Title: Georgetown Property Tax Protest | Discount Property Taxes
1Georgetown Property Tax Protest
Presented By www.discountpropertytaxes.com
Discount Property Taxes
2What Can You Protest?
- The property tax emails have been sent to
all the house-owners in Georgetown. You might
want to protest against the amount based on
recent sales and equity. Though it might be
easier to protest based on recent sales, it is
always better to check off both boxes so that you
can come up with a strong argument.
Discount Property Taxes
3Build Your Case From Both Sides
- The district council is going to send you an
evidence packet along with a date for an informal
court hearing. Review the evidence packet
carefully to build your statements. Build your
case in such a way that you effortlessly
discredit the properties the council has implied
and find properties that add to your case.
Discount Property Taxes
4The Informal Hearing
- Treat the appraisers with respect and calmly
make your case if you want to get the benefit of
the doubt. Get the pictures of both, the
properties used by the appraiser and your own
house. In case of a recent purchase, also keep a
copy of the settlement paper for the hearing. - Where are the Williamson, Georgetown
appraisal districts located? - Williamson County
- 625 FM 1460 Georgetown, TX 78626-8050
- 512-930-3787
Discount Property Taxes
5How We Can Help ?
- We sure can't protest your property taxes
for you but we can at least help you understand
and prep for the process and also provide you
with intricate details that might give you a
better chance to make your case. - Feel free to get into our office or email us
your problems for counseling and help in your
Georgetown property tax protest case.
Discount Property Taxes
6Contact Us
- Discount Property Taxes, LLC
- Address 108 E. 46th St.
- Austin, Texas, USA
- Zip Code 78751
- Phone 512-467-9852
- Fax 512-374-0082
- Email info_at_discountpropertytaxes.com
- Website http//www.discountpropertytaxes.com/
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7Thank You
Discount Property Taxes