Title: Decision Makers Mailing Leads
1Decision Makers Mailing Leads
2Our List of Companies across the world has over
Million business records and is equipped with
full detailed contact information such as Phone,
Revenue, Website, Address, Contact Person,
Company email address and etc. We
Globalb2bcontacts recognize how important such
data can be in the growth of your business. We
offer these company lists at affordable prices as
well. We believe that you should find getting
the business list you need easy so that you can
focus on the rest of your business. That is why
we make our databases so easy to access. No
matter what company list you need for any
industry that you are searching for, you will
find just what you will need. Take the time to
give us a chance. You will be very satisfied and
pleased with our work.
3Our Mailing Lists
- Key Features
- Generates maximum response rates for your
marketing campaigns - High deliverance rate and brand recognition
- High conversion rates and ROI (return on
investment) - Reach prospects without any geographical barriers
by associating with the best Mailing List
Industry service provider - High opt-in data that provide marketers zero-in
on their very best prospects
- Titles Available
CDO,CKO, CSO, CPO, CLO, Controller, Director,
Vice President, Presidents, Chairman's, GMs, Mid
level Managers, Sales and Marketing Managers, HR
Managers, Finance Manager, IT Head, IT Director,
IT Manager, VP IT, Purchasing Manager,
Procurement Manager, Supply Chain, Head of
Operations, Business Development, Marketing
Executives, Corporate Secretary, Treasurer,
Administration, R D Executives and many
- Trade shows
- Business Directories
- Seminars
- Directories
- Surveys
- Brilliant Reachability
- Verified Contact Details
- Customized Database
- Segmented Data
- Support and Assistance
5Global B2B Contacts LLC
- www.globalb2bcontacts.com9030 Charlotte
StreetKansas CityMissouri ,USA - info_at_globalb2bcontacts.com
- Contact Number 1-816-286-4114
- Any questions?
- You can find me at
- info_at_globalb2bcontacts.com