Title: Budgeting of Support Devices
1Budgeting of Support Devices
- For Academics and Administration
- And General Access
2BYU Objectives
- Funding for equipment and access devices to
support the University mission - Department flexibility in acquiring and using
budgeted equipment - Systematic replacement of access devices
- Establishment of a consistent, fair and
reasonable budget methodology
3Church/CES Objectives
- Properly manage scarce tithing resources
- Have BYU follow Church policy as closely as
possible - Ensure that resource requests are justified and
not simply automatic - Establish a methodology that can be consistently
followed year to year
4BYU Equipment Appropriations
5Support and Access Devices
Access Device The basic personal computer
provided to establish connectivity (networks,
internet, servers, e-mail, etc.) and perform
standard work-related activities. Like a
telephone, a required item of equipment for all
academic and administrative personnel. For
budget purposes, includes workstations provided
for students, such as Access Point Labs and
college-specific access labs.
6Support and Access Devices
- Academic and Administrative Support Device
- All other equipment used to carry out the mission
of the university (instruction, mentoring,
scholarly work and administrative support).
Includes the following - Stand-alone, non-computer-related devices
- Devices with embedded computers
- Devices and attached computers
- Non-standard computers and related devices
(servers, LANs, etc.) - Stand alone personal computers with unique
7Support and Access Devices
A Changing Paradigm Previously, it was impossible
to determine where access computers ended and
equipment began. This approach provides for a
very specific definition of access devices and
leaves flexibility in the academic and
administrative support device category. This
changes the budget paradigm from budgeting by
the nature of the device to budgeting by the
purpose of the device.
8Support and Access Devices
Before After
Support Devices
Where should the line be drawn?
A clearer definition
9How will it work?
- Access Devices
- Project budget based on appropriated FTE,
student positions and approved access
workstations - Devices will be benchmarked to a single
standard - Academic and Administrative Support Devices
- Operating budget justified annually during
resource planning - Reasonableness will be assessed with budget
guidelines extraordinary requests evaluated on
their merits
10(No Transcript)
12(No Transcript)