Title: VIP Leisure Travel Agency
1 VIP Leisure Travel Agency
- Travel agency in Beverly Hills, California
2About Us
ENTERTRAVEL has exclusive arrangements with many
of the worlds top airlines to provide discounts,
upgrades, and services to our VIP travelers. We
can propose a small boutique hotel, an eco-lodge,
or the most famous luxury hotels around the
world. Our vendors around the world carry a fleet
of all vehicle types, and provide the most VIP
and discreet services to our clients.
3 Services
- Entertainment/Corporate
- VIP/Celebrity
- Production
- Event
- DJ/Music Tour
4Services Offered by the Agencies to the Clients
- No doubt, the demands of the clients are
extensive and large when it comes to celebrity,
VIP, music, production and live event travel.
However, with the help of an expert team, a
premium traveling agency can easily meet the
demands of the clients along with providing a
complete sense of satisfaction. The services
offered by top travel agencies are numerous with
some of them listed as below - Airline traveling
- Private charter planes
- Hotel accommodation
- Private car service and transportation
- Airport greeter services
- Private Concierge services
- On-site coordinators for events
5Contact Us
- Website https//enter-travel.com/
- Address 9744 Wilshire Blvd 207, Beverly
Hills, CA 90212, USA - Phone no 1 310-954-3355
- Facebook https//www.facebook.com/entertravelagen
cy/ - Instagram https//www.instagram.com/entertravelAg