Title: Used Beckman Ultracentrifuge
1Used Beckman Ultracentrifuge
2Buy Used Beckman Ultracentrifuge at Certified
Genetool. Beckman Ultracentrifuge is
designed to speed up the discovery process in
research involving proteomics, cytomics, or
genomics. It is the most intelligent
ultracentrifuge ever the unit is equipped with
the most advanced and innovative ultracentrifuge
components available.
3This Beckman centrifuges enhances centrifugation
knowledge by assisting the user in selecting the
rotor and lab ware for a specific application,
and in developing the most efficient
centrifugation methods.
4For specific model, please inquire.Fully
Re-furbished, calibration / alignment to factory
standard.Certified with 90-day warranty (US and
Canada ONLY).
5For details, contact us todayADDRESSCertified
GeneTool, Inc.- Headquarters 7074 Commerce
Circle, Suite A Pleasanton, CA 94588 Tel (925)
737-0800 Fax (925) 737-0900 Email
info_at_cgenetool.comCertified Genetool, Inc.-
Boston Cambridge, MA 02138 Phone (301) 814-4216
6Dont forget to visit https//cgenetool.com/prod
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