Title: Top Magento Extensions for Your Ecommerce Store
1 - Top Magento Extensions for Your Ecommerce Store
Blog URL https//magenticians.com/top-magento-ext
2IntroductionTheres no need to glorify
Magento anymore its already one of the most
popular ecommerce platforms that merchants around
the world use to power their online stores.The
likes of Nike, Olympus, and Ford, etc., have
their online stores built on Magento, and if
these industry giants opted for this CMS, theres
no reason why we shouldnt. And if you wish to
emulate their success, you can use these top
Magento extensions and give your ecommerce store
the extra functionalities and push it
needs!Here, we have shortlisted the best
Magento extensions for you, so just dive in, and
start using them!
3Elasticsearch by WyomindSearching anything
outside Google can be cumbersome. Same goes for a
website, and if your customer is searching for
something and they dont get the relevant search
result, it can be off-putting. But Elasticsearch
can solve that for you. It not only enhances your
search results but also increases the relevance
of the searches!Elasticsearch can be used on
both Magento 1 and Magento 2, so you are in safe
hands. Just install this extension on your store
and it will improve the user experience for your
customers by a mile.
4Google Tag Manager by MagePlaza Google has given
us many useful tools over the years, and Magento
folks are no exception to the developers at
Google. Google Tag Manager is an Extension that
lets you use other important Google services like
Google Adwords and Google Analytics from one
place. (So much Google in one paragraph, its
almost like they are trying to take over.) Google
Tag Manager is quick and easy to install and also
improves the websites performance. It also
supports remarketing, so theres a lot to be had
from this great Magento extension. Price 49
5LiveChat by LivechatincProviding a live chat
feature on your Magento 2 store can do wonders
for your business. Customers usually look to get
their problems resolved on the spot and want
their questions answered without waiting.
LiveChat gives you the power to talk to your
customers live and guide them if they have any
issues. This will not only increase
conversion but increase customer loyalty as
well.Adding LiveChat is simple and easy, but
the best part is that you can give this extension
a try for free before purchasing
it!Price Varies, Free trial offered
6Full Page Cache by AmastyAs a user yourself,
youd know how important speed is to a website.
If some website takes too much time to load we
usually dont go back to it. And since we dont
want that to happen to our website, we must take
steps to optimize our website. Caching is one the
best ways to speed up a website, and Full Page
Cache is an extension that does that job well.
Using FPC will help speed load times for your
website and improve the user experience.Cloud
hosting service Cloudways have even made FPC the
default extension for all Magento stores because
it takes a huge load off the server and helps
your website index higher and rank better. The
extension also contains a cache crawler, so you
know what you are dealing with.Price 219
7FSpecial Promotions Pro by AmastyDiscounts,
promotions, and other marketing campaigns boost
sales. So why not give your customers special
promotions that cater to them personally? Its
always a better idea to promote products on a
personal level because that has a better chance
of conversion and increases loyalty. Special
Promotions Pro is the extension you need for this
task, and it helps you build special discounts
and promotions based on purchase history.The
extension takes into consideration the name, DOB,
and history of your customers to curate these
promotions. What better way to make your
customers feel special and start purchasing more
from you?Price 159
8Conclusion There you go Magenticians. You have
been armed with 5 highly sought and useful
extensions for your Magento stores and you can
make a bigger difference with your online stores.
Although these are the top Magento extensions and
you cant go wrong with these, if you still have
any thoughts to share or better extensions in
your opinion to suggest, use the comment section
below and let us know.