Title: Buy Capnat 500mg Tablets | Buy Capecitabine Online | 印度希罗达价格
1Capecitabine Tablets
Anti-Cancer Medication
2Capecitabine is an chemotherapy medication sold
under the brand name Xeloda. Capecitabine used to
treat Breast Cancer, Gastric Cancer and
Colorectal Cancer. Capecitabine was patented in
1992 and approved for medical use in 1998.
What is Capecitabine ?
3Section Title 2
Capecitabine Uses
- Breast Cancer
- Colorectal Cancer
- Gastric Cancer
4Section Title 2
Capnat Tablets Details
- Capecitabine is available in strength of Capnat
500mg Tablet and its active ingredients is
Capecitabine 500mg. - Available in from of Tablets and Its packaging
size is 10 tablets per strip. - Capnat Capecitabine Tablets is manufactured by
Natco Pharma Ltd.
5Capnat 500mg Substitutes
Capcel 500mg
Xeloda 500mg
Capezam 500mg
6How To Take
How its Work
Capnat 500mg Tablet is a chemotherapy drug which
belongs to the class of Cytotoxic Antimetabolite.
It is orally taken and is changed over to
5-fluorouracil inside the cancer cells growth.
Capnat 500mg Tablet slows the growth of cancer
cells and slowly kills them.
- Capnat is a tablet so it is taken orally, swallow
whole tablet with water. Take after food with
water and doses as per your doctor prescribed.
Dont chew, crush, or split the tablet before
taking it and not mix with food and liquid.
7Common Side Effects
- Headache
- Weakness
- Rashes
- Itching
- Vomiting
- Fatigue
- Hair loss
- Abdominal Pain
- Dry mouth
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