Title: itseospecialist
1With a licensed real estate broker possessing
decades of education and experience, a record of
service to the real estate industry, and hundreds
of satisfied clients in the U.S. and Belize.
2Tom Taylor has more specialized education and
more registered designations in second home real
estate than any broker in Belize.
3He is a Charter Member of the Resort and Second
Home Specialist designation created by the
National Association of Realtors (NAR) to help
the public find qualified second home Realtors.
4Taylor also holds the Senior Real Estate
Specialist certification, sponsored by the Real
Estate Buyers Council of NAR and a Resort and
Recreation Specialist award, sponsored by the
Worldwide Recreation Council.
5To facilitate international sales, Taylor earned
a Trans National Certification from the
International Council of Real Estate
Associations, (ICREA).