EIN 6936 Design of Industrial Engineering Systems - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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EIN 6936 Design of Industrial Engineering Systems


Object-oriented Modeling and Design, by James Rumbaugh, et al., Prentice Hall, ... Synergy (consistence in terms of ID, classification, polymorphism, and inheritance) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: EIN 6936 Design of Industrial Engineering Systems

EIN 6936Design of Industrial Engineering Systems
  • Spring 2007
  • Chin-Sheng Chen
  • Florida International University

T2 Enterprise Systems Modeling and Models
  • Systems modeling tools
  • Enterprise models

  • Object-oriented Modeling and Design, by James
    Rumbaugh, et al., Prentice Hall, 1991,
  • Chapters 2 and 3, Handbook of Enterprise

The ESE Framework Re-visit
Traditional modeling tools
  • Physical simulators
  • Use of physical (or in combination with virtual)
  • Math modeling tools
  • Math programming (system specifications)
  • Queuing networks (system performance)
  • (Computer graphic) charting tools
  • ABC flow-charter
  • Visio

Computer-based simulation modeling tools
  • Computer languages
  • Java, VB, C
  • Macro programs
  • Simen, ARINA, SLAM
  • AutoMod, Quest
  • Network
  • Petri Net,
  • Neural networks

Information systems modeling tools
  • IDEF
  • IDEF0 (activities)
  • IDEF1x (information)
  • IDEF2x (dynamics)
  • OMT
  • Functional model
  • Object model
  • Dynamic model

OMT Concepts (1)
  • There are 4 system development stages analysis,
    system design, implementation design, and
  • OMT is to capture the concepts of a system,
    rather than its implementation
  • The three models are orthogonal parts of the
    description of a complete system and are
    cross-linked. The object model is most
    fundamental, because it describes what changes
    (or transforms) before when (dynamic model) or
    how (functional model) it changes.

OMT concepts (2) - common themes
  • Abstraction,
  • Encapsulation,
  • Combining data and behavior,
  • Sharing with emphasis on object structure (not
    procedure structure), and
  • Synergy (consistence in terms of ID,
    classification, polymorphism, and inheritance)

OMT concepts (3) - Functional model
  • It describes the data value transformations
    within a system.
  • The functional model contains data flow diagrams.
  • A data flow diagram is a graph whose nodes are
    processes and whose arcs are data flows.

OMT concepts (4) - object model
  • It describes the static structure of the objects
    in a system and their relationships.
  • The object model contains object diagrams.
  • An object diagram is a graph whose nodes are
    object classes and whose arcs are relationships
    among classes.

OMT concepts (5) - Dynamic model
  • It describes the aspects of a system that change
    over time and is used to specify and implement
    the control aspects of a system.
  • The dynamic model contains state diagrams.
  • A state diagram is a graph whose nodes are states
    and whose arcs are transitions between states
    caused by events.

Relationship among the three models
  • IDEF0/functional model
  • The input to an activity is usually a user
    interface for data entry
  • The output to an activity is usually a user
    interface for a report, though the output may be
    a write/update to a database.
  • ICOM
  • Material is an input object.
  • Product/process data are output objects.
  • Rules/regulations and SOPs are constraints.
  • Resources/tools and methods are mechanisms.
  • IDEF1/object model
  • The collection of the ICOM of an IDEF activity
    model constitutes an inclusive foundation for the
    object model.
  • IDEF2/dynamics model
  • Each object requires a state diagram to
    define/govern its life-cycle behavior.
  • A triggering event is associated with each
    transition from one state to another. One state
    may transform to multiple states, depending on
    the triggering event.

Related enterprise architectures (1)
  • Purdue Enterprise Reference Architecture (PERA),
  • by Williams, at Purdue University in 1988.
  • GRAI Integrated Methodology (GIM)
  • a flattened version of IMPACS (integrated
    manufacturing planning and control system), by
    the GRAI Lab at the University of Bordeaux in
    France, 1984
  • Computer Integrated Manufacturing Open System
    Architecture (CIMOSA)
  • by the AMICE Consortium under ESPRIT, 1988
  • Zackmans framework for information systems
  • by Zackman at IBM in 1987
  • C4ISR (Command, Control, Communications,
    Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance, and
  • by Architecture Working Group (DOD) in 1997.
  • ARIS (Architecture for Information Systems),
  • by Scheer in 1999

Related enterprise architectures (2)
  • Generic Enterprise Reference Architecture and
    Methodology (GERAM)
  • by an IFIP-IFAC joint task force on architecture
    for enterprise integration, 1992-2002, consisting
  • GERA (generic enterprise reference architecture)
  • GEEM (generic enterprise engineering methodology)
  • GEMTL (generic enterprise modeling tools and

GERAM (1)- Background
  • Enterprise Integration (EI) history
  • EI has evolved since 19th century, from the need
    of integrating information and material flow
    throughout an enterprise.
  • Automation history
  • Since 1960s, it was worked in two separate areas
    of manufacturing (design and production) and
    business support.
  • In the 80s, efforts were started to integrate
    information and material flows with human
    elements recognized as an integral part of
    enterprise operation
  • Two approaches emerged to respond to this
  • Business approach
  • Based on generic models or designs
    (architectures) that could subsequently be
    implemented as information systems products,
    incorporating most or all information processing
    tasks in the enterprise (especially its
    management). The resulting systems were called
    ERP systems. At the same time, the effort in the
    CIM reference models failed to achieve an
    industry-wide acceptance.
  • Engineering approach enterprise engineering
  • Based on life-cycle approach. To create an
    integrated enterprise, the creation activities
    (thus methodologies) must extend to the whole of
    the life of the enterprise form its inception
    till its de-commission.
  • GERAM history
  • IFIF and IFAC established a joint force in 1992
    to review existing approaches to EI.
  • It was led by Professors Williams and then Bernus
    and lasted for 10 years

GERAM (2)- Introduction
  • GERA Methodology
  • It defines a tool-kit of concepts for designing
    and maintaining enterprises for their life
  • It is meant to organize existing enterprise
    integration knowledge.
  • It facilitates the unification of methods of
    several disciplines used in the change (of life
    cycle) process, including IE, management science,
    control engineering, communication and
    information technology, to allow their combined
  • It unifies the two distinct approaches to EI
    those based on product models and on business
    process design.
  • It also offers new insights into the project
    management of EI and the relationship of
    integration with other enterprise strategic
  • It recognizes continuous improvement process of
    the enterprise operation with feedback loops
    based on mission and performance indicators, to
    adapt to changes in the market, technology, and

GERAM (3)- It considers Life cycle
  • Life cycle
  • The cycle from life (inception) to death
  • Life history
  • History (instantiation) of a life

GERAM (4)- It considers feedback
  • Feedback
  • It recognizes and identifies feedback loops on
    various levels of enterprise performance as they
    relate to products, mission, and meaning.
  • To achieve such feedback, performance indicators
    and evaluation criteria of the change impact on
    process and organization are required.
  • It is the prerequisite for the continuous
    improvement process of the enterprise operation
    and its adaptation to the changes in the relevant
    market, technology, and society.
  • GERAM views enterprise models as an essential
    component of EE/I

GERAM- Enterprise integration (EI) and
enterprise engineering (EE)
  • EI definition, by GERAM
  • About breaking down organizational barriers and
    improving interoperability to create synergy
    within the enterprise to operate more efficiently
    and adaptively.
  • EE Definition, by GERAM
  • A discipline that organizes all knowledge that is
    needed to identify the need for change in
    enterprises and to carry out that change
    expediently and professionally.
  • A collection of tools and methods which one can
    use to design and continually maintain an
    integrated state of an enterprise.

GERAM Framework
  • GERA (generalized enterprise reference
  • employs -gt EEM (enterprise engineering
  • utilizes -gt EML (enterprise modeling
  • implemented in -gt EET (enterprise engineering
  • along with support of
  • PEM (partial enterprise models)
  • GEMC (generic enterprise modeling
  • used to build -gt EM (enterprise models)
  • with EMO (enterprise modules)
  • used to implement -gt EOS (enterprise operational

GERAM framework components- GERA
  • A set of enterprise related concepts for use in
  • Human oriented concepts
  • To describe the role of humans an integral part
    of an enterprise org. and operation
  • To support humans during enterprise design,
    construction, and change.
  • Process oriented concepts
  • Describe the business process of the enterprise
  • Technology oriented concepts
  • Describe the business process supporting
    technology in the EE or enterprise operation
    efforts (i.e., modeling and model use support)

GERAM framework components- Enterprise
engineering methodology (EEM)
  • Describes the process of EE/I
  • May be expressed in the form of a process model
    or structured procedure with detailed
    instructions for each EE/A activity
  • An EEM emphasis
  • Human factor
  • Automat-ability, human-izability, and extent of
  • Project management
  • In three phases start-up, control, and
  • Economic evaluation in three steps
  • Calculation of the cost of the solution
  • Comparison of the solution costs to the budget
  • Performance measures of the solution

GERAM framework components- Enterprise modeling
languages (EMLs)
  • Define the generic modeling constructs for
    enterprise modeling adapted to the needs of
    people creating and using enterprise models.
  • Provide constructs to describe and model human
    roles, operational processes and their functional

GERAM framework components- Generic enterprise
modeling concepts (GEMCs)
  • Define and formalize the most generic concepts of
    enterprise modeling.
  • May be defined in various ways
  • Natural language
  • explaining the meaning of modeling concepts
  • Some form of meta model (E/R meta schema)
  • describing the relationship among modeling
    concepts available in enterprise modeling
  • Ontological theories
  • defining the meaning (semantics) of enterprise
    modeling languages
  • To improve the analytic capability of engineering
    tools, and through them the usefulness of
    enterprise models.
  • These theories are usually built inside the
    engineering tools

GERAM framework components- Partial enterprise
models (PEMs)
  • Are re-usable models
  • Capture characteristics common to many enterprise
    in one or more industries
  • Common ones are
  • Partial human role models (skills and
    competencies in enterprise operation and
  • Partial (operational) process models
    (functionality and behavior
  • Partial technology models (e.g., process plan for
  • Partial IT/infrastructure models (e.g., IT,
    energy, services, etc.)
  • Also known as reference models, or type I
    reference architectures
  • Note Life-cycle architectures such as GERA is
    referred to as type II reference architecture

GERAM framework components- Generic enterprise
modeling concepts (GEMC)
  • Most generically used concepts and definition of
    enterprise integration and modeling
  • Three forms of concepts definition
  • Glossaries
  • Meta-models
  • Ontological theories
  • Guidelines
  • Concepts defined in more than one form of the
    above must be defined in a mutually consistent
  • Those concepts that are used in an enterprise
    modeling languages must also have at least a
    definition in the metal model form, but
    preferably the definition should appear in an
    ontological theory.

GERAM framework components- Enterprise
engineering tools (EETs)
  • Support the processes of EE/I by
  • Implementing an EE methodology
  • Supporting modeling languages
  • Should provide for analysis, design and use of
    enterprise models

GERAM framework components- (Particular)
enterprise models (EMs) (1)
  • Represent a particular enterprise entity
  • Can be expressed using enterprise modeling
  • Include various designs, models for analysis, and
    executable models to support the enterprise
  • May include several models describing various
    aspects (or views) of the enterprise.

GERAM framework components- (Particular)
enterprise models (EMs) (2)
  • Notes on EMs
  • The goal of enterprise modeling is to create and
    continuously maintain a model of a particular
    enterprise entity.
  • An enterprise model should represent the reality
    of the enterprise operation according to the
    requirements of the user and his application
  • It includes all description, design, and formal
    models of the enterprise that are prepared in the
    course of the enterprises life history
  • Some uses of enterprise models
  • Decision support for evaluating operational
    alternatives in the EE process, enabling
    operation analysis and synthesis
  • Communication tool that enables the mutual
    understanding of issues.
  • Model-driven operation control and monitoring for
    efficient business process execution
  • Training of new personnel.

GERAM framework components- Enterprise modules
  • Are implementation of partial models
  • Are building blocks that are utilized as common
    resources in EE/A.
  • Are reusable and could be available in the market
  • Common ones are resource modules for humans,
    machines, equipment, and IT infrastructure

GERAM framework components- (Particular)
enterprise operational system (EOS)
  • Supports the operation of a particular enterprise
  • Its implementation is guided by the particular
    enterprise model which
  • provides the system specifications and
  • identifies the enterprise modules used in the
    implementation of the particular enterprise

Three major enterprise information reference
  • Generalized enterprise reference architecture
  • Purdue enterprise reference architecture (PERA)
  • Enterprise architecture framework
  • By John Zackman

GERA - Three scoping/modeling dimensions
  • Life-cycle dimension
  • Provides for the controlled modeling process of
    enterprise entities according to its life cycle
  • Generic-ity dimension
  • Provides for the controlled particularization
    (instantiation) process from generic and partial
    to particular.
  • View dimension
  • Provides for the controlled visualization of
    specific views of the enterprise entity

GERA - Enterprise life-cycle phases (1)
  • Identification
  • A set of activities that identifies the contents
    of the enterprise in terms of the nature of its
    existence, its need and the need for changes.
  • Concept
  • A set of activities for developing the concepts
    of the underlying enterprise, including the
    definition of its mission, vision, values,
    strategies, objectives, operational concepts,
    policies, and business plans.
  • Requirements
  • A set of activities for developing descriptions
    of operational requirements of the enterprise,
    its relevant processes, and the collection of all
    their functional, behaviroural, information and
    capacity needs for both production and mgt,
    whether by humans or machinery.

GERA - Enterprise life-cycle phases (2)
  • Design
  • A set of activities that support the
    specification of the enterprise with all of its
    components that satisfy the enterprise
    requirements. They include the design of all
    human tasks, all machine tasks, and operational
    processes (including identification of necessary
    information and resources for mfg. information,
    communication, control and other processing
  • Sub-phases preliminary (architectural) design
    and detailed design
  • Implementation
  • A set of activities that define all tasks that
    must be carried out to build or re-build
    (manifest) the enterprise. This comprises
    implementation in the broadest sense, covering
  • Commissioning, purchasing, re-configuring, or
    developing all software and hardware resources
    for services, mfg. and control.
  • Hiring and training personnel, and developing or
    changing the human organization.
  • Component testing and validation, system
    integration, validation, and testing, and
    releasing into operation

GERA - Enterprise life-cycle phases (3)
  • Operation
  • The activities of the enterprise that are needed
    during its operation for producing the customers
    products and service which is its special mission
    , along with all those tasks needed for
    monitoring, controlling, and evaluating the
  • Thus the resources of the enterprise are managed
    and controlled so as to carry out the processes
    necessary for the entity to fulfill its mission
  • Deviations from goals and objectives or any
    feedback from the environment may lead to
    requests for change, which includes enterprise
    re-engineering, continuous improvements of its
    human and technology resources, its business
    process, and its organization.
  • Decommission
  • The activities needed for disbanding,
    re-missioning, re-training, redesign, recycling,
    preservation, transfer, disassembly, or disposal
    of all or part of the entity at the end of its
    useful life in operation.

GERA - Enterprises entity types (4)
  • Type A strategic management entity
  • such as an (enterprise) engineering project
  • Very short life cycle
  • Type B engineering implementation entity
  • Entity that creates other enterprise entities
  • Type C enterprise entity
  • Entity that produces customers goods and services
  • Type D product entity
  • All products and customers services of enterprise
    type C
  • Type E methodology entity
  • Entity that establishes tasks to support other

GERA - views (1)
  • Entity model contents views
  • Function (model of functions and behaviors of
    business processes)
  • Information (model)
  • Organization (of responsibilities and
    authorizations on entities)
  • Resource (model)
  • Entity purpose views
  • (Customer) service and product views (contents
    relevant to operation and its results
  • Management and control views (contents relevant
    to mgt.)
  • Entity implementation views
  • Human activities view (of information related to
    human tasks)
  • Automated activities view (of information
    related to machine tasks)
  • Entity physical manifestation views
  • Software view (information resources capable of
    perform a task set)
  • Hardware view (physical resources capable to
    perform a set of tasks)

PERA Layers (life cycle phases)
  • Identification
  • of the CIM business entity
  • Concept layer
  • mission, vision, and values
  • Definition layer
  • functional requirement
  • Specification layers
  • architectural design
  • Detailed design layer
  • Manifestation layer
  • Implementation
  • Operations layer

(No Transcript)
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(No Transcript)
  • Of an information system, the 3 columns represent
    data (entities involved), functions (to be
    performed) and network (locations and
  • The columns of the framework represent different
    abstractions from or different ways to describe
    the real world.
  • Note that (3,1) is the E-R diagram and (5,2) is
    the flow chart.
  • For physical processes in engineering, the 3
    columns represent the material, the functions,
    and the geometry.

T2 Home work
  • Develop a state diagram for a typical machine
    tool (class) for its life cycle. It should have
  • A graphic presentation of the diagram
  • Definition for each state
  • Definition for each event that triggers the
    transition from one state to another.
  • Due date next week

Comments on T2 HW
  • It is for a class of machine equipment, NOT for a
    particular machine such as a vending machine.
  • Dont forget its for its life cycle from birth
    to death.
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