Title: Concentration and Studying
1Concentration and Studying
By Dr. Dolores Kiesler
2What causes lack of concentration when studying?
- Distractions, such as phone calls, television,
loud noises - Fatigue, lack of adequate rest
- Lack of materials needed for study
- Non-Peak study times
- Lack of organization
- Visual Distractions
- Friends
- Computer Games and Instant Messenger
3So what can you do to concentrate more
1. Create a study environment
2. Determine when your peak time is
3. Be organized
4. Get plenty of rest
5. Make agreements with friends
4Hints for Improving Concentration
- Set goals before studying
- Take breaks by doing something different
- Keep pad of paper handy to jot down thoughts
- Mix subjects and tasks when studying
5What kind of goals should I set?
- Determine the priority of what you need to study
- Determine the time you will need for each task
- Form a schedule with time slots for each task
- Include short break periods on the schedule
- Hold yourself to the schedule
- Set an appropriate reward
6Sample Priorities w/ Time Limits
- Math test at 8 a.m. tomorrow1 hour
- Read Psychology assignment30 minutes
- Write persuasive paragraph for English30 minutes
- Work on revising draft of English paper30
minutes - Begin research for history paper1 hour
- Review for Math test again15 minutes
7Sample Goals
- I will study for my math test at least 1 hour
- I will read my psychology assignment
- I will write my persuasive paragraph for English
- I will spend 30 minutes revising my English paper
- I will spend an hour doing research for my
history paper
8Sample Study Schedule
6-7 Math Test 7-715 Break 715-745 Psychology 7
45-815 Write Persuasive Paragraph 815-830 Brea
k and walk to library 830-900 Revise English
paper 900-1000 History Research in
Library Before Bed15 minute review of math
- How do you create a good study environment?
- Why should you set priorities and goals?
- Why are breaks and rewards important?
- What can you do if you are constantly
distracted while studying?
- What will you change about the way you now