Title: Josh K' Willis
1Observing Climate Change in the Oceans for the
Decade(s) to Come
When the Ocean Speaks Who Listens?
- Josh K. Willis
- joshua.k.willis_at_jpl.nasa.gov
- Jet Propulsion Laboratory
2How inappropriate to call this planet Earth when
it is quite clearly Ocean. Arthur C. Clarke
3Natural Climate Changeand the Oceans
4El Niño La Niña
5La Niña
El Niño
6The Pacific Decadal Oscillation
Negative Phase
Positive Phase
7The Pacific Decadal Oscillation
8Altimeters and the PDO
Lack of high frequencies suggest SSH is the
better predictor
9Global Warmingand the Oceans
10(No Transcript)
11What happens to the heat?
12Where does the heat go?
13Thermal Inertia Energy Balance
Balance is restored
14Thermal InertiaThe Ocean Planet
To raise Earths temperature The Oceans must warm
15Thermal InertiaThe Ocean Planet
- A water-free planet finishes warming after 10
years - The Ocean planet takes 1000 years!!!
16Triumphs of the Global Ocean Observing Systems
17The altimeter record
18The altimeter record
20 Steric height from Argo
From Roemich and Gilson, Progress in
Oceanography, submitted
21(No Transcript)
22Greenland Ice Mass Loss from GRACE
362 Gt 1 mm GMSL
-140 Gt/year 0.4 mm/year GMSL
Credit Roger Braithwaite
Luthcke et al., 2006
23Causes of Sea Level Rise
Total sea level rise
24Todays Observing Systems
Total sea level rise
25The recent sea level budget
26Sea Level Budget
Seasonal cycles agree to within random
error 4-year trends have discrepancy larger than
random error gt systematic error remains!
27Drifting Buoys
28Drifting Buoys
From Maximenko, N.A., and P.P. Niiler (2004),
Recent Advances in Marine Science and Technology,
29Hydrographic surveys
30Hydrographic surveys
From Johnson et al., Journal of Climate, 2007
31Hydrographic surveys
From Fukasawa et al., Nature, 2004
32High density XBT lines
Repeat sections still important for resolving
eddies, estimating transport, etc.
33Sea Level the old fashion way
Tide Gauges with Greater Than 10 Years of
Tide Gauges with Greater Than 50 Years of
34Tide Gauge Observations
3.2 mm/year
2.0 mm/year
8 inches (20 cm)
0.8 mm/year
16,000 cubic miles!!!
Average Rate 1.8 mm/year
(67,000 cubic km)
Church and White, 2006
35The Ugly Truth
36Whats missing? Deep Ocean
Implications for thermal inertia and climate
37Whats missing? Continuity
38Whats missing? Continuity
39Ocean cooling results pose a problem for sea
Sea level continued to rise despite cooling and
decrease in thermosteric sea level
6 mm drop in thermosteric sea level
From Lyman et al., GRL, 2006
40My brush with Rush
Proving again, that they really dont know much
about anything when it comes to climate, climate
change and so forth. ? Rush Limbaugh
41To overturn the world economy based on the
musings of a few idiot leftist scientists is just
stupid, and thats what Global Warming is all
about. ? Rush Limbaugh
42Was Rush right???
No!But neither were we!
43A correction to recent cooling
Ocean Heat Content from 2004 to 2006
Removing the bad float data reduces the cooling
but does not completely eliminate it.
From Willis et al., JAOT, accepted.
44A correction to recent cooling
Ocean Heat Content from 2004 to 2006
Another bias XBTs are biased warm, which also
causes spurious cooling.
From Willis et al., JAOT, accepted.
Intercomparison is critical!!!
45XBT bias fall-rate error
Comparison of Isotherm Displacements
XBT/Argo pairs 12,000
Argo/CTD pairs 2,000
From Willis et al., JAOT, accepted.
46XBT bias fall-rate error
Time dependence of bias in Sippican Deep Blue XBT
- Bias increases over time
- Hi bias in later years may reflect double
application of Hanawa et al. (1995) correction
From Wijffels et al., J. Climate, accepted.
47"Human beings are now carrying out a large scale
geophysical experiment of a kind that could not
have happened in the past nor be reproduced in
the future. " Roger Revelle, 1957
Every decade is different from the last!
48(No Transcript)
49Additional Slides
50Sea Level Rise
- Coastal Erosion
- Loss of wetlands
- Saltwater intrusion
- Inundation
51Historical Ocean Warming
52Revised thermosteric sea level
Equivalent to 0.55 W/m2 of radiative imbalance
Trend 1.4 mm/yr
53Combining Altimeter and Argo Data
The Argo Array
Altimeters provide information about surface
54Argo profiles, displacements and altimetry
2004 2006 mean SSH
- Altimeter is used to reduce eddy variability in
both types of Argo data - Integrating from 0 to 1000 m and from east to
west may provide estimate of AMOC transport
- Estimate of overturning transport
- Infer heat transport
Absolute geostrophic velocity from 0 to 2000 db
at 37N
55(No Transcript)
56The recent sea level budget
Total (Jason)
Global MSL, no seasonal cycle, no trend
Removal of trend brings all three estimates into
excellent agreement
Steric (Argo)
Mass (GRACE)
RMS difference 1.6 mm
574-year Trends in sea level
The recent sea level budget
General agreement is encouraging
But, difference in S. Hemisphere trends is
58How fast will sea level rise?
Satellite Observations
Tide Gauge Observations
Rahmstorf et al., 2007
59Ice Sheet melting
Speeds up
Water lubricates the glacier
60Accelerated ice discharge
Difficult to predict sea level rise!!!
61Sea Level Change Potential Contributions
Thermal Expansion 1 meter
Mountain Glaciers 0.5 meters
Greenland Ice Melt 7 meters
Antarctic Ice Melt 60 meters
Land Water Storage lt 0.5 meters
62The tide gauge record of Sea Level
17 cm (20th Century)
From IPCC, 4th assessment report
63Historic Sea Level Rise
Recent rates of sea level rise are 100 times
larger than historic rates.
Plots by Robert A. Rohde for Global Warming Art
64Time Varying Bias
Shallow probes
Deep probes
Common time history by profile type suggests
manufacturing changes cause time varying bias
65Pseudo-pair comparison
Comparison of Sippican Deep Blue probes with
nearby Argo pairs (2004 2006), 12,000
- Pseudo-pairs give same bias, but have narrower
distribution - More comprehensive means of test XBT bias because
of SSH data availability
From Wijffels et al., manuscript in prep.
66The Thermohaline Circulation
67The Thermohaline Circulation
68What would happened if the THC shut down?
Rahmstorf, (Nature, 2002)