Title: Free Audio Recorder App MapMySound
- Sound Recorder, Editor Mixer App for the iPhone
and iPad - download now for FREE!
- MapMySound Audio Recorder app allows you to
record your favorite audio directly from your
mobile phone. MapMySound strive to give customer
convenient tools that easier their workflow and
keep things in one easy to access place. Sound
Mapping technology is one core feature of
MapMySound recorder app that helps to analyze
audio files by showing their Spectrogram.
3Open the App and Login First
- Log into Sound Recorder app to explore audios.
4Start Recording, Mix or Append Audio
- MapMySound free audio recorder app supports
editing and mixing the audios.
5Record, Edit, Mix Listen to Audios
- You can listen to your own voice recordings or
audios from others.
6Map Your Soundscapes
- Spread your soundscapes to the world using
interactive MAP. MapMySound sound mapping feature
allows you to access the soundscapes from the
different location of the word.
7If you're ready to try the MapMySound sound
recorder app, it's completely free. Hope you
love the MapMySound sound recording app!