Title: Polyurethane, Silicone, and Rubber: The Pros and Cons (1)
1Polyurethane, Silicone, and Rubber The Pros and
- Presented By
- TPC INC. Urethane
2- With many sealant options available, deciding
which material to use can be time-consuming.
Lets go over the differences, pros, and cons of
polyurethane, silicone, and rubber.
- Synthetic resin thats often used as constituents
of paints, varnishes, adhesives, and foams. - Pros
- Tear-resistant
- Holds up well to abrasion
- Best on natural products
- Inexpensive
- Good load-bearing capacity
- Can be manipulated through chemistry
4- Cons
- Doesnt dry for 24 hours
- Not ideal for cold temperatures
- Shorter lifespan since made of organic material
- Silicone
- Used in making molds and best as a gasket between
two surfaces or joint compound.
5- Pros
- Silicone dries quickly
- Can be used for glass, tile, and metal
- Can easily remove silicone from castings or
molds - Best sealant for colder temperatures
- Silicone is malleable
- Long-life as it is made of inorganic material.
- Cons
- Not ideal for high traffic areas
- Expensive
- Flammable when it comes in direct contact with an
open flame
6- Rubber
- Automakers use rubber for seals and gaskets on
vehicles - Pros
- Cost-effective choice as it can be used for many
applications - Use to reduce vibrations
- Very versatile material
- Can be made hard or soft
- Cons
- Not the most performance efficient material
- Higher in cost than silicone
- Does not have a very long lifespan
7- When you are considering the job that you need a
sealant for, weigh the pros and the cons. Each
material has its benefits that can help you with
whatever project you need.
Presented By TPC INC.URETHANEhttps//goturethane