury created opposition to
Louis Louis 14th legacy 1. Great cultural
period 2. Near financial ruin 3. Weakened
nobility major cause for French Revolution
Section 4 German States
Lots of religious conflict 30 years
War Catholic, Lutheran Calvinism result
Treaty of Westphalia 1. Weakened German
nations 2. Holy Roman Empire 300
nations Austria Hapsburg family most powerful
of German states ruler/ Maria Teresa pragmatic
sanctionEuropean countries promised never to
divide Austria accept Maria a good leader
Face of War
  • Gunpowder important invention of China
  • 1600 flintlock musket appears
  • used powder and ball
  • loaded from the front
  • Bayonet added to front
  • Pikes 18 ft long
  • Cavalry charges used
  • Salvos of fire
  • Musketeers set up rows and fired row by row
  • Armies had to be more disciplined
  • Govt began to fund regular armies

Prussia Hollenzollen family Fredrick William
Great Elector absolute monarch built a big
army Junkers /nobles disliked him Fredrick
William I Royal Drill Sergeant/Potsdam Guard
army of giants
Fredrick II, Fredrick the Great liked music and
art fought War of Austrian Succession fought 7
years war first world war (French Indian
War) 1. France loses all land in America 2.
England greatest colonial power 3. Prussia major
Section 5 Russia
Section 5
People of Russia called Slavs Rise of
Russia isolated from the rest Ivan IV the
terrible 1. reduced power of boyars(nobles) 2.
set up the Cheka (secret police) 3. tortured
killed many 4. imported doctors artisans from
Europe 5. Introduced first printing press 6.
Added lots of land to Russia famous for driving
out the Mongols new Tsar Michael I elected czar
first Romanov
Peter I Peter the Great 69 tall Coarse rude
behavior Vicious punishments Gross out
competitions Liked helping dentists pull people.s
teeth out 1. sought to modernize Russia 2.
traveled all over Europe to learn 3. forced
nobility to modernize 4. Made St. Petersburg
capital Window to the West 5. Claimed
Siberia 6. Made Eastern Orthodox Church official
7. Dvoriannie new noble class full control of
serfs (souls) 8. More taxes, most on
poor Results 1. Strengthened Russia 2. A split
in the people of Russia 3. Brought Russia into
the main stream of Europe 4. Many reforms
Catherine II the Great 1. Took throne from weak
husband 2. German/never spoke Russia 3. Put down
serf revolt 4. Encouraged new ideas 5. Took
Poland Last of the Great Absolute Monarchs
European Culture Mannerism art form based on
harmony, Balance and moderation El Greco
Spanish Elongated figures Unusual shadows
Yellow, green eerie backgrounds Baroque
Period Found in buildings Very emotional Bernini
did St. Peters Basilica Artemisia Gentileschi
woman artist religious paintings/ worked with
Literature England Elizabethan Era William
Shakespeare 1592 built the Globe Theater leader
of Lord Chamberlains Actors wrote tragedies,
comedies histories Spain Seville first
professional theater Lope de Vega play
write Cervantes Don Quioxote servant Sancho
Panza fighting windmills
Political Thought Thomas Hobbes Leviathan man
is basically evil must set up a social
contract agree to a state John Locke Two
Treatises of Govt man lived in a state of
equality man has certain natural rights life,
liberty and property social contract
Terms People to Know absolutism divine
right armada inflation Marranos gentry yeoman
balance of power vagabonds heresy intendants C
ardinal Richelieu Versailles Hugenots pragmatic
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