Title: H11-828 Online Practice Test
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6Question 1
A communication error suddenly occurs in an
enterprise. It is found that the database log
file is too large, which results in insufficient
disk space and data write exceptions. Which of
the following statements is INCORRECT? A.
Periodically delete the log file. B. Periodically
back up the database file. C. The log file needs
to be periodically deleted and does not need to
be periodically backed up. Answer C
7Question 2
When the UC service system is faulty, the backup
service files can be directly used to recover the
system. A. TRUE B. FALSE Answer B
8Question 3
Which of the following statements are CORRECT as
regard to AD integration? (Multiple Choice) A.
AD data can be periodically synchronized to the
BMU. B. The BMU uses the LDAP interface to
synchronize data from the AD server. C. The AD
server can automatically push data to the
BMU. Answer A B
9Question 4
U1900 series unified gateways are deployed in
redundancy mode in an enterprise. One day, a
communication fault occurs, so all users cannot
make voice calls. The cause of the fault is that
the active gateway breaks down, but the standby
gateway does not take over services from the
active gateway. In this case, which of the
following methods is the most suitable? A. Check
whether the standby gateway is normal, and
manually switch to the standby gateway to recover
services. B. Locate the fault that causes the
failure of the two-node cluster switchover after
the active gateway is faulty. C. Locate the fault
that causes the active gateway breakdown. Answer
10Question 5
IP phone user A and IP phone user B register with
the same AR router, The AR router does not
connect to the PSTN. After A successfully calls
B, A can properly talk with B. The call is an ()
call. A. Intra-office B. Inter-office C.
Intra-domain D. Inter-domain Answer A
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