Title: Miniature Australian Shepherd Puppies for Sale
- FoxyAussiesHome
- We fell in love with this breed in 2007 when we
bought our first Australian Shepherd. We wanted
to know as much as we could about our new family
member. So we researched the breed to learn all
we could. After doing this we set out on a
mission to find the Australian Shepherd. We
wanted an Australian Shepherd that would be show
quality. We realized then how hard it was around
here to find an Australian Shepherd that was
show quality.
- We finally found Zoe and she was the start of our
foundation. Soon after we got her we began
training her for the show ring. Not long after
that our breeding program grew. We strive to
better the breed. We breed for conformation,
temperament and health. All of our Australian
Shepherds are excellent -
- I am continually trying to better educate myself
about the breed as well as revising my method for
choosing a home for the babies! I could care less
if you are a NFL football player or a Hollywood
4(No Transcript)
5Adopt Australian Shepherd Puppies
6Mini Australian Shepherd Puppies for Adoption
7- Australian Shepherd Traits
- Easygoing
- Protective
- Intelligent
- Playful and puppy-like
- Bold and loyal
- Easy to train
8Australian Shepherd is dependable, loyal, and
easygoing companions. When it comes to seeking
their attention, they love to play, they never
outgrow the puppy stage. Thus, excellent with
kids as they get more active and better. Also,
they are gentle in nature. This eliminates them
to play to get rough. Not only this, they are
always eager to work. Give them a job and it will
be done with loads of energy to spare. Find best
Australian Shepherd Puppies for Sale Near Me .
What it's like to live with an Australian
9Australian Shepherd is dependable, loyal, and
easygoing companions. When it comes to seeking
their attention, they love to play, they never
outgrow the puppy stage. Thus, excellent with
kids as they get more active and better. Also,
they are gentle in nature. This eliminates them
to play to get rough. Not only this, they are
always eager to work. Give them a job and it will
be done with loads of energy to spare.
What it's like to live with an Australian
- foxyaussieshome_at_gmail.com
- 508-456-7360