Title: Parijatak123
The Ayurvedic Panchakarma Treatment in Nagpur
2What is Depression
- Depression is a common problem experienced by
many people who suffer from stress, anxiety and
3Symptoms of Depression
- Loss of energy
- Feeling hopeless and worthlessness
- Impaired mental alertness
- Insomnia
- Reduced interest in daily activities of life
- Restlessness
- Recurring attempts at suicide
- Excessive eating or significant weight loss
4Natural and Herbal Cure for depression
- Pumpkin Seeds
- Vitamin B Diet
- Avoid Tea and Coffee
- Brazil Nuts
5Ayurveda Treatment for Depression
- Swedanam - Flush out all the toxins and
infectious substances - Rasayanas - Improve the functioning of the brain
and heart - Shirodhara - Increases the concentration
6For more Information
- Visit - http//parijatak.com
- Contact us - 9209107777
- Email - ayurveda_at_parijatak.com
- info_at_parijatak.com