Title: Layer Cages Sale in India – Vijay Raj Poultry
1Layer Cages Sale in India Vijay Raj Poultry
2Vijay Raj India is leading Manufacturer
Supplier of High-Quality Layer Cages for Poultry
Farms in India.
3We Export Poultry Products Accessories for
Other Countries
4Special Features
- Layer Cage is suitable for the 16 weeks to 72
weeks Birds. - Layer cages made for Open Closed House system.
- Low FCR
- Good No. of eggs per bird
- Good livability
5Special Features
- Maximum return for your investment in cages
- Technical support
- The Layer birds will have good No. of eggs per
bird. - Vijay Raj Layer Cage are made using highly
galvanized G.I wire
6Layer Cage With Hopper Feeding System
- Vijay Raj Feeding System Hopper type is suitable
for open house system and the feeding can be done
in all cage lines in one distribution and the
material used for the manufacture of hopper boxes
are heavily galvanized and can maintain equal
distribution of feed as per the bird requirement.
8Interested to buy Layer Cages
- Call 918125169690
- Visit www.vijayrajindia.com