Title: Prescott College Community Meeting
1Prescott College Community Meeting
2We Can Expect a Future With Opportunities
- ADGP Enrollment
- Continuous increases in enrollment for past 2
years - Record high re-enrollment (retention) rates
- 24 F06 applicants for PhD program (class of 12)
- RDP Enrollment
- 17 increase in new students F05
- Projecting 25 increase for F06
- FA for RDP will increase from 500,000 in 05-06
to 3,000,000 in 09-10 - Development
- 50 increase in Endowment over past 18 mos
- 9 increase in total giving over last year
- 11 increase in number of donors over last year
- Board of Trustees
- Anticipates 3,900,000 marginal net revenue in
2009-10 over this year (Chairman D Sweeney)
3We can plan how we want to build an intentional
future, or we can let these opportunities pass us
4Strategic Planning Outcomes
- An Update to the College Community
- Outcomes as of March 27, 2006
5Administrative Segment
- Institutional Research and Technology
- Facilities
- Marketing and Public Relations
- Development
- Food Service
- Office of the Registrar
- Financial Services
- Human Resources
6The Process We Used
- Presidents Address Oct 05
- Preliminary Unit Discussions Oct-Dec 05
- Directors Coordinating Meetings Dec 05 Jan 06
- Unit Planning Dec 05 March 05
- Community Mtg Presentation March 27
- Admin Segment Celebration March 28
7What are the 3 most important goals/things for
your area?
- Managed Response to Growth
- growth in service quality expectations
- growth in diversity of college programs and
offerings - growth in constituencies to be served
- Enhanced Communication and Improved Overt Signals
of Our Continuum of Values - for internal constituencies
- for external constituencies
- Expanded Diversity of Revenues
- diversity within enrollment-related revenues
- expansion of non-enrollment related revenues
8What are the 3 most important changes outside
your particular area?
- Increased Ethnic and Socioeconomic Diversity
- Enhanced and Improved Facilities and Technology
Infrastructure - Enhanced and Improved Recognition, Compensation,
and Growth Opportunities for Employees
9The Resident Degree Program
- RDP Faculty (RF)
- RDP Operations (RO)
- Library (L)
- RDP Admissions (RA)
- Student Services (SS)
- RDP Student Body (RS)
- Individual units identified Strengths,
Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges - Individual units prioritized three internal and
three external goals/changes - Planning Team helped to synthesize each unit plan
11Planning Team
- Jim Brandt, RDP Faculty Chair
- Laurie Silver, Student Services Director
- Eileen Chalfoun, Library Director
- Tim Robison, RDP Admissions Director
- Gret Antilla, RDP Dean
12What are the 3 most important goals/things for
your area?
- Curriculum refine and focus the resident
academic offerings and academic structures in
ways that strengthen our identity and allow us to
be both relevant and distinctive - Enrollment increase RDP enrollment to achieve a
more sustainable, more diverse, and more
selective student population - Student support significantly improve academic
and personal support services for current
13Curriculum refine and focus the resident
undergraduate academic offerings and academic
structures in ways that strengthen our identity
and allow us to be relevant and distinctive
- Process
- identify educational trends and conduct
curriculum research (RF) - identify the academic needs/desires of
prospective and current students (RF, RA, RS) - define and refine international and
off-campus/independent studies (A) - review and assess the relationship between RDP
and ADGP (RF) - develop and articulate our educational identity
through faculty discussions about
values/identity/goals (liberal arts, social
change, environment, outdoors, degree
flexibility, personal attention, etc.) (RF, RA) - evaluate and provide resources for current/new
curricular areas and academic structures based on
shared values and educational trends solidify
current curriculum provide resources or
eliminate on the edge curriculum (ex Holistic
Health Eco-design) (RF, RA, RS) - investigate diversification of resident
degree/certificate program, BA, BS, BFA, PB, MA
(A) - create new student seminar opportunities (RF, RS)
- integrate information literacy outcomes that form
a basis for lifelong learning into curriculum (L) - create environments and programs to attract
community members (students, faculty, staff,
city) to the campus (L) - expand flexibility of the Wilderness Orientation
program to meet a diverse student population (A)
14Enrollment increase RDP enrollment to achieve a
more sustainable, more diverse, and more
selective student population
- Process
- engage in discussions about the type of students
we can attract and select (first time freshmen,
transfer, politically active, diverse, etc.) and
develop partnerships with like minded
organizations to provide a base for recruitment
(RF, RS, RA, SS) - conduct market research (RF, RS, RA)
- increase investment in and development of
marketing materials reflecting our values and
targeted at specific individuals or groups (RF,
RS, RA) - increase opportunity for RDP faculty members and
Admissions staff to interact and work together to
bring in more new students (RF, RA) - continue to evaluate the effectiveness of our
marketing efforts (RF, RS, RA) - increase admissions selectivity (RF, RA)
15Student support improve academic and personal
support services for current students
- Process
- identify areas of need (writing, tutoring, tech
support, advising, counseling, wellness, drug and
alcohol education, disability issues, etc.) (RF,
RS, RA, SS, L) - devote physical space, personnel, and financial
resources to meeting those student needs (RF, RS,
SS) - clarify and simplify graduation and advising
processes (e.g. "demystify the degree planning
process" to help current students and attract new
students) (RF, RS) - provide targeted academic and personal support
for First-time College Students (RF, RS, SS) - develop a Career Center (RA, SS)
- attract a diverse faculty and staff (RS)
- implement strategic approach to institutional
financial aid and discounting (RF, RS, RA) - improve institutional support for locating
external scholarship opportunities (RS) - support student initiated programs (ARC, Ripple
Project, Campus Compact, Sexual Assault Resource
Center, etc.) (RS, SS) - involve students in decision making processes
(RS) - improve functioning of the Student Advisory
Council (SAC) (RS)
16What are the 3 most important changes outside
your particular area?
- Finances dramatically increase college fund
raising and diversify revenue streams - Campus and infrastructure develop a coherent
campus - Compensation offer competitive compensation for
faculty, instructors, adjuncts, and staff - Community and Identity - Improve Prescott
Colleges academic reputation and image
17Finances dramatically increase college
fundraising and diversify college revenue streams
- underwrite institutional aid program through
increased fundraising (RF, RS, RA) - hire additional staff members to enhance
fundraising efforts (RF, RA, L) - implement non-credit or continuing education
courses (RF, RA) - initiate capital campaign (PT)
- dramatically grow the endowment (RF)
18Campus and infrastructure create a physical
campus identity through continued/accelerated
campus development
- significantly improve campus attractiveness and
functionality by maintaining/cleaning our current
structures (RF, RS, RA, SS) - update academic facilities to standards
consistent with competitors (RF, RA) - plan and develop new facilities using sustainable
building practices (such as student housing,
science labs, one multi-use student resource
center, converting the alley to a pedestrian
walkway, improving signage/visibility, lighting,
etc.) (RF, RS, RA, SS, L) - walk our talk in terms of green renovations and
(RS) - match campus improvements to student enrollment
and student needs (RS) - improve and update use of technology (L)
19Compensation and staffing improve compensation
and benefits
- offer competitive compensation for faculty,
instructors, adjuncts, and staff (including
salaries, which are tied to the cost of living,
health insurance, retirement, greater workload
flexibility, etc.) in order to continue to
provide quality experiences for our students (RF,
RO, SS) - enhance and provide resources for professional
development activities (RF, RO, SS) - provide increased human resources for
understaffed areas (RO)
20Community and Identity- Improve Prescott
Colleges image and academic reputation
- Improve Prescott Colleges academic reputation
through a deliberate and sustained public
relations effort (RF, RA) - Re-position Prescott College in a new peer
grouping of more prestigious alternative liberal
arts colleges (RA) - Plan more community events (L)
- Enrollment
- Curriculum
- Finances
22Adult Degree Graduate Programs
- ADP Faculty
- Graduate Faculty (MAP / PhD)
- Staff in Prescott
- Admissions in Prescott
- Tucson Center Staff Faculty
- ADGP Adjunct Faculty
- ADGP Students Alumni
- Library Student Services
23ADGP Planning Group
- Christina Lawson, MAP Tucson Faculty
- Rick Medrick, MAP / PhD Prescott Faculty
- Debbi Wilson, ADGP Prescott Staff
- Jerri Brown, ADGP Prescott Staff
- Terril Shorb, ADP Prescott Faculty
- Tom Potter, ADP Tucson Faculty
- Esther Almazan, ADGP Tucson Staff
- Ann-Marie Benz, ADGP Student
- Kaia Lael, ADGP Student
- David Greenwood, ADGP Tucson Staff
- Darcy Riddell, ADGP Graduate Advisor
- Darrell Burrell, ADGP Alumni
- Sarah Silver, ADGP Student
- Bob Widen, ADGP Alumni Mentor
- Frank Cardamone, ADGP Operations
- Paul Burkhardt, ADGP Dean
24ADGP Process
- All ADGP Planning Retreat
- Shared values core characteristics
- Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities challenges
- 20 year visioning
- ADGP Planning Group
- Individual units / offices / sites developed
internal and external goals / changes - Planning Group synthesized categories from unit
level consensus documents - Planning Group requested feedback, and additional
office-level processes, prioritization detailed
25ADGP Shared Values Characteristics
- Community-based
- Student-directed / Student-centered
- Social Justice / Environmental Sustainability
26ADGP Long Term Vision
- Identify develop existing social network
density / community connections - Learn from Tucson Center experience to create
replicable scalable model - Build local presence, support enrollment
through community-based programs - Create an integrated, international network of
diverse bioregional hubs
27What are the 3 most important goals/things for
your area?
- Improve our students experiences
- Extend our community outreach
- Improve our human resourcing.
28Improve the ADGP Student Experience
- Listen to our students and alumni through surveys
assessment of their experience to increase
student satisfaction and learning - Improve the quality of our interdisciplinary
academic programs, our student-centered pedagogy
and delivery - New improved approaches and processes
supporting the development of re-examined student
competencies (e.g. integrated information
literacy development) connected to mission plan - Improve high-touch, community-based approach so
students feel more connected with staff, faculty,
peers, communities, and Prescott College - Improve our communications with students in
various media (handbooks, website, Moodle,
advising, email, phone, etc.) - Increase student diversity and access through
increased fellowship and grant support - New, mission-appropriate programs that meet
community needs result in gainful employment
for our graduates - Develop with Student Services a range of support
mechanisms for ADGP students (counseling,
writing, time / project management, social
networking, career counseling placement,
student affairs, student governance,
low-residence housing, etc.)
29Increase Diversify ADGP Community Outreach
- Develop a process for soliciting, evaluating, and
resourcing proposals for new programs and for
strategic partnerships from diverse internal
external constituencies - Listen to diverse community needs in developing
and assessing new programs partnerships - Increase our presence in diverse urban and rural
bio-regional hubs with clusters of students,
alumni, mentors through an alumni network,
partnerships, programs, etc. - Integrate the key concept of reciprocity into our
academic programs and into our practices with
students, with each other and with community
groups - Recognize and support the collaboration of ADGP
staff and faculty in diverse community outreach,
partnerships, and recruiting - Improve our market presence in diverse
underserved communities through increased
targeted advertising and other marketing
activities - Create a replicable, scalable model for other
sites/networks with effective administrative
academic relations, communications
30Improve Human Resourcing
- To achieve our 1st and 2nd goals above and
manifest our long term vision - Increase the staffing of our offices to generate
the capacity to serve retain our current
students and to gradually increase new student
numbers - Professional development programs for staff and
faculty - Diversify our faculty and staff through targeted
recruitment of students, mentors, staff and
faculty and through new program development - Define faculty and staff roles and
responsibilities - Improve formative / summative evaluation
processes - Develop mentor/advisor networks, training
evaluation programs - Increase compensation for faculty and staff
(including adjuncts) - Increase staff empowerment through participatory
decision-making - Support the creation of additional, non-tuition
revenue streams (CEUs, certificates, development,
grant-writing, etc.)
31What are the 3 most important changes outside
your particular area?
- Increase integration and collaboration within
across units - Improve physical resources and technological
infrastructure here and at other sites - Increase and improve our integrated marketing and
public relations
32Increase integration and collaboration
- In a manner that recognizes the different
identities and functions of the units and ensures
their security while increasing the
conceptualization of Prescott College as a whole - Horizontally, between ADGP RDP faculty,
programs and students between systems and staff
in Registrars, Business, and program offices
and with shared resources such as Student
Services, Library, etc. - Vertically, in terms of communication,
relationships and decision-making between Board
of Trustees, administration, faculty, staff and
students - By creating effective, non-disruptive,
longer-term mechanisms for collaboration,
exchange and synergy between the academic
programs, personnel and students of ADPG RDP
33Improve physical resources and technological
infrastructure here and at other sites
- Streamline our paperwork, data systems and
workflows (e.g., through web-based interfaces to
Power Campus scheduled tasking communications
tracking electronic routing and approval of
contracts, evaluations, etc. within and between
units) - Improve internal communications and high-touch
connections between staff, faculty and students
in dispersed learning and working environments - Appropriate technologies to support the learning
of diverse, geographically dispersed students - Improve and extend our external communications,
marketing and community outreach (e.g.,
especially via our website) - Improve our institutional research, assessment
and data-driven decision making - Mindful construction and maintenance of social
spaces in a manner that is environmentally
sustainable, uses appropriate technology and
supports our pedagogy - Through non-tuition based revenue streams (e.g.,
development, grants, perhaps by creating PC
design, building or technology programs that
employ students, etc.)
34Increase and improve our integrated marketing and
public relations
- Increase and focus appropriately our market
presence to increase the distinction of our brand
of education and action for social justice and
environmental sustainability - Integrate and balance our branding across
programs and markets (i.e., increase marketing
and public relations messaging for ADGP to
balance with that for RDP) - Assure that our marketing accurately matches our
reality - Increase marketing and public relations resources
and work in appropriate PC units and coordinate
across units without turning academic program
work into marketing - Focus and increase our outreach and marketing to
more diverse communities - To Increase enrollment as well as non-tuition
35ADGP Summary
36Concluding Thoughts
- For strategic planning info, visit