Title: Starting Right With Breakfast
1Starting Right With Breakfast
- Welcome! Please
- Sign in on the registration form
- Sign in on the SNA credit form with your 6 digit
SNA number (if you want SNA credit) - Take a packet
- Find a seat at any open table
2Starting Right With Breakfast
- Importance of Breakfast
- Breakfasts that Earn High Marks
- Marketing Breakfast to Segments in Schools
- And Breakfast for All
3Starting Right With Breakfast
- On one side of tent, in LARGE letters, PRINT your
first name.
- This side of
the tent will face others - place it in front of
you on the table after completing ?
- On the opposite side of the tent,
write something you want to know more about or a
skill or ability you want to improve
during the time we are together focusing on
school breakfast.
4Starting Right With Breakfast
- On tables are items. Please wait to open until
instructed. Please put back after activity is
done. - In packet - white pages are the worksheets in the
order of use.
- The yellow pages are more info and references, in
order of use. - Also useful when you return to work.
5Starting Right With Breakfast
- Why Breakfast is Important Activity
- Letter on table determines tables assignment
- Look at the first white worksheet to see your
tables assignment. - As a table, write down as many items as you can
for your assignment need help? Check the yellow
6Starting Right With Breakfast
- A Breakfast and Diet
- B Breakfast and Academics
- C Breakfast and Health
- D Breakfast and Social/behaviors
7Starting Right With Breakfast
Academics Ready to Learn each day Improved
Test Scores
Diet More vitamins, minerals, fiber
Social/Behavior Less disruptive behaviors Less
disciplinary actions
Health Reduce risk of overweight Less
illness/nurse visits Reduced risk of chronic
diseases related to diet
8Marketing Minute
- Find a 3 x 3 inch Post it note pad
- Think about information just covered and identify
- Target audience
- Piece of information
- Way to connect
9Marketing Minute
- Target
- Piece of Information
- Ways to connect
- Administrator
- Better school attendance with NSBP
- Discuss with administrators ADA benefits of
school breakfast.
10Champions of Breakfast!
Menu Know How
Breakfast Bites
Idaho IQ
Daily Dose
Energize Me
11Question - Menu Know How for 100 points
This is the range of calories a breakfast needs
to provide, depending on the menu planning system
and age grade ranges used.
12Answer - Menu Know How for 100 points
What is 500 to 625 calories?
Back to Game
13Question - Menu Know How for 200 points
This is one way to meet the 500 calorie level
meal and meet the Dietary Guidelines.
14Answer - Menu Know How for 200 points
What is Offer 1 cup lowfat milk (100 kcals), ½
cup of fresh fruit (50), 2 ounces of whole grains
(200) and two ounce of lean meat(150)?
Back to Game
15Question - Menu Know How for 300 points
The Dietary Guidelines recommend 300 milligrams
cholesterol each or less day the SDE CNP
standard for average amount per breakfast in
Idaho is
16Answer - Menu Know How for 300 points
What is 75 milligrams?
Back to Game
17Question - Menu Know How for 400 points
This low fat, high protein traditional breakfast
food can be offered this many times per week and
have menus remain in the guidelines.
18Answer - Menu Know How for 400 points
What is 1¾ whole egg (with yolk) and unlimited
amounts of egg whites or egg beaters (low
cholesterol egg product)?
Back to Game
19Question - Menu Know How for 500 points
These are foods to include on menus to provide
protein needs and meet the Dietary Guideline to
vary protein sources.
20Answer - Menu Know How for 500 points
What is Fat free or lowfat milk, cheese and
yogurt lean meat choices and whole grains?
Back to Game
21Question Energize Me for 100 points
Menus need to provide 30 or less of this
nutrient over the week to meet the Dietary
22Answer Energize Me for 100 points
What is Calories from total fat?
Back to Game
23Question - Energize Me for 200 points
A weeks menus are limited to 10 total calories
from this source to meet the Dietary Guidelines .
24Answer - Energize Me for 200 points
What is Calories from saturated fat?
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25Question - Energize Me for 300 points
Encourage students to choose foods with this
nutrient for growth and a meal that provides
satiety (a sense of fullness).
26Answer - Energize Me for 300 points
What is Protein?
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27Question - Energize Me for 400 points
This energy source digests more slowly than its
simple cousin for sustain energy release.
28Answer - Energize Me for 400 points
What is Complex carbohydrate?
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29Question - Energize Me for 500 points
This energy source is quickly digested and, when
not balanced with other energy sources in a meal,
can cause a person to feel hungry soon after
30Answer - Energize Me for 500 points
What is Simple sugar?
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31Question - Daily Dose for 100 points
Apricots, milk and cantaloupe are common sources
of this nutrient.
32Answer - Daily Dose for 100 points
What is Vitamin A?
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33Question - Daily Dose for 200 points
This water soluble vitamin is needed daily and is
found in two food groups to encourage.
34Answer - Daily Dose for 200 points
What is Vitamin C, found in fruits and
Back to Game
35Question - Daily Dose for 300 points
This nutrient is connected to learning, in
addition to feeling energized.
36Answer - Daily Dose for 300 points
What is Iron?
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37Question - Daily Dose for 400 points
This nutrient, found in a food group to
encourage, is involved in muscle contractions and
nerve transmissions, in addition to teeth and
38Answer - Daily Dose for 400 points
What is Calcium, found in milk, cheese and
yogurt ?
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39Question - Daily Dose for 500 points
The Dietary Guidelines recommend limiting this
mineral. There are at least two ways to reduce
the amount of it in school breakfast. Hint
daily double means two answers!
40Answer - Daily Dose for 500 points
What is Prepare foods with little added salt or
sodium? and
What is Purchase lower sodium convenience
(pre-prepared) foods when possible?
Back to Game
41Question - Idaho IQ for 100 points
The Dietary Guidelines encourage limiting sodium.
This is the average amount of sodium for the
breakfast calorie range (500-625 kcal) for the
SDE CNP standard .
42Answer - Idaho IQ for 100 points
What is 1000 to 1250 milligrams sodium (2
milligrams of sodium per 100 calories of the
Back to Game
43Question - Idaho IQ for 200 points
These are foods to include on the menu to help
keep sodium levels within the Dietary Guidance.
44Answer - Idaho IQ for 200 points
What is Lower sodium versions of ham, sausage,
and potato products and freshly prepared recipes
with little added salt?
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45Question - Idaho IQ for 300 points
The Dietary Guidelines encourage fiber-rich
foods. This is the average amount of fiber for
the breakfast calorie range (500-625 kcal) for
the SDE CNP standard .
46Answer - Idaho IQ for 300 points
What is 5 to 6 grams of fiber (1 gram of fiber
per 100 calories of the meal)?
Back to Game
47Question - Idaho IQ for 400 points
This is the non-digestible portion of food that
helps with feeling full in addition to reducing
risk for heart disease and some types of cancer.
48Answer - Idaho IQ for 400 points
What is Dietary fiber, both soluble and
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49Question - Idaho IQ for 500 points
These are foods to include on menus to meet fiber
50Answer - Idaho IQ for 500 points
What is Fresh fruits and vegetables, whole
grains, legumes, and nuts/seeds?
Back to Game
51Question - Breakfast Bites for 100 points
This is the literal meaning of the word Breakfast.
52Answer - Breakfast Bites for 100 points
What is Break the Fast?
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53Question - Breakfast Bites for 200 points
School breakfast is required to supply this
amount of nutrients for growing students.
54Answer - Breakfast Bites for 200 points
What is 25 of the RDAs (recommended dietary
allowances) for calories, protein, vitamins A and
C, and minerals iron and calcium?
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55Question - Breakfast Bites for 300 points
This finding is common of school breakfasts
planned using either menu planning option, food
based or nutrient standard menu planning.
56Answer - Breakfast Bites for 300 points
What is Breakfasts are often low in calories for
the age grade grouping (food based or NSMP
analyzed separately)?
Back to Game
57Question - Breakfast Bites for 400 points
A breakfast purchased at a C-store (convenience
store) or vending machine will provide a large
amount of this energy source and this additive.
58Answer - Breakfast Bites for 400 points
What is Sugar and caffeine?
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59Question - Breakfast Bites for 500 points
This is a frequently under utilized strategy in a
school district to help meet the demands of No
Child Left Behind.
60Answer - Breakfast Bites for 500 points
What is. School Breakfast?!
Back to Presentation
61Marketing Minute
- Find a 3 x 3 inch Post it note pad
- Think about information just covered and identify
- Target audience (different one)
- Piece of information
- Way to connect (new way)
62Breakfasts That Earn High Marks
- Check the yellow page resources
- Components for Food-based menu plans
- Age and grade groups for each menu planning
system - Reference for nutrition requirements
63Breakfasts That Earn High Marks
- Find the Dietary Guidelines Card
- Create a list of strategies, menu ideas, foods to
include which - Meet the nutrition requirements of breakfast
- Incorporate the Dietary Guideline(s)
- Work quickly 10 minutes for activity
- Be ready to share with larger group
64Breakfasts That Earn High Marks
- Dietary Guidelines Total Fat 30 and Saturated
Fat 10 of total calories limit cholesterol
65Breakfasts That Earn High Marks
- Dietary Guideline - Limit sodium and increase
potassium-rich foods
66Breakfasts That Earn High Marks
- Dietary Guideline - Food groups to encourage
- Whole grains
- Vegetables (vary colors)
67Breakfasts That Earn High Marks
- Dietary Guideline - Food groups to encourage
- Fruits (emphasis on whole fruit, less juice)
- Milk/calcium-rich foods
68Breakfasts That Earn High Marks
- Group Reports
- Fat, Saturated Fats and Cholesterol
- Sodium and Potassium-rich foods
- Food groups to encourage
- Whole Grains
- Vegetables
- Fruits
- Milk/Calcium-rich
69Marketing Minute
- Find a 3 x 3 inch Post it note pad
- Think about information just covered and identify
- Target audience
- Piece of information
- Way to connect
- Tables A and B please post your marketing
minute item and place your current breakfast
marketing item inside the box on the table
before using bathroom - Tables C and D please use the bathrooms
quickly, then post your items and add to the box - BE BACK in 10 minutes
71Marketing Minute Records
- Find the Marketing Minute Ideas record in the
white pages. - Record the ideas from the posters on your form.
- Work quickly be done in less than 10 minutes.
72Inside the Box Marketing
- Menus
- Web pages
- Announcements
- Brochures
- Other items
73Outside the Box Marketing
- What else can be done?
- How else can we increase participation or serve
students better?
74Thinking Outside the Box
- In your white sheets is a resource, Theres
More than One Way to Serve Breakfast. - The information presents outside the cafeteria
ways to serve breakfast. - The last pages of the resource have spaces to
write a plan.
75Thinking Outside the Box
- Work as a team to develop a plan
- Choose a new way of serving breakfast or a new
target audience - Work through plan details
76Thinking Outside the Box
- Example
- High school athletes practice before school
- Work with coaches to have grab and go breakfast
ready after practice - Market idea to other zero hour groups
- Menu items, food safety, POS needs
- SFS, Admin., target groups need to support
77Thinking Outside the Box
78And Breakfast for All
- Provision 2 Free Breakfast Program is an option
available to school districts. - All students who participate receive breakfast
meal at no charge without regard to each
students meal status (free, reduced-price or
79And Breakfast for All
- Why would a district want to offer Provision 2?
- Meet needs of students
- Use fund balance to help students
- Change perception of breakfast
- (Only poor students eat school breakfast)
80And Breakfast for All
- What steps need to be followed?
- Contact the SDE staff
- Establish a baseline year
- Need to start by cut off date
- The first day after the first complete month (for
most school calendars this is October 1) - Make a public notice of program one time
81And Breakfast for All
- Year 1 - Baseline
- One public notice about the program
- All students eat at no cost
- Track meals by student status
- Submit data to SDE
- Data from this year determines reimbursement
rates for next 3 years.
82And Breakfast for All
- Years 2, 3 and 4
- Serve breakfast at no cost
- No need to track by student status
- Track reimbursable meals
- Request reimbursement by baseline year
percentages - Consider serving methods that maximize student
83And Breakfast for All
- At the end of year 4
- Reapply
- Based on eligibility report filed in March
- Stable economics approved for 4 more years
- Better economics need to redo baseline
- Worse economics approved, but redoing baseline
may be helpful
84And Breakfast for All
- Advantages
- After baseline year, do not need to have POS by
name (breakfast) - Able to discontinue the program at anytime during
baseline year or years 2-4 - Can be offered in a single school, some schools
or district wide. Most districts target areas of
greatest need, usually Title 1 school areas.
85And Breakfast for All
- Limitations
- Financial the program may not be financially
feasible for all schools or districts. - Philosophies the program needs support of
administrators, school boards, parents.
Local viewpoints may vary.
86And Breakfast for All
- Experiences with Provision 2 Breakfast
87And Breakfast for All
- Want more help?
- Any district interested can request Technical
Assistance from the SDE staff
88Starting Right With Breakfast
- Final Large Group Review Activity
89Starting Right With Breakfast
- Complete Course Evaluation
- Trade for Certificate of Completion
- Closing Comments
90Starting Right With Breakfast
- Resource packets provided by Idaho Dairy Council
91Jeopardy! Created by Tami Bowlden