Title: Galaxy Z Flip: 7 Features You Must Try Out
1Galaxy Z Flip 7 Features You Must Try Out
Website http//aka-office.com/
2Samsungs new foldable smart phone is now out,
and it has some very cool features that you know
about no matter you wish to buy it or not. Its
split-screen feature is not an innovation, but it
seems pretty efficient in its foldable screen
since the two apps will appear on its both flaps.
You could open YouTube on the upper one and in
the lower one you can browser something else
simultaneously. On 14 Feb, Samsungs innovative
Galaxy Z Flip launched in the market, and it went
officially on sale. Source https//emilyjohnso73
Website http//aka-office.com/
3Top 7 Features of Galaxy Z Flip
Here are the cool new features that you must know
about this ground-breaking device 1. Use
Fingerprint Sensor as a Scroll Wheel on Galaxy Z
Flip 2. Use the Power key to Take Selfie 3.
Learn the Tiny Outer Screen 4. Flex Mode Use Z
Flip as a Miniature Laptop 5. Split-Screen
Apps 6. One-Handed Use Gestures 7. 4 Months Free
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Website http//aka-office.com/
41. Use Fingerprint Sensor as a Scroll Wheel on
Galaxy Z Flip
Website http//aka-office.com/
52. Use the Power key to Take Selfie
Website http//aka-office.com/
63. Learn the Tiny Outer Screen
74. Flex Mode Use Z Flip as a Miniature Laptop
85. Split-Screen Apps
96. One-Handed Use Gestures
10 7. 4 Months Free Subscription to YouTube Premium
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11About Author
Emily Johnson is a creative writer who has been
writing blogs and articles about cyber security
and the latest updates about the technology.
She writes about the latest updates of
office.com/setup and how it can be change the
work experience of the users. Her articles has
been published in many popular e-magazines, blogs
and websites.
Read blogs at https//writeupcafe.com/community
/members/emilyjohnson/snax_posts/ https//emilyjoh
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